require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "MirExtensions" do describe 'class methods' do describe 'state codes' do it 'returns the state code for a given state' do MirExtensions.state_code_for('Virginia').should == 'VA' end it 'returns the state for a given state code' do MirExtensions.state_name_for('VA').should == 'Virginia' end it 'handles failures gracefully' do MirExtensions.state_name_for('XX').should be_nil end end it 'returns the month name for a month number' do MirExtensions.month_name_for(0).should == 'JAN' end it 'returns a canonical URL' do MirExtensions.canonical_url('').should == '' end it 'normalizes slugs' do MirExtensions.normalize_slug('!@#$%^&*()').should == '' MirExtensions.normalize_slug('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz').should == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' MirExtensions.normalize_slug('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ').should == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' MirExtensions.normalize_slug('0123456789').should == '0123456789' MirExtensions.normalize_slug('mir-utility').should == 'mir-utility' MirExtensions.normalize_slug('mir--utility').should == 'mir-utility' MirExtensions.normalize_slug('mir-utility').should == 'mir-utility' MirExtensions.normalize_slug('mir-utility/index//').should == 'mir-utility-index' end end describe 'string extensions' do it 'formats phone numbers' do '3125555252'.to_phone.should == '312-555-5252' end it 'formats phone numbers, accepting options' do '3125555252'.to_phone(:area_code => true).should == '(312) 555-5252' end end it 'formats phone numbers' do ''.number_to_phone('5168675309').should == '516-867-5309' end it 'formats phone numbers with separate area codes' do '5168675309'.formatted_phone.should == '(516) 867-5309' end it 'handles invalid phone numbers gracefully' do 'Alphabet Soup'.formatted_phone.should == 'Alphabet Soup' 'Transylvania 6-5000'.formatted_phone.should == 'Transylvania 6-5000' '123-45-6789'.formatted_phone.should == '123-45-6789' end it 'formats zip codes' do '205000003'.formatted_zip.should == '20500-0003' end it 'calculates arithmetic means' do _a = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] _a.mean.should == (_a.sum.to_f/_a.size.to_f).to_f end it 'aliases count to size' do _a = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] _a.count.should == _a.size end it 'converts seconds to hours:minutes:seconds' do 86400.to_hrs_mins_secs.should == '24:00:00' end it 'rounds to the nearest tenth' do Math::PI.to_nearest_tenth.should == 3.1 end it 'converts active records to an array of name-value pairs suitable for select tags' do Primary.stubs(:all).returns([ => 'Admin'), => 'User')]) Primary.to_option_values.should == [ ['Admin', nil], ['User', nil] ] end it 'strips the values of specified attributes' do p = => ' foo bar ') p.strip(:name) == 'foo bar' end it 'converts arrays to a histogram hash' do [:r, :r, :o, :y, :g, :b, :i, :v, :v, :o].to_histogram.should == {:o=>2, :g=>1, :v=>2, :r=>2, :i=>1, :y=>1, :b=>1} end it 'converts a hash to HTTP parameters' do _return = { :string => 1, :array => [2, 3], :hash => { :a => 4, :b => { :c => 5 } } }.to_params _return.include?('string=1').should be_true _return.include?('array[0]=2&array[1]=3').should be_true _return.include?('hash[a]=4').should be_true _return.include?('hash[b][c]=5').should be_true end it 'converts a hash to SQL conditions' do _hash = { :first_name => 'Quentin', :last_name => 'Tarantino' } _hash.to_sql.should =~ /first_name = 'Quentin'/ _hash.to_sql.should =~ /last_name = 'Tarantino'/ _hash.to_sql.should =~ / AND / end it 'initializes SOAP headers' do _control = { :tag => '', :value => '' } _header = _control[:tag], _control[:value] ) _header.on_simple_outbound.should == _control[:value] end it 'capitalizes words without omitting characters like titleize' do 'vice-president of the united states of america'.capitalize_words.should == 'Vice-President Of The United States Of America' end it 'expands address abbreviations' do _control = { '1600 Pennsylvania Av' => '1600 Pennsylvania Avenue', '1600 Pennsylvania Av.' => '1600 Pennsylvania Avenue', '1600 Pennsylvania Ave' => '1600 Pennsylvania Avenue', '1600 Pennsylvania Ave.' => '1600 Pennsylvania Avenue', '77 