[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/mroth/lolcommits.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/mroth/lolcommits) # git + webcam = lol Takes a snapshot with your Mac's built-in iSight/FaceTime webcam (or any working webcam on Linux) every time you git commit code, and archives a lolcat style image with it. By default, the lolimages are stored by a Github style short SHA in a `~/.lolcommits` directory created for you. ## Installation (Mac OS X) You'll need ImageMagick installed. [Homebrew](http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/) makes this easy. Simply do: brew install imagemagick --from-source Then simply do: [sudo] gem install lolcommits (If you're using rvm or something like that, you can/should probably omit the sudo, but the default MacOSX Ruby install is dumb and requires it.) You're all set! To enable lolcommits for a git repo, go to the base directory of the repository, and run: lolcommits --enable Likewise, you can disable it via `lolcommits --disable`. For a full list of options, you can do `lolcommits --help`. ## Installation (Linux) Install dependencies using your package manager of choice, for example in Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install mplayer imagemagick libmagickwand-dev On Fedora, enable the rpmfusion repository (for mplayer) and run: sudo yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel mplayer Then install the lolcommits gem: gem install lolcommits Then you can `lolcommits --enable` in any git repo as above. ## Installation (Windows) See the wiki page for [Installing on Windows](https://github.com/mroth/lolcommits/wiki/Installing-on-Windows). ## Sample images  
  Please add your own lolcommit! Add to the [People Using Lolcommits](https://github.com/mroth/lolcommits/wiki/People-Using-Lolcommits) page on the Wiki. ## Options lolcommits has some options for additional lulz. You can enable via environment variables. * Set webcam device on mac - set `LOLCOMMITS_DEVICE` environment variable. * Set delay persistently (for slow to warmup webcams) - set `LOLCOMMITS_DELAY` var to time in seconds. * TRANZLATE YOAR COMMIT_MSG TO LOLSPEKK - set `LOLCOMMITS_TRANZLATE=1`. ## Troubles? Started a [FAQ](https://github.com/mroth/lolcommits/wiki/FAQ).