# frozen_string_literal: true module Pragma module Operation # This is the base class all your operations should extend. # # @author Alessandro Desantis # # @abstract Subclass and override {#call} to implement an operation. class Base include Interactor include Authorization include Validation include Decoration STATUSES = { 200 => :ok, 201 => :created, 202 => :accepted, 203 => :non_authoritative_information, 204 => :no_content, 205 => :reset_content, 206 => :partial_content, 207 => :multi_status, 208 => :already_reported, 300 => :multiple_choices, 301 => :moved_permanently, 302 => :found, 303 => :see_other, 304 => :not_modified, 305 => :use_proxy, 307 => :temporary_redirect, 400 => :bad_request, 401 => :unauthorized, 402 => :payment_required, 403 => :forbidden, 404 => :not_found, 405 => :method_not_allowed, 406 => :not_acceptable, 407 => :proxy_authentication_required, 408 => :request_timeout, 409 => :conflict, 410 => :gone, 411 => :length_required, 412 => :precondition_failed, 413 => :request_entity_too_large, 414 => :request_uri_too_large, 415 => :unsupported_media_type, 416 => :request_range_not_satisfiable, 417 => :expectation_failed, 418 => :im_a_teapot, 422 => :unprocessable_entity, 423 => :locked, 424 => :failed_dependency, 425 => :unordered_collection, 426 => :upgrade_required, 428 => :precondition_required, 429 => :too_many_requests, 431 => :request_header_fields_too_large, 449 => :retry_with, 500 => :internal_server_error, 501 => :not_implemented, 502 => :bad_gateway, 503 => :service_unavailable, 504 => :gateway_timeout, 505 => :http_version_not_supported, 506 => :variant_also_negotiates, 507 => :insufficient_storage, 509 => :bandwidth_limit_exceeded, 510 => :not_extended, 511 => :network_authentication_required }.freeze class << self def inherited(child) child.class_eval do before :setup_context around :handle_halt after :mark_result, :consolidate_status, :validate_status, :set_default_status after :build_links end end # Returns the name of this operation. # # For instance, if the operation is called +API::V1::Post::Operation::Create+, returns # +create+. # # @return [Symbol] def operation_name name.split('::').last .gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2') .gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') .tr('-', '_') .downcase .to_sym end end # Runs the operation. def call fail NotImplementedError end protected # Returns the params this operation is being run with. # # This is just a shortcut for +context.params+. # # @return [Hash] def params context.params end # Sets the status and resource to respond with. # # You can achieve the same result by setting +context.status+, +context.headers+ and # +context.resource+ wherever you want in {#call}. # # Note that calling this method doesn't halt the execution of the operation and that this # method can be called multiple times, overriding the previous context. # # @param status [Integer|Symbol] an HTTP status code # @param resource [Object] an object responding to +#to_json+ # @param headers [Hash] HTTP headers # @param links [Hash] links to use for building the +Link+ header def respond_with(status: nil, resource: nil, headers: nil, links: nil) context.status = status if status context.resource = resource if resource context.headers = headers if headers context.links = links if links end # Same as {#respond_with}, but also halts the execution of the operation. # # @see #respond_with def respond_with!(*args) respond_with(*args) fail Halt end # Sets the status to respond with. # # You can achieve the same result by setting +context.status+ wherever you want in {#call}. # # Note that calling this method doesn't halt the execution of the operation and that this # method can be called multiple times, overriding the previous context. # # @param status [Integer|Symbol] an HTTP status code def head(status) context.status = status end # Same as {#head}, but also halts the execution of the operation. # # @param status [Integer|Symbol] an HTTP status code # # @see #head def head!(status) head status fail Halt end # Returns the current user. # # This is just a shortcut for +context.current_user+. # # @return [Object] def current_user context.current_user end # Returns the headers we are responding with. # # This is just a shortcut for +context.headers+. # # @return [Hash] def headers context.headers end # Returns the links we are responding with. # # This is just a shotcut for +context.links+. # # @return [Hash] def links context.links end private def with_hooks # This overrides the default behavior, which is not to run after hooks if an exception is # raised either in +#call+ or one of the before hooks. See: # https://github.com/collectiveidea/interactor/blob/master/lib/interactor/hooks.rb#L210) run_around_hooks do begin run_before_hooks yield ensure run_after_hooks end end end def setup_context context.params ||= {} context.headers = {} context.links = {} end def handle_halt(interactor) interactor.call rescue Halt # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions end def set_default_status return if context.status context.status = context.resource ? :ok : :no_content end def validate_status if context.status.is_a?(Integer) fail InvalidStatusError, context.status unless STATUSES.key?(context.status) else fail InvalidStatusError, context.status unless STATUSES.invert.key?(context.status.to_sym) end end def consolidate_status context.status = if context.status.is_a?(Integer) STATUSES[context.status] else context.status.to_sym end end def mark_result return if /\A(2|3)\d{2}\z/ =~ STATUSES.invert[context.status].to_s context.fail! end def build_links headers.delete('Link') link_header = context.links.each_pair.select do |relation, url| url && !url.empty? end.map do |relation, url| %(<#{url}>; rel="#{relation}") end.join(",\n ") headers['Link'] = link_header unless link_header.empty? end end Halt = Class.new(StandardError) # This error is raised when an invalid status is set for an operation. # # @author Alessandro Desantis class InvalidStatusError < StandardError # Initializes the error. # # @param [Integer|Symbol] an invalid HTTP status code def initialize(status) super "'#{status}' is not a valid HTTP status code." end end end end