if HAVE_SPEC_RAKE_SPECTASK and not PROJ.spec.files.to_a.empty? require 'spec/rake/verify_rcov' if defined?(Rcov) class Rcov::CodeCoverageAnalyzer def update_script_lines__ if '1.9'.respond_to?(:force_encoding) SCRIPT_LINES__.each do |k,v| v.each { |src| src.force_encoding('utf-8') } end end @script_lines__ = @script_lines__.merge(SCRIPT_LINES__) end end end namespace :spec do desc 'Run all specs with basic output' Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:run) do |t| t.ruby_opts = PROJ.ruby_opts t.spec_opts = PROJ.spec.opts t.spec_files = PROJ.spec.files t.libs += PROJ.libs end desc 'Run all specs with text output' Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:specdoc) do |t| t.ruby_opts = PROJ.ruby_opts t.spec_opts = PROJ.spec.opts + ['--format', 'specdoc'] t.spec_files = PROJ.spec.files t.libs += PROJ.libs end if HAVE_RCOV desc 'Run all specs with RCov' Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:rcov) do |t| t.ruby_opts = PROJ.ruby_opts t.spec_opts = PROJ.spec.opts t.spec_files = PROJ.spec.files t.libs += PROJ.libs t.rcov = true t.rcov_dir = PROJ.rcov.dir t.rcov_opts = PROJ.rcov.opts + ['--exclude', 'gems\/,spec\/', '--rails'] end RCov::VerifyTask.new(:verify) do |t| t.threshold = PROJ.rcov.threshold t.index_html = File.join(PROJ.rcov.dir, 'index.html') t.require_exact_threshold = PROJ.rcov.threshold_exact end task :verify => :rcov remove_desc_for_task %w(spec:clobber_rcov) end end # namespace :spec desc 'Alias to spec:run' task :spec => 'spec:run' task :clobber => 'spec:clobber_rcov' if HAVE_RCOV end # if HAVE_SPEC_RAKE_SPECTASK # EOF