const div = document.createElement("div")
div.innerHTML = template.trim()
const container = div.firstChild
modal.autoloadImage(container, file)
removeFiles.forEach(() => {
const div = document.createElement("div")
div.innerHTML = ``
const highlightDropzone = (modal) => {
const resetDropzone = (modal) => {
/* NOTE: all this actions are supposed to work using the modal object,
so, perhaps, it would be more accurate to move all the inner listeners to the UploadModal class */
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const attachmentButtons = document.querySelectorAll("button[data-upload]");
attachmentButtons.forEach((attachmentButton) => {
const modal = new UploadModal(attachmentButton);
// append to the modal items array those files already validated (only in first pageload)
const files = document.querySelector(`[data-active-uploads=${modal.modal.id}]`);
[...files.children].forEach((child) => modal.preloadFiles(child));
// whenever the input fields changes, process the files
modal.input.addEventListener("change", (event) => modal.uploadFiles(event.target.files));
// update the modal title if there are files uploaded and load files (if previously deleted after clicking cancel)
modal.button.addEventListener("click", (event) => event.preventDefault() || (modal.items.length === 0 && [...files.children].forEach((child) => child.tagName === "DIV" && modal.preloadFiles(child))) || updateModalTitle(modal));
// avoid browser to open the file
modal.dropZone.addEventListener("dragover", (event) => event.preventDefault() || highlightDropzone(modal));
modal.dropZone.addEventListener("dragleave", () => resetDropzone(modal));
// avoid browser to open the file and then, process the files
modal.dropZone.addEventListener("drop", (event) => event.preventDefault() || resetDropzone(modal) || modal.uploadFiles(event.dataTransfer.files));
// update the DOM with the validated items from the modal
modal.saveButton.addEventListener("click", (event) => event.preventDefault() || updateActiveUploads(modal));
// remove the uploaded files if cancel button is clicked
modal.cancelButton.addEventListener("click", (event) => event.preventDefault() || modal.cleanAllFiles());