# encoding: UTF-8 module DataMapper module Validations module Format module Email def self.included(base) DataMapper::Validations::FormatValidator::FORMATS.merge!( :email_address => [ EmailAddress, lambda { |field, value| '%s is not a valid email address'.t(value) }] ) end # Almost RFC2822 (No attribution reference available). # # This differs in that it does not allow local domains (test@localhost). # 99% of the time you do not want to allow these email addresses # in a public web application. EmailAddress = begin alpha = "a-zA-Z\\p{Lu}\\p{Ll}" # Alpha characters, changed from RFC2822 to include unicode chars digit = "0-9" atext = "[#{alpha}#{digit}\!\#\$\%\&\'\*+\/\=\?\^\_\`\{\|\}\~\-]" dot_atom_text = "#{atext}+([.]#{atext}*)+" # Last char changed from * to + dot_atom = "#{dot_atom_text}" no_ws_ctl = "\\x01-\\x08\\x11\\x12\\x14-\\x1f\\x7f" qtext = "[^#{no_ws_ctl}\\x0d\\x22\\x5c]" # Non-whitespace, non-control character except for \ and " text = "[\\x01-\\x09\\x11\\x12\\x14-\\x7f]" quoted_pair = "(\\x5c#{text})" qcontent = "(?:#{qtext}|#{quoted_pair})" quoted_string = "[\"]#{qcontent}+[\"]" atom = "#{atext}+" word = "(?:#{atom}|#{quoted_string})" obs_local_part = "#{word}([.]#{word})*" local_part = "(?:#{dot_atom}|#{quoted_string}|#{obs_local_part})" dtext = "[#{no_ws_ctl}\\x21-\\x5a\\x5e-\\x7e]" dcontent = "(?:#{dtext}|#{quoted_pair})" domain_literal = "\\[#{dcontent}+\\]" obs_domain = "#{atom}([.]#{atom})+" # Last char changed from * to + domain = "(?:#{dot_atom}|#{domain_literal}|#{obs_domain})" addr_spec = "#{local_part}\@#{domain}" pattern = /^#{addr_spec}$/u end end # module Email end # module Format end # module Validations end # module DataMapper