module Sinatra module Database def self.registered(app) app.set :mongo_connection,[:host], app.settings.db_settings[:porty], app.settings.db_settings[:options]) log.h_debug("Connected to MongoDB #{app.settings.mongo_connection}") app.set :mongo_db, app.settings.mongo_connection.db(app.settings.db_settings[:db_name]) end def db settings.mongo_db end end module Cache def self.registered(app) servers = [] app.settings.cache[:servers].each {|c| servers << (c[:host] + ':' + (c[:port] || 11211).to_s) } app.set :cache,[:options]) app.settings.cache.servers = servers log.h_debug("Connected to Memcached #{app.settings.cache.inspect}") end def mc settings.cache end end module Validation module Extension # Um, dragons... Fucking swarm... But I'll try to explain this anyway. # We'll scan the defined settings.validation[:path] dir for dirs. Those found dirs # will denote s. Then, we will scan the "resource" dirs for files. # These files will represent one http .yaml each. And then, we create hierchy of # validation schemas following this pattern: # ::setting.validation[:module]:::: # where the equals .capitalize and contains parsed contents of .yaml file. # Please note that I haven't used a single (.*_)eval even though I was terribly tempted. # And I also documented this method. I'm so awesome, considerate and drunk, am I not? # Uh, yea, and notice the nice cascade of 'end's on the end def self.registered(app) # Define the :: module validation_module = Kernel.const_set(app.settings.validation[:module], schema_root =, app.settings.validation[:path])) log.h_debug("Loading validation schemas from #{schema_root.path}"); # For each resource schema_root.each do |resource_dir| next if %w{.. .}.include? resource_dir resource_name = resource_dir resource_dir = File.join(schema_root, resource_dir) # Create :: module validation_module.const_set(resource_name, {}) if then do |verb| next if %w{.. .}.include? verb # And create the :::: constant validation_module.const_get(resource_name).const_set(/(\w+).yaml/.match(verb)[1].capitalize, YAML.load_file(File.join(resource_dir, verb))) end end end end end module Helpers # Only a few dragons here. This method validates body of the request # against a schema. If no schema was passed to the method, it will # try to find it automagically def validate!(schema = nil) schema ||= Kernel.const_get( settings.validation[:module] ).const_get( /^\/(.*)\//.match(request.path)[1].capitalize ).const_get( request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'].downcase.capitalize ) res =! { |error| error.to_s } error(1012, nil, res) unless res == [] end end end end