# Copyright 2020 StrongDM Inc # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # @internal Code generated by constgen. DO NOT EDIT. module SDM # Permission Levels, shared by all entities capable of making authenticated requests against StrongDM. module PermissionLevel ROOT_ADMIN = "root-admin" ADMIN = "admin" DATABASE_ADMIN = "database-admin" TEAM_LEADER = "multi-team-leader" USER = "user" AUDITOR = "auditor" RELAY = "relay" ADMIN_TOKEN = "admin-token" SCIM_TOKEN = "scim-token" SERVICE_NOW_TOKEN = "servicenow-token" SERVICE = "service" SUSPENDED = "suspended" EMPTY = "" end # Node Lifecycle States, defining whether a node was last reported online, offline, restarting, etc. module NodeState NEW = "new" VERIFYING_RESTART = "verifying_restart" AWAITING_RESTART = "awaiting_restart" RESTARTING = "restarting" STARTED = "started" STOPPED = "stopped" DEAD = "dead" end # Providers responsible for managing roles and users. # None, or an empty string, implies the user is managed by strongDM. # Deprecated: Please use SCIMProvider instead. module Provider NONE = "" OKTA = "okta" SAIL_POINT = "sailpoint" AZURE = "azure" GENERIC = "generic" ONE_LOGIN = "onelogin" GOOGLE = "google" end # Providers responsible for managing roles and users. # None, or an empty string, implies the user is managed by strongDM. module SCIMProvider NONE = "" OKTA = "okta" SAIL_POINT = "sailpoint" AZURE = "azure" GENERIC = "generic" ONE_LOGIN = "onelogin" GOOGLE = "google" end # Providers responsible for SSO authentication. module AuthProvider AZURE = "azure" BITIUM = "bitium" GOOGLE = "google" OKTA = "okta" STRONG_DM = "strongdm" ACTIVE_DIRECTORY = "active directory" GENERIC_OIDC = "generic oidc" ONE_LOGIN_OIDC = "oneloginv2" KEYCLOAK = "keycloak" SHIBBOLETH = "shibboleth" AUTH_0 = "auth0" WORKSPACE_ONE = "workspace one" ONE_LOGIN_SAML = "onelogin-saml" GENERIC_SAML = "generic-saml" PING_IDSAML = "ping-identity-saml" PING_IDOIDC = "ping-identity-oidc" end # Providers responsible for multi-factor authentication module MFAProvider NONE = "" DUO = "duo" TOTP = "totp" OKTA = "okta" end # Activity Entities, all entity types that can be part of an activity. module ActivityEntityType USER = "user" ROLE = "role" LEGACY_COMPOSITE_ROLE = "composite_role" DATASOURCE = "datasource" ORGANIZATION = "organization" INSTALLATION = "installation" SECRET_STORE = "secretstore" SECRET_ENGINE = "secretengine" REMOTE_IDENTITY_GROUP = "remote_identity_group" REMOTE_IDENTITY = "remote_identity" IDENTITY_SET = "identity_set" IDENTITY_ALIAS = "identity_alias" ACCESS_REQUEST = "access_request" WORKFLOW = "workflow" APPROVAL_FLOW = "approval_flow" APPROVAL_FLOW_STEP = "approval_flow_step" APPROVAL_FLOW_APPROVER = "approval_flow_approver" MANAGED_SECRET = "managed_secret" NODE = "node" PEERING_GROUP = "peering_group" PEERING_GROUP_NODE = "peering_group_node" PEERING_GROUP_RESOURCE = "peering_group_resource" PEERING_GROUP_PEER = "peering_group_peer" end # Activity Verbs, describe which kind of activity has taken place. module ActivityVerb USER_ADDED = "user