
Get Version 0.4.1


This gem allows you to access the content of open-office and Excel spreadsheets (.ods/.xls).


sudo gem install roo

The basics

Currently only read-access is implemented.

Please note that the upper left cell of a table is numbered (1,1) or (1,’A’) (not 0,0).

Demonstration of usage

Supposed you have created this spreadsheet:

which includes the amount of work you have done for a customer.

You can now process this spreadsheet with the following sample code.

  1 require 'rubygems'
  2 require 'roo'
  4 HOURLY_RATE = 123.45
  6 oo ="simple_spreadsheet.ods")
  7 oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets.first
  8 4.upto(12) do |line|
  9   date       = oo.cell(line,'A')
 10   start_time = oo.cell(line,'B')
 11   end_time   = oo.cell(line,'C')
 12   pause      = oo.cell(line,'D')
 13   sum        = (end_time - start_time) - pause
 14   comment    = oo.cell(line,'F')
 15   amount     = sum * HOURLY_RATE
 16   if date
 17     puts "#{date}\t#{sum}\t#{amount}\t#{comment}" 
 18   end
 19 end

which produces this output

2007-05-07      1.0     123.45  Task 1
2007-05-07      1.75    216.0375        Task 1
2007-05-07      1.0     123.45  Task 2
2007-05-08      1.0     123.45  Task 2
2007-05-08      1.0     123.45  Task 3
2007-05-08      0.5     61.725  Task 3
2007-05-14      0.5     61.725  Task 3
2007-05-14      0.5     61.725  Task 3
2007-05-15      1.0     123.45  Task 3

With the newly written methods

first_column, last_column, first_row and last_row

you can change line 8 from

  4.upto(12) do |line|


  4.upto(oo.last_row) do |line|


Formulas in Openoffice-Spreadsheets can be handled.

oo.celltype(row,col) returns :formula if there is a formula in this cell.

oo.formula?(row,col) returns true if there is a formula

oo.formula(row,col) returns the formula in this cell in a string variable (like ”=SUM”). You can do whatever you want with this expression. If there is no formula in this cell nil is returned.

oo.cell(row,col) returns the computed result of the formula (as it was saved in the file, no recalculation is done in this Gem).

oo.formulas returns all formulas in the selected spreadsheet in an array like this:

Each entry consists of the elements row, col, formual.

Note: oo.cell(row,col) is the same for ordinary cells and formulas. So you can use the computated value of a formula. If you have to distinguish if a cell is a formula use #formula?

Please note: formulas in Excel-Spreadsheets cannot be handled (this is another gem, see: “Thanks”)


You can generate YAML-Output from your spreadsheet data. The method is called:

oo.to_yaml # => produces YAML output from the entire default spreadsheet oo.to_yaml({“myattribute1” => “myvalue1”, “myattribute2” => “myvalue2”) # => YAML output with additional attributes oo.to_yaml({..}, 2,10, 300,10) # => only the rectangle from row 2, column 10 to row 300, column 10 will be returned

If you omit one or more parameters the maximum boundaries of your spreadsheet will be used.

With the YAML output you can import your data in a Ruby on Rails application in a manner that spreadsheet data can accessed in a Rails application.

This is not limited to a Rails application – you can also do further evaluations with your data.

Using MS-Excel spreadsheets

You can also access MS-Excel spreadsheat.

Replace Openoffice with
oo ="simple_spreadsheet.xls").

All methode are the same for OpenOffice and Excel-objects. The only difference is the setting of the default-worksheet. OpenOffice uses the name of the worksheet whereas Excel needs the index of the worksheet (1,2,3,..).

Formulas can only be handled in OpenOffice-spreadsheets.

Features in OpenOffice and Excel:

feature Open Office Excel
default_sheet as name as number
formulas yes no
to_yaml yes yes

Old .sxc OpenOffice files are currently not supported – please load these files and save as an “OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods)”.

Where is it used?

How do you use roo? What are you doing with roo?

If you have an interesting application where you use roo then write me a short description of your project and i will publish it here (write, if your email-address should be published or not).

Or you can write directly in the project wiki at’s_Using_Roo

If you don’t want to publish the details you can also write me an email and state, that it should not be published – i am just curious to hear, where it is used.



Feature Requests / Bugs

Submit Feature Requests and bugs here:




This code is free to use under the terms of Ruby


Comments are welcome. Send an email to Thomas Preymesser.


Dr Nic, 27th June 2007
Theme extended from Paul Battley