Sunset Bl' => '77 Sunset Boulevard', '77 Sunset Bl.' => '77 Sunset Boulevard', '77 Sunset Bld' => '77 Sunset Boulevard', '77 Sunset Bld.' => '77 Sunset Boulevard', '77 Sunset Blv' => '77 Sunset Boulevard', '77 Sunset Blv.' => '77 Sunset Boulevard', '77 Sunset Blvd' => '77 Sunset Boulevard', '77 Sunset Blvd.' => '77 Sunset Boulevard', '10 Columbus Cr' => '10 Columbus Circle', '10 Columbus Cr.' => '10 Columbus Circle', '10 Lincoln Ctr Plz' => '10 Lincoln Center Plaza', '10 Lincoln Ctr. Plz.' => '10 Lincoln Center Plaza', '157 King Arthur Ct' => '157 King Arthur Court', '157 King Arthur Ct.' => '157 King Arthur Court', '157 King Arthur Crt' => '157 King Arthur Court', '157 King Arthur Crt.' => '157 King Arthur Court', '680 N Lake Shore Dr' => '680 North Lake Shore Drive', '680 N. Lake Shore Dr.' => '680 North Lake Shore Drive', '8900 Van Wyck Expy' => '8900 Van Wyck Expressway', '8900 Van Wyck Expy.' => '8900 Van Wyck Expressway', '8900 Van Wyck Expw' => '8900 Van Wyck Expressway', '8900 Van Wyck Expw.' => '8900 Van Wyck Expressway', '8900 Van Wyck Expressw' => '8900 Van Wyck Expressway', '8900 Van Wyck Expressw.' => '8900 Van Wyck Expressway', '837 E Magical Frwy' => '837 East Magical Freeway', '837 E. Magical Frwy.' => '837 East Magical Freeway', '750 W Sunrise Hwy' => '750 West Sunrise Highway', '750 W. Sunrise Hwy.' => '750 West Sunrise Highway', '9264 Penny Ln' => '9264 Penny Lane', '9264 Penny Ln.' => '9264 Penny Lane', '10099 Ridge Gate Pky Ste 200' => '10099 Ridge Gate Parkway Suite 200', '10099 Ridge Gate Pky. Ste. 200' => '10099 Ridge Gate Parkway Suite 200', '10099 Ridge Gate Pkw Suite 200' => '10099 Ridge Gate Parkway Suite 200', '10099 Ridge Gate Pkw. Suite 200' => '10099 Ridge Gate Parkway Suite 200', '10099 Ridge Gate Pkwy Suite 200' => '10099 Ridge Gate Parkway Suite 200', '10099 Ridge Gate Pkwy. Suite 200' => '10099 Ridge Gate Parkway Suite 200', '10099 Ridge Gate Prkwy Suite 200' => '10099 Ridge Gate Parkway Suite 200', '10099 Ridge Gate Prkwy. Suite 200' => '10099 Ridge Gate Parkway Suite 200', "5137 Zebulon's Pk" => "5137 Zebulon's Pike", "5137 Zebulon's Pk." => "5137 Zebulon's Pike", "King's Plz" => "King's Plaza", "King's Plz." => "King's Plaza", '4616 Melrose Pl' => '4616 Melrose Place', '4616 Melrose Pl.' => '4616 Melrose Place', '93812 S Hightower Rd' => '93812 South Hightower Road', '93812 S. Hightower Rd.' => '93812 South Hightower Road', '249 NE Rural Rt' => '249 Northeast Rural Route', '249 N.E. Rural Rt.' => '249 Northeast Rural Route', '249 NE Rural Rte' => '249 Northeast Rural Route', '249 N.E. Rural Rte.' => '249 Northeast Rural Route', '1 SW Main St' => '1 Southwest Main Street', '1 S.W. Main St.' => '1 Southwest Main Street', '1935 SE Trpk' => '1935 Southeast Turnpike', '1935 S.E. Trpk.' => '1935 Southeast Turnpike', '369 NW Army Tr' => '369 Northwest Army Trail', '369 N.W. Army Tr.' => '369 Northwest Army Trail' } _control.keys.each do |_key| _key.expand_address_abbreviations.should == _control[_key] end end it 'converts 24-hour time' do '18:20'.to_12_hour_time == '6:20 PM' end it 'adds the HTTP-protocol prefix' do ''.add_http_prefix.should == '' ''.add_http_prefix.should == '' ''.add_http_prefix.should == '' 'http://'.add_http_prefix.should == 'http://' end it 'detects HTTP URLs' do ''.valid_http_url?.should be_true ''.valid_http_url?.should be_true ''.valid_http_url?.should be_false end it 'detects trailing slashes' do ''.has_http?.should be_false ''.has_trailing_slash?.should be_true ''.has_trailing_slash?.should be_false ''.has_trailing_slash?.should be_true end it 'detects page URLs' do ''.is_page?.should be_false ''.is_page?.should be_false ''.is_page?.should be_false ''.is_page?.should be_true ''.is_page?.should be_true end it 'returns the host of a valid URI string' do ''.to_host.should be_nil ''.to_host.should be_nil ''.to_host.should == '' ''.to_host.should == '' end it 'converts a URI string to a URI object' do ''.to_uri.is_a?(URI).should be_true ''.to_uri.is_a?(URI::HTTP).should be_true 'SEO Logic'.to_uri.should be_nil end it 'detects a valid HTTP URL' do ''.valid_http_url?.should be_false 'http://'.valid_http_url?.should be_false ''.valid_http_url?.should be_true 'http://'.valid_http_url?.should be_false 'SEO Logic'.valid_http_url?.should be_false end end