--- en: activerecord: attributes: spree/review: name: Your Name title: Title review: Content rating: Rating created_at: Date ip_address: IP user: User show_identifier: Show Identifier models: spree/review: one: one review other: "%{count} reviews" errors: models: spree/review: attributes: rating: you_must_enter_value_for_rating: "You must enter a value for rating." spree/feedback_review: attributes: rating: you_must_enter_value_for_rating: "You must enter a value for rating." spree: approval_status: Approval status approve: Approve approved_reviews: Approved average_customer_rating: Average rating back_reviews: Back to the reviews based_upon_review_count: one: based upon one review other: "based upon %{count} reviews" by: by editing_review_for_html: 'Editing review for %{product_name}' error_approve_review: Error approving review error_no_product: The reviewed product doesn't exist anymore feedback: Feedback feedback_review_for: "Review: '%{review}'" for: for from: from info_approve_review: Review approved leave_us_a_review_for: "Please leave us a review and a rating for our '%{name}'" no_reviews_available: "No reviews have been written for this product." out_of_5: "out of 5" rating: rating reviews: Reviews admin: tab: reviews: Reviews review_management: Reviews review_successfully_submitted: Review was successfully submitted spree_reviews: feedback_rating: Rate feedback display_unapproved: Display unapproved reviews in listings include_unapproved: Include unapproved reviews in listings manage_review_settings: Control the display of reviews preview_size: Size of the review snippets require_login: Require user to be logged in review_settings: Review Settings show_email: Show email addresses show_verified_purchaser: Show verified purchaser track_locale: Track user's locale allow_image_upload: Allow images to be attached to reviews star: one: "1" other: "%{count}" stars: Stars submit_your_review: Submit your review submitted_on: Submitted on unapproved_reviews: Unapproved verified_purchaser: Verified purchaser voice: one: "1 voice" other: "%{count} voices" was_this_review_helpful: "Was this review helpful to you?" write_your_own_review: Write your own review anonymous: Anonymous