require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helper')) describe Factory do describe "defining a factory" do before do @name = :user @factory = "factory" stub(@factory).factory_name { @name } @options = { :class => 'magic' } stub(Factory).new { @factory } end it "should create a new factory using the specified name and options" do mock(Factory).new(@name, @options) { @factory } Factory.define(@name, @options) {|f| } end it "should pass the factory do the block" do yielded = nil Factory.define(@name) do |y| yielded = y end yielded.should == @factory end it "should add the factory to the list of factories" do Factory.define(@name) {|f| } @factory.should == Factory.factories[@name] end end describe "a factory" do before do @name = :user @class = User @factory = end it "should have a factory name" do @factory.factory_name.should == @name end it "should have a build class" do @factory.build_class.should == @class end it "should have a default strategy" do @factory.default_strategy.should == :create end it "should not allow the same attribute to be added twice" do lambda { 2.times { @factory.add_attribute :first_name } }.should raise_error(Factory::AttributeDefinitionError) end it "should add a static attribute when an attribute is defined with a value" do attribute = 'attribute' stub(attribute).name { :name } mock(Factory::Attribute::Static).new(:name, 'value') { attribute } @factory.add_attribute(:name, 'value') end it "should add a dynamic attribute when an attribute is defined with a block" do attribute = 'attribute' stub(attribute).name { :name } block = lambda {} mock(Factory::Attribute::Dynamic).new(:name, block) { attribute } @factory.add_attribute(:name, &block) end it "should raise for an attribute with a value and a block" do lambda { @factory.add_attribute(:name, 'value') {} }.should raise_error(Factory::AttributeDefinitionError) end describe "adding an attribute using a in-line sequence" do it "should create the sequence" do mock(Factory::Sequence).new @factory.sequence(:name) {} end it "should add a dynamic attribute" do attribute = 'attribute' stub(attribute).name { :name } mock(Factory::Attribute::Dynamic).new(:name, is_a(Proc)) { attribute } @factory.sequence(:name) {} @factory.attributes.should include(attribute) end end describe "after adding an attribute" do before do @attribute = "attribute" @proxy = "proxy" stub(@attribute).name { :name } stub(@attribute).add_to stub(@proxy).set stub(@proxy).result { 'result' } stub(Factory::Attribute::Static).new { @attribute } stub(Factory::Proxy::Build).new { @proxy } @factory.add_attribute(:name, 'value') end it "should create the right proxy using the build class when running" do mock(Factory::Proxy::Build).new(@factory.build_class) { @proxy }, {}) end it "should add the attribute to the proxy when running" do mock(@attribute).add_to(@proxy), {}) end it "should return the result from the proxy when running" do mock(@proxy).result() { 'result' }, {}).should == 'result' end end it "should add an association without a factory name or overrides" do factory = name = :user attr = 'attribute' mock(Factory::Attribute::Association).new(name, name, {}) { attr } factory.association(name) factory.attributes.should include(attr) end it "should add an association with overrides" do factory = name = :user attr = 'attribute' overrides = { :first_name => 'Ben' } mock(Factory::Attribute::Association).new(name, name, overrides) { attr } factory.association(name, overrides) factory.attributes.should include(attr) end it "should add an association with a factory name" do factory = attr = 'attribute' mock(Factory::Attribute::Association).new(:author, :user, {}) { attr } factory.association(:author, :factory => :user) factory.attributes.should include(attr) end it "should add an association with a factory name and overrides" do factory = attr = 'attribute' mock(Factory::Attribute::Association).new(:author, :user, :first_name => 'Ben') { attr } factory.association(:author, :factory => :user, :first_name => 'Ben') factory.attributes.should include(attr) end it "should raise for a self referencing association" do factory = lambda { factory.association(:parent, :factory => :post) }.should raise_error(Factory::AssociationDefinitionError) end it "should add an attribute using the method name when passed an undefined method" do attribute = 'attribute' stub(attribute).name { :name } block = lambda {} mock(Factory::Attribute::Static).new(:name, 'value') { attribute } @factory.send(:name, 'value') @factory.attributes.should include(attribute) end describe "when overriding generated attributes with a hash" do before do @attr = :name @value = 'The price is right!' @hash = { @attr => @value } end it "should return the overridden value in the generated attributes" do @factory.add_attribute(@attr, 'The price is wrong, Bob!') result =, @hash) result[@attr].should == @value end it "should not call a lazy attribute block for an overridden attribute" do @factory.add_attribute(@attr) { flunk } result =, @hash) end it "should override a symbol parameter with a string parameter" do @factory.add_attribute(@attr, 'The price is wrong, Bob!') @hash = { @attr.to_s => @value } result =, @hash) result[@attr].should == @value end end describe "overriding an attribute with an alias" do before do @factory.add_attribute(:test, 'original') Factory.alias(/(.*)_alias/, '\1') @result =, :test_alias => 'new') end it "should use the passed in value for the alias" do @result[:test_alias].should == 'new' end it "should discard the predefined value for the attribute" do @result[:test].should be_nil end end it "should guess the build class from the factory name" do @factory.build_class.should == User end describe "when defined with a custom class" do before do @class = User @factory =, :class => @class) end it "should use the specified class as the build class" do @factory.build_class.should == @class end end describe "when defined with a class instead of a name" do before do @class = ArgumentError @name = :argument_error @factory = end it "should guess the name from the class" do @factory.factory_name.should == @name end it "should use the class as the build class" do @factory.build_class.should == @class end end describe "when defined with a custom class name" do before do @class = ArgumentError @factory =, :class => :argument_error) end it "should use the specified class as the build class" do @factory.build_class.should == @class end end end describe "a factory with a name ending in s" do before do @name = :business @class = Business @factory = end it "should