(function() { this.ReactOnRails = {}; var turbolinksInstalled = (typeof Turbolinks !== 'undefined'); ReactOnRails.serverRenderReactComponent = function(options) { var componentName = options.componentName; var domId = options.domId; var props = options.props; var trace = options.trace; var generatorFunction = options.generatorFunction; var location = options.location; var htmlResult = ''; var consoleReplay = ''; var hasErrors = false; try { var reactElementOrRouterResult = createReactElementOrRouterResult(componentName, props, domId, trace, generatorFunction, location); if (isRouterResult(reactElementOrRouterResult)) { // We let the client side handle any redirect // Set hasErrors in case we want to throw a Rails exception hasErrors = !!reactElementOrRouterResult.routeError; if (hasErrors) { console.error('React Router ERROR: ' + JSON.stringify(reactElementOrRouterResult.routeError)); } else { if (trace) { redirectLocation = reactElementOrRouterResult.redirectLocation; redirectPath = redirectLocation.pathname + redirectLocation.search; console.log('ROUTER REDIRECT: ' + componentName + ' to dom node with id: ' + domId + ', redirect to ' + redirectPath); } } } else { htmlResult = provideServerReact().renderToString(reactElementOrRouterResult); } } catch (e) { hasErrors = true; htmlResult = ReactOnRails.handleError({ e: e, componentName: componentName, serverSide: true, }); } consoleReplayScript = ReactOnRails.buildConsoleReplay(); return JSON.stringify({ html: htmlResult, consoleReplayScript: consoleReplayScript, hasErrors: hasErrors, }); }; // Passing either componentName or jsCode ReactOnRails.handleError = function(options) { var e = options.e; var componentName = options.componentName; var jsCode = options.jsCode; var serverSide = options.serverSide; var lineOne = 'ERROR: You specified the option generator_function (could be in your defaults) to be\n'; var lastLine = 'A generator function takes a single arg of props and returns a ReactElement.'; console.error('Exception in rendering!'); var msg = ''; if (componentName) { var shouldBeGeneratorError = lineOne + 'false, but the React component \'' + componentName + '\' seems to be a generator function.\n' + lastLine; var reMatchShouldBeGeneratorError = /Can't add property context, object is not extensible/; if (reMatchShouldBeGeneratorError.test(e.message)) { msg += shouldBeGeneratorError + '\n\n'; console.error(shouldBeGeneratorError); } var shouldBeGeneratorError = lineOne + 'true, but the React component \'' + componentName + '\' is not a generator function.\n' + lastLine; var reMatchShouldNotBeGeneratorError = /Cannot call a class as a function/; if (reMatchShouldNotBeGeneratorError.test(e.message)) { msg += shouldBeGeneratorError + '\n\n'; console.error(shouldBeGeneratorError); } } if (jsCode) { console.error('JS code was: ' + jsCode); } if (e.fileName) { console.error('location: ' + e.fileName + ':' + e.lineNumber); } console.error('message: ' + e.message); console.error('stack: ' + e.stack); if (serverSide) { msg += 'Exception in rendering!\n' + (e.fileName ? '\nlocation: ' + e.fileName + ':' + e.lineNumber : '') + '\nMessage: ' + e.message + '\n\n' + e.stack; var reactElement = React.createElement('pre', null, msg); return provideServerReact().renderToString(reactElement); } }; ReactOnRails.wrapInScriptTags = function(scriptBody) { if (!scriptBody) { return ''; } return '\n'; }; ReactOnRails.buildConsoleReplay = function() { var consoleReplay = ''; var history = console.history; if (history && history.length > 0) { history.forEach(function(msg) { consoleReplay += '\nconsole.' + msg.level + '.apply(console, ' + JSON.stringify(msg.arguments) + ');'; }); } return ReactOnRails.wrapInScriptTags(consoleReplay); }; function forEachComponent(fn) { var els = document.getElementsByClassName('js-react-on-rails-component'); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { fn(els[i]); }; } function reactOnRailsPageLoaded() { forEachComponent(render); } function reactOnRailsPageUnloaded() { forEachComponent(unmount); } function unmount(el) { var domId = el.getAttribute('data-dom-id'); var domNode = document.getElementById(domId); provideClientReact().unmountComponentAtNode(domNode); } function render(el) { var componentName = el.getAttribute('data-component-name'); var domId = el.getAttribute('data-dom-id'); var props = JSON.parse(el.getAttribute('data-props')); var trace = JSON.parse(el.getAttribute('data-trace')); var generatorFunction = JSON.parse(el.getAttribute('data-generator-function')); var expectTurboLinks = JSON.parse(el.getAttribute('data-expect-turbo-links')); if (!turbolinksInstalled && expectTurboLinks) { console.warn('WARNING: NO TurboLinks detected in JS, but it is in your Gemfile'); } try { var domNode = document.getElementById(domId); if (domNode) { var reactElementOrRouterResult = createReactElementOrRouterResult(componentName, props, domId, trace, generatorFunction); if (isRouterResult(reactElementOrRouterResult)) { throw new Error('You returned a server side type of react-router error: ' + JSON.stringify(reactElementOrRouterResult) + '\nYou should return a React.Component always for the client side entry point.'); } else { provideClientReact().render(reactElementOrRouterResult, domNode); } } } catch (e) { ReactOnRails.handleError({ e: e, componentName: componentName, serverSide: false, }); } }; function createReactElementOrRouterResult(componentName, props, domId, trace, generatorFunction, location) { if (trace) { console.log('RENDERED ' + componentName + ' to dom node with id: ' + domId); } if (generatorFunction) { return this[componentName](props, location); } else { return React.createElement(this[componentName], props); } } function provideClientReact() { if (typeof ReactDOM === 'undefined') { if (React.version >= '0.14') { console.warn('WARNING: ReactDOM is not configured in webpack.server.rails.config.js file as an entry.\n' + 'See: https://github.com/shakacode/react_on_rails/blob/master/docs/webpack.md for more detailed hints.'); } return React; } return ReactDOM; } function provideServerReact() { if (typeof ReactDOMServer === 'undefined') { if (React.version >= '0.14') { console.warn('WARNING: `react-dom/server` is not configured in webpack.server.rails.config.js file as an entry.\n' + 'See: https://github.com/shakacode/react_on_rails/blob/master/docs/webpack.md for more detailed hints.'); } return React; } return ReactDOMServer; } function isRouterResult(reactElementOrRouterResult) { return !!(reactElementOrRouterResult.redirectLocation || reactElementOrRouterResult.error); } // Install listeners when running on the client. if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { if (!turbolinksInstalled) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', reactOnRailsPageLoaded); } else { document.addEventListener('page:before-unload', reactOnRailsPageUnloaded); document.addEventListener('page:change', reactOnRailsPageLoaded); } } }.call(this));