# frozen_string_literal: true module Bolt class NoImplementationError < Bolt::Error def initialize(target, task) msg = "No suitable implementation of #{task.name} for #{target.name}" super(msg, 'bolt/no-implementation') end end class Task STDIN_METHODS = %w[both stdin].freeze ENVIRONMENT_METHODS = %w[both environment].freeze METADATA_KEYS = %w[description extensions files implementations input_method parameters private puppet_task_version remote supports_noop].freeze attr_reader :name, :files, :metadata, :remote # name [String] name of the task # files [Array] where each entry includes `name` and `path` # metadata [Hash] task metadata def initialize(name, metadata = {}, files = [], remote = false) @name = name @metadata = metadata @files = files @remote = remote @logger = Bolt::Logger.logger(self) validate_metadata end def self.from_task_signature(task_sig) hash = task_sig.task_hash new(hash['name'], hash.fetch('metadata', {}), hash.fetch('files', [])) end def remote_instance self.class.new(@name, @metadata, @files, true) end def description metadata['description'] end def parameters metadata['parameters'] end def parameter_defaults (parameters || {}).each_with_object({}) do |(name, param_spec), defaults| defaults[name] = param_spec['default'] if param_spec.key?('default') end end def supports_noop metadata['supports_noop'] end def module_name name.split('::').first end def tasks_dir File.join(module_name, 'tasks') end def file_map @file_map ||= files.each_with_object({}) { |file, hsh| hsh[file['name']] = file } end private :file_map # This provides a method we can override in subclasses if the 'path' needs # to be fetched or computed. def file_path(file_name) file_map[file_name]['path'] end def implementations metadata['implementations'] end # Returns a hash of implementation name, path to executable, input method (if defined), # and any additional files (name and path) def select_implementation(target, provided_features = []) impl = if (impls = implementations) available_features = target.feature_set + provided_features impl = impls.find do |imp| remote_impl = imp['remote'] remote_impl = metadata['remote'] if remote_impl.nil? Set.new(imp['requirements']).subset?(available_features) && !!remote_impl == @remote end raise NoImplementationError.new(target, self) unless impl impl = impl.dup impl['path'] = file_path(impl['name']) impl.delete('requirements') impl else raise NoImplementationError.new(target, self) unless !!metadata['remote'] == @remote name = files.first['name'] { 'name' => name, 'path' => file_path(name) } end inmethod = impl['input_method'] || metadata['input_method'] impl['input_method'] = inmethod unless inmethod.nil? mfiles = impl.fetch('files', []) + metadata.fetch('files', []) dirnames, filenames = mfiles.partition { |file| file.end_with?('/') } impl['files'] = filenames.map do |file| path = file_path(file) raise "No file found for reference #{file}" if path.nil? { 'name' => file, 'path' => path } end unless dirnames.empty? files.each do |file| name = file['name'] if dirnames.any? { |dirname| name.start_with?(dirname) } impl['files'] << { 'name' => name, 'path' => file_path(name) } end end end impl end def eql?(other) self.class == other.class && @name == other.name && @metadata == other.metadata && @files == other.files && @remote == other.remote end alias == :eql? def to_h { name: @name, files: @files, metadata: @metadata } end def validate_metadata unknown_keys = metadata.keys - METADATA_KEYS if unknown_keys.any? msg = "Metadata for task '#{@name}' contains unknown keys: #{unknown_keys.join(', ')}." msg += " This could be a typo in the task metadata or may result in incorrect behavior." Bolt::Logger.warn("unknown_task_metadata_keys", msg) end end end end