require "hydra_helper" module BlacklightHelper require "#{Blacklight.root}/app/helpers/blacklight_helper" #include Stanford::SearchworksHelper #include Stanford::SolrHelper # this is already included by the SearchworksHelper include HydraHelper def application_name 'A Hydra Head' end def get_data_with_linked_label(doc, label, field_string, opts={}) (opts[:default] and !doc[field_string]) ? field = opts[:default] : field = doc[field_string] delim = opts[:delimiter] ? opts[:delimiter] : "
" if doc[field_string] text = "
" if field.respond_to?(:each) text += do |l| linked_label(l, field_string) end.join(delim) else text += linked_label(field, field_string) end text += "
" text end end def linked_label(field, field_string) link_to(field, add_facet_params(field_string, field).merge!({"controller" => "catalog", :action=> "index"})) end def link_to_document(doc, opts={:label=>Blacklight.config[:index][:show_link].to_sym, :counter => nil,:title => nil}) label = case opts[:label] when Symbol doc.fetch(opts[:label], "") when String opts[:label] else raise 'Invalid label argument' end if label.blank? label = doc[:id] end link_to_with_data(label, catalog_path(doc[:id]), {:method => :put, :data => {:counter => opts[:counter]},:title=>opts[:title]}) end # currently only used by the render_document_partial helper method (below) def document_partial_name(document) if !document[Blacklight.config[:show][:display_type]].nil? return document[Blacklight.config[:show][:display_type]].first.gsub("info:fedora/afmodel:","").underscore.pluralize else return nil end end # Overriding Blacklight's render_document_partial # given a doc and action_name, this method attempts to render a partial template # based on the value of doc[:format] # if this value is blank (nil/empty) the "default" is used # if the partial is not found, the "default" partial is rendered instead def render_document_partial(doc, action_name, locals={}) format = document_partial_name(doc) begin Rails.logger.debug("attempting to render #{format}/_#{action_name}") render :partial=>"#{format}/#{action_name}", :locals=>{:document=>doc}.merge(locals) rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate Rails.logger.debug("rendering default partial catalog/_#{action_name}_partials/default") render :partial=>"catalog/_#{action_name}_partials/default", :locals=>{:document=>doc}.merge(locals) end end ### ### Overrides pulled in from Libra ### def render_facet_value(facet_solr_field, item, options ={}) if item.is_a? Array link_to_unless(options[:suppress_link], item[0], add_facet_params_and_redirect(facet_solr_field, item[0]), :class=>"facet_select") + " (" + format_num(item[1]) + ")" else link_to_unless(options[:suppress_link], item.value, add_facet_params_and_redirect(facet_solr_field, item.value), :class=>"facet_select") + " (" + format_num(item.hits) + ")" end end def render_complex_facet_value(facet_solr_field, item, options ={}) link_to_unless(options[:suppress_link], format_item_value(item.value), add_facet_params_and_redirect(facet_solr_field, item.value), :class=>"facet_select") + " (" + format_num(item.hits) + ")" end def render_journal_facet_value(facet_solr_field, item, options ={}) val = item.value.strip.length > 12 ? item.value.strip[0..12].concat("...") : item.value.strip link_to_unless(options[:suppress_link], val, add_facet_params_and_redirect(facet_solr_field, item.value), :class=>"facet_select") + " (" + format_num(item.hits) + ")" end def render_complex_facet_image(facet_solr_field, item, options = {}) computing_id = extract_computing_id(item.value) if File.exists?("#{Rails.root}/public/images/faculty_images/#{computing_id}.jpg") img = image_tag "/images/faculty_images/#{computing_id}.jpg", :width=> "100", :alt=>"#{item.value}" else img = image_tag "/plugin_assets/hydra-head/images/default_thumbnail.gif", :width=>"100", :alt=>"#{item.value}" end link_to_unless(options[:suppress_link], img, add_facet_params_and_redirect(facet_solr_field, item.value), :class=>"facet_select facet_image") end def render_journal_image(facet_solr_field, item, options = {}) if File.exists?("#{Rails.root}/public/images/journal_images/#{item.value.strip.downcase.gsub(/\s+/,'_')}.jpg") img = image_tag "/images/journal_images/#{item.value.strip.downcase.gsub(/\s+/,'_')}.jpg", :width => "100" else img = image_tag "/plugin_assets/hydra-head/images/default_thumbnail.gif", :width=>"100", :alt=>"#{item.value}" end link_to_unless(options[:suppress_link], img, add_facet_params_and_redirect(facet_solr_field, item.value), :class=>"facet_select") end def get_randomized_display_items items clean_items = items.each.inject([]) do |array, item| array << item unless item.value.strip.blank? array end if clean_items.length < 6 clean_items.sort_by {|item| item.value } else rdi = clean_items.sort_by {rand}.slice(0..5) return rdi.sort_by {|item| item.value.downcase} end end def extract_computing_id val cid = val.split(" ")[-1] cid[1..cid.length-2] end def format_item_value val begin last, f_c = val.split(", ") first = f_c.split(" (")[0] rescue return val.nil? ? "" : val end [last, "#{first[0..0]}."].join(", ") end def render_head_content render_stylesheet_includes + render_js_includes + render_extra_head_content_without_unapi + content_for(:head) end def render_extra_head_content_without_unapi remove_unapi! render_extra_head_content end # rel="unapi-server" is not HTML5 valid. Need to see if there is a way to do that properly while still validating. def remove_unapi! extra_head_content.delete_if do |ehc| ehc.include?("unapi-server") end end # COPIED from vendor/plugins/blacklight/app/helpers/application_helper.rb # Used in catalog/facet action, facets.rb view, for a click # on a facet value. Add on the facet params to existing # search constraints. Remove any paginator-specific request # params, or other request params that should be removed # for a 'fresh' display. # Change the action to 'index' to send them back to # catalog/index with their new facet choice. def add_facet_params_and_redirect(field, value) new_params = add_facet_params(field, value) # Delete page, if needed. new_params.delete(:page) # Delete :qt, if needed - added to resolve NPE errors new_params.delete(:qt) # Delete any request params from facet-specific action, needed # to redir to index action properly. Blacklight::Solr::FacetPaginator.request_keys.values.each do |paginator_key| new_params.delete(paginator_key) end new_params.delete(:id) # Force action to be index. new_params[:action] = "index" new_params end end