module Paperclip module Meta module Attachment def self.included(base) base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.alias_method_chain :save, :meta_data base.alias_method_chain :post_process_styles, :meta_data base.alias_method_chain :size, :meta_data end module InstanceMethods def save_with_meta_data if (not @queued_for_delete.empty?) and @queued_for_write.empty? instance_write(:meta, meta_encode({})) if instance.respond_to?(:"#{name}_meta=") end save_without_meta_data end def post_process_styles_with_meta_data(*style_args) post_process_styles_without_meta_data(*style_args) if instance.respond_to?(:"#{name}_meta=") meta = {} @queued_for_write.each do |style, file| begin geo = Geometry.from_file file meta[style] = {:width => geo.width.to_i, :height => geo.height.to_i, :size => File.size(file) } rescue NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError => e meta[style] = {} end end unless meta == {} instance.send("#{name}_meta=", meta_encode(meta)) instance.class.update_all({ "#{name}_meta" => meta_encode(meta) }, instance.class.primary_key => end end end #Use meta info for style if required def size_with_meta_data(passed_style = nil) passed_style ? meta_read(passed_style, :size) : size_without_meta_data end # Define meta accessors methods [:width, :height ].each do |meth| define_method(meth) do |*args| style = args.first || default_style meta_read(style, meth) end end # Returns image dimesions ("WxH") for given style name. If style name not given, # returns dimesions for default_style. def image_size(style = default_style) "#{width(style)}x#{height(style)}" end private # Returns meta data for given style def meta_read(style, item) if instance.respond_to?(:"#{name}_meta") && instance_read(:meta) if meta = meta_decode(instance_read(:meta)) meta.key?(style) ? meta[style][item] : nil end end end # Return encoded metadata as String def meta_encode(meta) # Use Base64 class if aviliable, to prevent # ActiveSupport deprecation warnings. if Module.const_defined? "Base64" ::Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(meta)) else ActiveSupport::Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(meta)) end end # Return decoded metadata as Object def meta_decode(meta) # Use Base64 class if aviliable, to prevent # ActiveSupport deprecation warnings. if Module.const_defined? "Base64" Marshal.load(::Base64.decode64(meta)) else Marshal.load(ActiveSupport::Base64.decode64(meta)) end end end end end end