指定のテーブルを単純にCSVでエクスポートするツール。接続先は解凍後のetc/jdbc.diconで指定。oracleとpostgresはドライバ同梱。 <pre> csv-gen [options....] &lt;target_table&gt; target_table : target table name to export. -f FILE : output file name the generated csv. if not specified, &lt;target_table&gt;.csv for the default -o OUTPUT : output dir for the generated csv. if not specified, current dir for the default </pre> false https://gluegent.backlog.jp/projects/MNB hudson hudson https://svn.gluegent.com/repos/dazaifu/menbei/corpa/app/csv-generator/trunk . https://gluegent.backlog.jp/projects/MNB true false false false sun-jdk1.6.0_26 * * * * * false jp.co.monex.lab.menbei.corpa csv-generator clean package apache-maven-3.0.3 -Xmx256M -Dm3plugin.lib=/var/lib/jenkins/plugins/artifactory/WEB-INF/lib true false false false false false false -1 false
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true false true false false false false true false false true
**/*.zip false mnxlab 132402 STATUS_CHANGE