module PactBroker module Client module CLI module DeploymentCommands RECORD_DEPLOYMENT_HELP_URL = "" RECORD_UNDEPLOYMENT_HELP_URL = "" RECORD_RELEASE_HELP_URL = "" RECORD_SUPPORT_ENDED_HELP_URL = "" def self.included(thor) thor.class_eval do desc "record-deployment", "Record deployment of a pacticipant version to an environment. See #{RECORD_DEPLOYMENT_HELP_URL} for more information." method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The name of the pacticipant that was deployed." method_option :version, required: true, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version number that was deployed." method_option :environment, required: true, desc: "The name of the environment that the pacticipant version was deployed to." method_option :target, default: nil, required: false, desc: "Optional. The target of the deployment - a logical identifer required to differentiate deployments when there are multiple instances of the same application in an environment." output_option_json_or_text shared_authentication_options def record_deployment params = { pacticipant_name: options.pacticipant, version_number: options.version, environment_name: options.environment, target: } execute_deployment_command(params, "RecordDeployment") end desc "record-undeployment", "Record undeployment of a pacticipant from an environment." long_desc "Note that use of this command is only required if you are permanently removing an application instance from an environment. It is not required if you are deploying over a previous version, as record-deployment will automatically mark the previously deployed version as undeployed for you. See #{RECORD_UNDEPLOYMENT_HELP_URL} for more information." method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The name of the pacticipant that was undeployed." method_option :environment, required: true, desc: "The name of the environment that the pacticipant version was undeployed from." method_option :target, default: nil, required: false, desc: "Optional. The target that the application is being undeployed from - a logical identifer required to differentiate deployments when there are multiple instances of the same application in an environment." output_option_json_or_text shared_authentication_options def record_undeployment params = { pacticipant_name: options.pacticipant, environment_name: options.environment, target: } execute_deployment_command(params, "RecordUndeployment") end desc "record-release", "Record release of a pacticipant version to an environment. See See #{RECORD_RELEASE_HELP_URL} for more information." method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The name of the pacticipant that was released." method_option :version, required: true, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version number that was released." method_option :environment, required: true, desc: "The name of the environment that the pacticipant version was released to." output_option_json_or_text shared_authentication_options def record_release params = { pacticipant_name: options.pacticipant, version_number: options.version, environment_name: options.environment } execute_deployment_command(params, "RecordRelease") end desc "record-support-ended", "Record the end of support for a pacticipant version in an environment. See #{RECORD_SUPPORT_ENDED_HELP_URL} for more information." method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The name of the pacticipant." method_option :version, required: true, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version number for which support is ended." method_option :environment, required: true, desc: "The name of the environment in which the support is ended." output_option_json_or_text shared_authentication_options def record_support_ended params = { pacticipant_name: options.pacticipant, version_number: options.version, environment_name: options.environment } execute_deployment_command(params, "RecordSupportEnded") end no_commands do def execute_deployment_command(params, command_class_name) require 'pact_broker/client/deployments' command_options = { verbose: options.verbose, output: options.output } result = PactBroker::Client::Deployments.const_get(command_class_name).call(params, command_options, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end end end end end end end end