Given(/^onceover executable$/) do @cmd = end Given(/^control repo "([^"]*)"$/) do |controlrepo_name| @repo = controlrepo_name ) @cmd.controlrepo = @repo FileUtils.rm_rf @repo.root_folder FileUtils.mkdir_p @repo.tmp_folder FileUtils.cp_r "spec/fixtures/controlrepos/#{controlrepo_name}", @repo.tmp_folder end Given(/^existing control repo "([^"]*)"$/) do |controlrepo_name| @repo = controlrepo_name ) @cmd.controlrepo = @repo end Given(/^initialized control repo "([^"]*)"$/) do |controlrepo_name| step %Q(control repo "#{controlrepo_name}") step %Q(I run onceover command "init") end Given(/^control repo "([^"]*)" without "([^"]*)"$/) do |controlrepo_name, filename| step %Q(control repo "#{controlrepo_name}") FileUtils.rm_rf "#{@repo.root_folder}/#{filename}" end When(/^I run onceover command "([^"]*)"$/) do |command| @cmd.command = command puts @cmd end When(/^I run onceover command "([^"]*)" with class "([^"]*)"$/) do |command, cls| @cmd.command = "#{command} --classes #{cls}" puts @cmd end Then(/^I see help for commands: "([^"]*)"$/) do |commands| # Get chunk of output between COMMANDS and OPTION, there should be help section commands_help = @cmd.output[/COMMANDS(.*)OPTIONS/m, 1] commands.split(',').each do |command| result = commands_help.match(/^\s+#{command.strip}.+\n/) puts result.to_s if expect(result).not_to be nil end end Then(/^I should not see any errors$/) do puts @cmd.output unless @cmd.success? expect(@cmd.success?).to be true end Then(/^the config should contain "([^"]*)"$/) do |pattern| pattern = expect(@repo.config_file_contents).to match(pattern) end Then(/^Onceover should exit (\d+)$/) do |code| expect(@cmd.exit_code).to eq code.to_i end Then(/^I should see error with message pattern "([^"]*)"$/) do |err_msg_regexp| expect(@cmd.success?).to be false puts @cmd.output expect(@cmd.output.match err_msg_regexp).to_not be nil end Then(/^I should see message pattern "([^"]*)"$/) do |msg_regexp| output_surround = 30 match = expect(@cmd.output).to match(msg_regexp) if match puts match.pre_match[-output_surround..-1] + match.to_s + match.post_match[0..output_surround] else puts @cmd.output end end