Rock Paper Scissors

Table of Contents

How to Run and Install

Install and Run on Mac

  1. Run the rps.bash file (located in the exec folder) with the Terminal


  1. Open the Terminal
  2. Type in: rps, or PlayRockPaperScissorsGame
  3. Hit return


  1. Run the file (located in the exec folder) with the Terminal

Install and Run on Windows

  1. Download and install Ruby for Windows (if not already installed); download here
  2. Open cmd and type in: gem install PlayRockPaperScissorsGame; hit enter
  3. Run the rps.bat file (located in the exec folder)


  1. Open the rps.bat file (located in the exec folder)
    • Another option: type in rps or PlayRockPaperScissorsGame in the Command Prompt; hit enter

How to Test How to Build Contributing Code of Conduct