added" USER_DELETED = "user deleted" USER_UPDATED = "user updated" USER_SIGNUP = "user signup" USER_TYPE_CHANGED = "user type changed" USER_PASSWORD_CHANGED = "user password changed" USER_TEMPORARY_ACCESS_GRANTED = "user temporary access granted" USER_TEMPORARY_ACCESS_REVOKED = "user temporary access revoked" USER_TEMPORARY_ACCESS_EXPIRED = "user temporary access expired" USER_ADDED_TO_ROLE = "user added to role" USER_DELETED_FROM_ROLE = "user deleted from role" USER_SUSPENDED = "user suspended" USER_REINSTATED = "user reinstated" USER_LOGGED_INTO_THE_UI = "user logged into the Admin UI" PARENT_ADMIN_LOGGED_INTO_CHILD_ORG = "parent admin logged into the child org" USER_LOGGED_INTO_THE_CLIENT = "user logged into the local client" SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREATED = "service account created" SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED = "service account expired" ADMIN_TOKEN_ADDED = "admin token created" ADMIN_TOKEN_DELETED = "admin token deleted" ADMIN_TOKEN_EXPIRED = "admin token expired" ADMIN_TOKEN_REKEYED = "admin token rekeyed" ADMIN_TOKEN_CLONED = "admin token cloned" ADMIN_TOKEN_SUSPENDED = "admin token suspended" ADMIN_TOKEN_REINSTATED = "admin token reinstated" SSO_USER_LOGGED_INTO_THE_UI = "user logged into the Admin UI using SSO" SSO_USER_LOGGED_INTO_THE_CLIENT = "user logged into the local client using SSO" USER_LOGGED_OUT_FROM_THE_CLIENT = "user logged out from the local client" USER_LOGGED_OUT_FROM_THE_UI = "user logged out from the Admin UI" FAILED_LOGIN_FROM_THE_UI = "failed login attempt from the Admin UI" FAILED_LOGIN_FROM_THE_CLIENT = "failed login attempt from the local client" MFA_DENIED_FROM_THE_UI = "MFA denied access for the Admin UI" MFA_DENIED_FROM_THE_CLIENT = "MFA denied access for the local client" TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_LOCKOUT = "user account locked due to failed login attempts" ATTEMPT_COUNTER_RESET = "failed login attempt counter reset" SUSPENDED_USER_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_FROM_THE_CLIENT = "attempt to login by a suspended user from the local client" SUSPENDED_USER_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_FROM_THE_UI = "attempt to login by a suspended user from the Admin UI" SERVICE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_FROM_THE_UI = "attempted to login by a service account from the Admin UI" SUSPENDED_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_FROM_THE_UI = "attempted to login by a suspended service account from the Admin UI" SUSPENDED_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_FROM_THE_CLIENT = "attempt to login by a suspended service account from the local client" USER_SET_A_PASSWORD = "user set a password" USER_RESET_A_PASSWORD = "user reset their password" USER_CHANGED_PASSWORD = "user changed their password" USER_INVITED = "user invited" USER_CLICKED_INVITATION = "user clicked on their invitation" USER_CLICKED_PASSWORD_RESET = "user clicked on their password reset" USER_ALLOW_PASSWORD_LOGIN = "user allowed