require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'notifier') module AuthHelpers module Model # Adds a module that deals with confirmations. # module Confirmable def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.send :after_create, :send_confirmation_instructions end # Returns true if is not a new record and confirmed_at is not blank. # def confirmed? !(self.new_record? || self.confirmed_at.nil?) end # Confirms the record by setting the confirmed at. # def confirm! update_attribute(:confirmed_at, end # Send confirmation isntructions in different scenarios. It resets the # perishable token, confirmed_at date and set the confirmation_sent_at # datetime. # def send_confirmation_instructions(on=:create) self.reset_perishable_token self.confirmed_at = nil self.confirmation_sent_at = AuthHelpers::Notifier.send(:"deliver_#{on}_confirmation", self) end module ClassMethods # Receives the perishable token and try to find a record to confirm the # account. If it can't find the record, returns a new record with an # error set on the perishable token. # def find_and_confirm(options={}) if confirmable = self.find_using_perishable_token(options[:perishable_token]) confirmable.confirm! confirmable else AuthHelpers.new_with_perishable_token_error(self, :invalid_confirmation, options) end end # Receives a hash with email and tries to find a record to resend the # confirmation instructions. If the record can't be found or it's already # confirmed, set the appropriate error messages and return the object. # def find_and_resend_confirmation_instructions(options = {}) confirmable = AuthHelpers.find_or_initialize_by_unless_blank(self, :email, options[:email]) if confirmable.new_record? confirmable.errors.add(:email, :not_found) elsif confirmable.confirmed? confirmable.errors.add(:email, :already_confirmed) else confirmable.send_confirmation_instructions(:resend) end return confirmable end end end end end