module Effective class Menu < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :menu_items, dependent: :delete_all self.table_name = EffectivePages.menus_table_name.to_s # structure do # title :string # timestamps # end validates :title, presence: true, uniqueness: true, length: { maximum: 255 } accepts_nested_attributes_for :menu_items, allow_destroy: true before_save do if self.menu_items.find { |menu_item| menu_item.lft == 1 }.blank? 'Home', url: '/', lft: 1, rgt: 2) end end def self.update_from_effective_regions!(params) Effective::Menu.transaction do (params || {}).each do |menu_id, attributes| menu = Effective::Menu.includes(:menu_items).find(menu_id) menu.menu_items.delete_all right = -1 attributes[:menu_items_attributes].each do |_, atts| atts[:menuable_type] = 'Effective::Page' if atts[:menuable_type].blank? atts.delete(:id) right = [atts[:rgt].to_i, right].max end menu.attributes = attributes # So when we render the menu, we don't include the Root/Home item. # It has a left of 1 and a right of max(items.right) root_node = menu.menu_items.find { |menu_item| menu_item.lft == 1 } root_node ||= 'Home', url: '/', lft: 1, rgt: 2) root_node.rgt = right + 1! end end end def to_s self[:title] || 'New Menu' end def contains?(obj) menu_items.find { |menu_item| menu_item.url == obj || menu_item.menuable == obj }.present? end # This is the entry point to the DSL method for creating menu items def build(&block) raise 'build must be called with a block' if !block_given? root = 'Home', url: '/', lft: 1, rgt: 2) root.parent = true instance_exec(&block) # A call to dropdown or item root.rgt = self end private def dropdown(title, options = {}, &block) raise 'dropdown must be called with a block' if !block_given? raise 'dropdown menu_items may not have a URL' if options.kind_of?(String) || options.kind_of?(Symbol) raise 'dropdown second parameter expects a Hash' unless options.kind_of?(Hash) prev_item = menu_items.last if prev_item.parent == true # This came from root or dropdown lft = prev_item.lft + 1 # Go down. from lft rgt = prev_item.rgt + 1 else lft = prev_item.rgt + 1 # Go accross. from rgt rgt = prev_item.rgt + 2 end # Make room for new item by shifting everything after me up by 2 menu_items.each do |item| item.rgt = (item.rgt + 2) if item.rgt > (lft - 1) item.lft = (item.lft + 2) if item.lft > (lft - 1) end atts = build_menu_item_attributes(title, '', options).merge({:lft => lft, :rgt => rgt}) dropdown = dropdown.parent = true instance_exec(&block) # Level up dropdown.rgt = menu_items.last.rgt + 1 # Level up dropdown.parent = false menu_items << menu_items.delete(dropdown) # Put myself on the end of the array end # The URL parameter can be: # - an Effective::Page object # - the symbol :divider # - a symbol or string that ends with _path # - or a string that is the url def item(title, url = '#', options = {}) raise 'item third parameter expects a Hash' unless options.kind_of?(Hash) prev_item = menu_items.last if prev_item.parent == true # This came from root or dropdown lft = prev_item.lft + 1 # Go down. from lft rgt = prev_item.rgt + 1 else lft = prev_item.rgt + 1 # Go accross, from rgt rgt = prev_item.rgt + 2 end menu_items.each do |item| item.rgt = (item.rgt + 2) if item.rgt > (lft - 1) item.lft = (item.lft + 2) if item.lft > (lft - 1) end atts = build_menu_item_attributes(title, url, options).merge({:lft => lft, :rgt => rgt}) end def divider(options = {}) item(:divider, :divider, options) end def build_menu_item_attributes(title, url, options) options[:roles_mask] ||= 0 if (options.delete(:signed_in) || options.delete(:private)) options[:roles_mask] ||= -1 if (options.delete(:signed_out) || options.delete(:guest)) if options[:roles] options[:roles_mask] = EffectiveRoles.roles_mask_for(options.delete(:roles)) end options[:classes] = options.delete(:class) if title == :divider || url == :divider || options[:divider] == true options[:title] = 'divider' options[:special] = 'divider' elsif title.kind_of?(Effective::Page) options[:title] = title.title options[:menuable] = title options[:url] = '#' elsif url.kind_of?(Effective::Page) options[:title] = title.presence || url.title options[:menuable] = url options[:url] = '#' elsif url.to_s.end_with?('_path') options[:title] = title options[:special] = url else options[:title] = title options[:url] = url end options end end end