to login via password" USER_REQUIRE_SSO_LOGIN = "user required to login via SSO" USER_PROVISIONING_ENABLED = "user provisioning enabled" USER_PROVISIONING_DISABLED = "user provisioning disabled" ADMIN_INITIATED_PASSWORD_RESET = "admin initiated password reset" ROLE_ADDED = "role added" ROLE_DELETED = "role deleted" ROLE_UPDATED = "role updated" ROLE_ACCESS_RULES_UPDATED = "access rules updated" ROLE_ACCESS_RULES_CREATED = "access rules created" ROLE_ACCESS_RULES_DELETED = "access rules deleted" ROLE_PROVISIONING_ENABLED = "role provisioning enabled" ROLE_PROVISIONING_DISABLED = "role provisioning disabled" DATASOURCE_ADDED = "datasource added" DATASOURCE_CLONED = "datasource cloned" DATASOURCE_DELETED = "datasource deleted" DATASOURCE_UPDATED = "datasource updated" DATASOURCE_PORT_OVERRIDE = "datasource connection port overriden" MULTIPLE_DATASOURCE_PORT_OVERRIDE = "multiple datasource ports overriden" SERVER_ADDED = "server added" SERVER_CLONED = "server cloned" SERVER_DELETED = "server deleted" SERVER_UPDATED = "server updated" SERVER_PORT_OVERRIDE = "server connection port overriden" MULTIPLE_SERVER_PORT_OVERRIDE = "multiple server ports overriden" CLUSTER_ADDED = "cluster added" CLUSTER_CLONED = "cluster cloned" CLUSTER_DELETED = "cluster deleted" CLUSTER_UPDATED = "cluster updated" CLUSTER_PORT_OVERRIDE = "cluster connection port overriden" MULTIPLE_CLUSTER_PORT_OVERRIDE = "multiple cluster ports overriden" CLOUD_ADDED = "cloud added" CLOUD_CLONED = "cloud cloned" CLOUD_DELETED = "cloud deleted" CLOUD_UPDATED = "cloud updated" WEBSITE_ADDED = "website added" WEBSITE_CLONED = "website cloned" WEBSITE_DELETED = "website deleted" WEBSITE_UPDATED = "website updated" INSTALLATION_CREATED = "installation created" RELAY_INSTALLATION_CREATED = "installation created for relay" INSTALLATION_APPROVED = "installation approved" INSTALLATION_REVOKED = "installation revoked" RELAY_CREATED = "relay created" RELAY_UPDATED_NAME = "relay name updated" RELAY_DELETED = "relay deleted" ORG_PUBLIC_KEY_UPDATED = "public key updated" ORG_DISCARD_REPLAYS_UPDATED = "discard replays updated" ORG_ENFORCE_PORT_OVERRIDES_UPDATED = "port override enforcement updated" ORG_SERVICE_AUTO_CONNECT_UPDATED = "service account auto-connect updated" ORG_SELF_REGISTRATION_ACTIVATED = "self-registration activated" ORG_SELF_REGISTRATION_DEACTIVATED = "self-registration deactivated" ORG_NAME_UPDATED = "organization name updated" ORG_SETTING_UPDATED = "organization setting updated" ORG_LOG_SYNC_SETTING_UPDATED = "organization log stream setting updated" ORG_WORKFLOW_SETTING_UPDATED = "organization workflow setting updated" ORG_CREATED = "organization created" ORG_SCIM_PROVISIONING_UPDATED = "SCIM provider set" ORG_SCIM_PROVISIONING_DELETED = "SCIM provider deleted" ORG_CUSTOM_PROVISIONING_UPDATED = "Provisioning provider set" ORG_CUSTOM_PROVISIONING_DELETED = "Provisioning provider deleted" CHILD_ORG_ADMIN_INVITED = "child organization admin invited" SERVICE_ACCOUNT_REKEYED = "service account rekeyed" SCIM_TOKEN_ADDED = "SCIM token