have a factory name" do @factory.factory_name.should == @name end it "should have a build class" do @factory.build_class.should == @class end end describe "a factory with a string for a name" do before do @name = :user @factory = {} end it "should convert the string to a symbol" do @factory.factory_name.should == @name end end describe "a factory defined with a string name" do before do Factory.factories = {} @name = :user @factory = Factory.define(@name.to_s) {} end it "should store the factory using a symbol" do Factory.factories[@name].should == @factory end end describe "after defining a factory" do before do @name = :user @factory = "factory" Factory.factories[@name] = @factory end after { Factory.factories.clear } it "should use Proxy::AttributesFor for Factory.attributes_for" do mock(@factory).run(Factory::Proxy::AttributesFor, :attr => 'value') { 'result' } Factory.attributes_for(@name, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' end it "should use Proxy::Build for" do mock(@factory).run(Factory::Proxy::Build, :attr => 'value') { 'result' }, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' end it "should use Proxy::Create for Factory.create" do mock(@factory).run(Factory::Proxy::Create, :attr => 'value') { 'result' } Factory.create(@name, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' end it "should use Proxy::Stub for Factory.stub" do mock(@factory).run(Factory::Proxy::Stub, :attr => 'value') { 'result' } Factory.stub(@name, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' end it "should use default strategy option as Factory.default_strategy" do stub(@factory).default_strategy { :create } mock(@factory).run(Factory::Proxy::Create, :attr => 'value') { 'result' } Factory.default_strategy(@name, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' end it "should use the default strategy for the global Factory method" do stub(@factory).default_strategy { :create } mock(@factory).run(Factory::Proxy::Create, :attr => 'value') { 'result' } Factory(@name, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' end [:build, :create, :attributes_for, :stub].each do |method| it "should raise an ArgumentError on #{method} with a nonexistant factory" do lambda { Factory.send(method, :bogus) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should recognize either 'name' or :name for Factory.#{method}" do stub(@factory).run lambda { Factory.send(method, @name.to_s) }.should_not raise_error lambda { Factory.send(method, @name.to_sym) }.should_not raise_error end end end describe 'defining a factory with a parent parameter' do before do @parent = Factory.define :object do |f| 'Name' end end it "should raise an ArgumentError when trying to use a non-existent factory as parent" do lambda { Factory.define(:child, :parent => :nonexsitent) {} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should create a new factory using the class of the parent" do child = Factory.define(:child, :parent => :object) {} child.build_class.should == @parent.build_class end it "should create a new factory while overriding the parent class" do class Other; end child = Factory.define(:child, :parent => :object, :class => Other) {} child.build_class.should == Other end it "should create a new factory with attributes of the parent" do child = Factory.define(:child, :parent => :object) {} child.attributes.size.should == 1 == :name end it "should allow to define additional attributes" do child = Factory.define(:child, :parent => :object) do |f| '' end child.attributes.size.should == 2 end it "should allow to override parent attributes" do child = Factory.define(:child, :parent => :object) do |f| { 'Child Name' } end child.attributes.size.should == 1 child.attributes.first.should be_kind_of(Factory::Attribute::Dynamic) end end describe 'defining a factory with a default strategy parameter' do it "should raise an ArgumentError when trying to use a non-existent factory" do lambda { Factory.define(:object, :default_strategy => :nonexistent) {} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should create a new factory with a specified default strategy" do factory = Factory.define(:object, :default_strategy => :stub) {} factory.default_strategy.should == :stub end end def self.in_directory_with_files(*files) before do @pwd = Dir.pwd @tmp_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tmp') FileUtils.mkdir_p @tmp_dir Dir.chdir(@tmp_dir) files.each do |file| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file) FileUtils.touch file stub(Factory).require(file) end end after do Dir.chdir(@pwd) FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmp_dir) end end def require_definitions_from(file) simple_matcher do |given, matcher| has_received = have_received.require(file) result = has_received.matches?(given) matcher.description = "require definitions from #{file}" matcher.failure_message = has_received.failure_message result end end share_examples_for "finds definitions" do before do stub(Factory).require Factory.find_definitions end subject { Factory } end describe "with factories.rb" do in_directory_with_files 'factories.rb' it_should_behave_like "finds definitions" it { should require_definitions_from('factories.rb') } end %w(spec test).each do |dir| describe "with a factories file under #{dir}" do in_directory_with_files File.join(dir, 'factories.rb') it_should_behave_like "finds definitions" it { should require_definitions_from("#{dir}/factories.rb") } end describe "with a factories file under #{dir}/factories" do in_directory_with_files File.join(dir, 'factories', 'post_factory.rb') it_should_behave_like "finds definitions" it { should require_definitions_from("#{dir}/factories/post_factory.rb") } end describe "with several factories files under #{dir}/factories" do in_directory_with_files File.join(dir, 'factories', 'post_factory.rb'), File.join(dir, 'factories', 'person_factory.rb') it_should_behave_like "finds definitions" it { should require_definitions_from("#{dir}/factories/post_factory.rb") } it { should require_definitions_from("#{dir}/factories/person_factory.rb") } end describe "with nested and unnested factories files under #{dir}" do in_directory_with_files File.join(dir, 'factories.rb'), File.join(dir, 'factories', 'post_factory.rb'), File.join(dir, 'factories', 'person_factory.rb') it_should_behave_like "finds definitions" it { should require_definitions_from("#{dir}/factories.rb") } it { should require_definitions_from("#{dir}/factories/post_factory.rb") } it { should require_definitions_from("#{dir}/factories/person_factory.rb") } end end end