created" SCIM_TOKEN_DELETED = "SCIM token deleted" SCIM_TOKEN_REKEYED = "SCIM token rekeyed" API_KEY_DELETED = "API key deleted" ORG_SSH_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY_ROTATED = "organization SSH certificate authority rotated" ORG_SSH_ALLOW_PORT_FORWARDING = "allowed SSH port forwarding" ORG_SSH_DISALLOW_PORT_FORWARDING = "disallowed SSH port forwarding" ORG_ADD_CHILD = "add child organization" ORG_REMOVE_CHILD = "remove child organization" ORG_EXTEND_TRIAL = "trial extended" SECRET_STORE_ADDED = "secret store added" SECRET_STORE_UPDATED = "secret store updated" SECRET_STORE_DELETED = "secret store deleted" SECRET_ENGINE_ADDED = "secret engine added" SECRET_ENGINE_UPDATED = "secret engine updated" SECRET_ENGINE_DELETED = "secret engine deleted" REMOTE_IDENTITY_GROUP_CREATED = "remote identity group created" REMOTE_IDENTITY_GROUP_UPDATED = "remote identity group updated" REMOTE_IDENTITY_GROUP_DELETED = "remote identity group deleted" IDENTITY_SET_CREATED = "identity set created" IDENTITY_SET_UPDATED = "identity set updated" IDENTITY_SET_DELETED = "identity set deleted" IDENTITY_SET_PROVISIONING_ENABLED = "identity set provisioning enabled" IDENTITY_SET_PROVISIONING_DISABLED = "identity set provisioning disabled" REMOTE_IDENTITY_CREATED = "remote identity created" REMOTE_IDENTITY_UPDATED = "remote identity updated" REMOTE_IDENTITY_DELETED = "remote identity deleted" IDENTITY_ALIAS_CREATED = "identity alias created" IDENTITY_ALIAS_UPDATED = "identity alias updated" IDENTITY_ALIAS_DELETED = "identity alias deleted" IDENTITY_ALIAS_PROVISIONING_ENABLED = "identity alias provisioning enabled" IDENTITY_ALIAS_PROVISIONING_DISABLED = "identity alias provisioning disabled" ACCESS_REQUESTED_TO_RESOURCE = "access requested to resource" ACCESS_REQUEST_TO_RESOURCE_APPROVAL_ADDED = "access request to resource approval added" ACCESS_REQUEST_TO_RESOURCE_CANCELED = "access request to resource canceled" ACCESS_REQUEST_TO_RESOURCE_DENIED = "access request to resource denied" ACCESS_REQUEST_TO_RESOURCE_TIMED_OUT = "access request to resource timed out" ACCESS_REQUEST_TO_RESOURCE_GRANTED = "access request to resource granted" ACCESS_REQUEST_TO_RESOURCE_GRANTED_AUTOMATICALLY = "access request to resource granted automatically" ACCESS_REQUEST_TO_RESOURCE_APPROVED_VIA_SERVICE_NOW = "access request to resource approved via ServiceNow" ACCESS_REQUEST_TO_RESOURCE_APPROVED_VIA_JIRA = "access request to resource approved via Jira" WORKFLOW_DELETED = "workflow deleted" WORKFLOW_ADDED = "workflow added" DEPRECATED_WORKFLOW_RESOURCE_ASSIGNED = "resource assigned to workflow" DEPRECATED_WORKFLOW_RESOURCE_UNASSIGNED = "resource unassigned from workflow" DEPRECATED_WORKFLOW_RESOURCE_MULTIPLE_ASSIGNED = "multiple resources assigned to workflow" DEPRECATED_WORKFLOW_RESOURCE_MULTIPLE_UNASSIGNED = "multiple resources unassigned from workflow" DEPRECATED_WORKFLOW_APPROVERS_UPDATED = "workflow approvers updated" DEPRECATED_WORKFLOW_AUTO_GRANT_UPDATED = "workflow auto grant updated" DEPRECATED_WORKFLOW_APPROVAL_CRITERIA_UPDATED = "workflow approval criteria updated" WORKFLOW_ROLES_UPDATED = "workflow roles updated" WORKFLOW_NAME_UPDATED = "workflow name updated" WORKFLOW_DESCRIPTION_UPDATED = "workflow description updated" WORKFLOW_REQUIRES_REASON_UPDATED = "workflow requires reason updated" WORKFLOW_SETTINGS_UPDATED = "workflow settings updated" WORKFLOW_ACCESS_RULES_UPDATED = "workflow access rules updated" WORKFLOW_ACCESS_RULES_DELETED = "workflow access rules deleted" WORKFLOW_ACCESS_RULES_CREATED = "workflow access rules created" WORKFLOW_ENABLED = "workflow enabled" WORKFLOW_DISABLED = "workflow disabled" APPROVAL_FLOW_ADDED = "approval workflow added" APPROVAL_FLOW_DELETED = "approval workflow deleted" APPROVAL_FLOW_UPDATED = "approval workflow updated" APPROVAL_FLOW_STEP_ADDED = "approval workflow step added" APPROVAL_FLOW_STEP_DELETED = "approval workflow step deleted" APPROVAL_FLOW_STEP_UPDATED = "approval workflow step updated" APPROVAL_FLOW_APPROVER_ADDED = "approval workflow approver added" APPROVAL_FLOW_APPROVER_DELETED = "approval workflow approver deleted" ORG_VNM_SUBNET_UPDATED = "organization VNM subnet updated" ORG_VNM_RESOURCES_ALLOCATED = "organization resources allocated within VNM subnet" DEPRECATED_ORG_ACTIVATE_DEVICE_APPROVAL = "activate device approval" DEPRECATED_ORG_DEACTIVATE_DEVICE_APPROVAL = "deactivate device approval" EMULATION_MIGRATION_COMPLETED = "emulation migration completed" ACCESS_OVERHAUL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED = "access overhaul migration completed" ACTIVATED_SSH_PORT_FORWARDING_ALL_SERVER = "enabled SSH port forwarding on all servers" TOTP_ENROLLMENT_ADDED = "user enrolled a totp device" TOTP_ENROLLMENT_DELETED = "user reset their totp enrollment" SUSPENDED_USER_ENROLL_ATTEMPT_FROM_THE_UI = "attempt to enroll by a suspended user from the Admin UI" RESOURCE_LOCKED = "user locked a resource" RESOURCE_UNLOCKED = "user unlocked a resource" RESOURCE_FORCE_UNLOCKED = "admin force-unlocked a resource" CONCURRENT_AUTHENTICATION_REVOKED_PER_ORG_SETTING = "concurrent authentications revoked per organization settings" ORG_INTEGRATION_INSTALLED = "org integration installed" USER_INTEGRATION_AUTHORIZED = "user authorized integration" ORG_INTEGRATION_UNINSTALLED = "org integration uninstalled" USER_INTEGRATION_DEAUTHORIZED = "user deauthorized integration" SERVICE_NOW_TOKEN_ADDED = "ServiceNow token created" SERVICE_NOW_TOKEN_DELETED = "ServiceNow token deleted" MANAGED_SECRET_CREATED = "managed secret created" MANAGED_SECRET_UPDATED = "managed secret updated" MANAGED_SECRET_EXPIRATION_TIME_UPDATED = "managed secret expiration time updated" MANAGED_SECRET_CONFIG_UPDATED = "managed secret config updated" MANAGED_SECRET_DELETED = "managed secret deleted" end # Permissions, all permissions that may be granted to an account. module Permission RELAY_LIST = "relay:list" RELAY_CREATE = "relay:create" DATASOURCE_LIST = "datasource:list" DATASOURCE_CREATE = "datasource:create" DATASOURCE_HEALTHCHECK = "datasource:healthcheck" DEPRECATED_DATASOURCE_GRANT = "datasource:grant" DATASOURCE_DELETE = "datasource:delete" DATASOURCE_UPDATE = "datasource:update" RESOURCE_LOCK_DELETE = "resourcelock:delete" RESOURCE_LOCK_LIST = "resourcelock:list" SECRET_ENGINE_CREATE = "secretengine:create" SECRET_ENGINE_LIST = "secretengine:list" SECRET_ENGINE_DELETE = "secretengine:delete" SECRET_ENGINE_UPDATE = "secretengine:update" SECRET_ENGINE_STATUS = "secretengine:status" SECRET_STORE_CREATE = "secretstore:create" SECRET_STORE_LIST = "secretstore:list" SECRET_STORE_DELETE = "secretstore:delete" SECRET_STORE_UPDATE = "secretstore:update" SECRET_STORE_STATUS = "secretstore:status" REMOTE_IDENTITY_GROUP_WRITE = "remoteidentitygroup:write" REMOTE_IDENTITY_GROUP_READ = "remoteidentitygroup:read" REMOTE_IDENTITY_WRITE = "remoteidentity:write" REMOTE_IDENTITY_READ = "remoteidentity:read" USER_CREATE = "user:create" USER_LIST = "user:list" USER_UPDATE_ADMIN = "user:update_admin" USER_CREATE_ADMIN_TOKEN = "user:create_admin_token" USER_CREATE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT = "user:create_service_account" USER_SET_PERMISSION_LEVEL = "user:set_strong_role" USER_UPDATE = "user:update" USER_INITIATE_PASSWORD_RESET = "user:initiate_password_reset" USER_DELETE = "user:delete" USER_ASSIGN = "user:assign" USER_SUSPEND = "user:suspend" USER_SET_PASSWORD = "user:set_password" DEMO_PROVISIONING_REQUEST_CREATE = "demoprovisioningrequest:create" DEMO_PROVISIONING_REQUEST_LIST = "demoprovisioningrequest:list" ROLE_LIST = "role:list" ROLE_CREATE = "role:create" ROLE_DELETE = "role:delete" ROLE_UPDATE = "role:update" ORG_VIEW_SETTINGS = "organization:view_settings" ORG_EDIT_SETTINGS = "organization:edit_settings" ORG_DEPLOYMENT_DOCTOR = "organization:deployment_doctor" ORG_LIST_CHILDREN = "organization:list_children" ORG_CREATE_CHILD_ORGANIZATION = "organization:create_child_organization" ORG_AUDIT_USERS = "audit:users" ORG_AUDIT_ROLES = "audit:roles" ORG_AUDIT_DATASOURCES = "audit:datasources" ORG_AUDIT_NODES = "audit:nodes" ORG_AUDIT_PERMISSIONS = "audit:permissions" ORG_AUDIT_QUERIES = "audit:queries" ORG_AUDIT_ACTIVITIES = "audit:activities" ORG_AUDIT_SSH = "audit:ssh" ORG_AUDIT_ACCOUNT_GRANTS = "audit:accountgrants" ORG_AUDIT_ORG = "audit:organization" ORG_AUDIT_REMOTE_IDENTITIES = "audit:remoteidentities" ORG_AUDIT_REMOTE_IDENTITY_GROUPS = "audit:remoteidentitygroups" ORG_AUDIT_SECRET_ENGINES = "audit:secretengines" ORG_AUDIT_SECRET_STORES = "audit:secretstores" ORG_AUDIT_WORKFLOWS = "audit:workflows" ORG_AUDIT_APPROVAL_FLOWS = "audit:approvalflows" ORG_AUDIT_ACCESS_REQUESTS = "audit:accessrequests" ORG_AUDIT_POLICIES = "audit:policies" WORKFLOW_LIST = "workflow:list" WORKFLOW_EDIT = "workflow:edit" ACCESS_REQUEST_EDIT = "accessrequest:edit" ACCESS_REQUEST_LIST = "accessrequest:list" ACCESS_REQUEST_REQUESTER = "accessrequest:requester" APPROVAL_FLOW_EDIT = "approvalflow:edit" APPROVAL_FLOW_LIST = "approvalflow:list" GLOBAL_RDP_RENDER = "rdp:render" GLOBAL_QUERY_BUCKET_TRACKER = "query:bucket_tracker" GLOBAL_ASSETS_GET_LATEST_VERSION_COMMIT_HASH = "assets:get_latest_version_commit_hash" GLOBAL_SDMOS_SERVICE = "sdmos:service" GLOBAL_SDMOS_DEPLOYMENT = "sdmos:deployment" GLOBAL_SDMOS_RELEASE = "sdmos:release" GLOBAL_DEMO_PROVISIONER = "demo:provision" INSTALLATION_BLESS = "installation:bless" INSTALLATION_CREATE = "installation:create" INSTALLATION_REVOKE = "installation:revoke" TESTING_ORG_CREATE = "testing:organization:create" TESTING_ORG_DELETE = "testing:organization:delete" TESTING_NO_PERMISSIONS = "testing:noperms" TESTING_FETCH_QUERIES = "testing:queries:get" GRANT_READ = "grant:read" GRANT_WRITE = "grant:write" REPORT_READ = "report:read" BILLING_READ = "billing:read" CREDENTIAL_READ = "credential:read" CREDENTIAL_WRITE = "credential:write" MANAGED_SECRET_CREATE = "managedsecret:create" MANAGED_SECRET_LIST = "managedsecret:list" MANAGED_SECRET_DELETE = "managedsecret:delete" MANAGED_SECRET_UPDATE = "managedsecret:update" MANAGED_SECRET_READ = "managedsecret:read" end # Query Categories, all the categories of resource against which queries are logged. module QueryCategory KUBERNETES = "k8s" DATASOURCES = "queries" RDP = "rdp" SSH = "ssh" WEB = "web" CLOUD = "cloud" ALL = "all" end # LogRemoteEncoder defines the encryption encoder for the queries are stored in the API. module LogRemoteEncoder STRONG_DM = "strongdm" PUB_KEY = "pubkey" HASH = "hash" end # LogLocalStorage defines how queries are stored locally. module LogLocalStorage STDOUT = "stdout" FILE = "file" TCP = "tcp" SOCKET = "socket" SYSLOG = "syslog" NONE = "none" end # LogLocalEncoder defines the encryption encoder for queries are stored locally in the relay. module LogLocalEncoder PLAINTEXT = "plaintext" PUB_KEY = "pubkey" end # LogLocalFormat defines the format the queries are stored locally in the relay. module LogLocalFormat CSV = "csv" JSON = "json" end # OrgKind defines the types of organizations that may exist. module OrgKind SOLO = "solo" ROOT = "root" CHILD = "child" end # KeyType defines the supported SSH key types module SSHKeyType RSA_2048 = "rsa-2048" RSA_4096 = "rsa-4096" ECDSA_256 = "ecdsa-256" ECDSA_384 = "ecdsa-384" ECDSA_521 = "ecdsa-521" ED_25519 = "ed25519" end # CaptureType designates what type of SSH/RDP/K8s capture we have. module CaptureType SHELL = "shell" SCP_UPLOAD = "scp-upload" SCP_DOWNLOAD = "scp-download" COMMAND = "command" RDP_BASIC = "rdp-basic" RDP_ENHANCED = "rdp-enhanced" K_8_S_EXEC = "k8s-exec" K_8_S_EXEC_TTY = "k8s-execTTY" K_8_S_PORT_FORWARD = "k8s-portForward" K_8_SCP_UPLOAD = "k8s-cp-upload" K_8_SCP_DOWNLOAD = "k8s-cp-download" K_8_S_DESCRIBE = "k8s-describe" K_8_S_GET = "k8s-get" K_8_S_DELETE = "k8s-delete" K_8_S_GENERIC = "k8s-generic" K_8_S_APPLY = "k8s-apply" SSH_PORT_FORWARD = "ssh-portForward" end # Providers responsible for device trust enforcement module DeviceTrustProvider NONE = "" SENTINEL_ONE = "sentinelone" CROWD_STRIKE = "crowdstrike" MICROSOFT_DEFENDER = "microsoftdefender" DUO = "duo" end # APIHost defines the API host for various control planes. module APIHost US = "api.strongdm.com:443" UK = "api.uk.strongdm.com:443" end end