module Bobot class WebhookController < Bobot::ApplicationController class BadRequestError < Error; end X_HUB_SIGNATURE_MISSING_WARNING = <<-HEREDOC.freeze The X-Hub-Signature header is not present in the request. This is expected for the first webhook requests. If it continues after some time, check your app's secret token. HEREDOC def webhook if request.get? verify elsif receive else head :method_not_allowed end end def verify if params['hub.mode'.freeze] == 'subscribe' && params['hub.verify_token'.freeze] == Bobot.config.verify_token render plain: params['hub.challenge'.freeze], status: :ok else render plain: "Error wrong verify token".freeze, status: :forbidden end end def receive check_integrity return_json = trigger(parsed_body) render plain: ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(return_json), status: :ok rescue BadRequestError => error render plain: error.message, status: :ok end private def body @body ||= end def parsed_body @parsed_body ||= ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(body) rescue ::ActiveSupport::JSON.parse_error raise"Error parsing request body format") end def valid_signature? Rack::Utils.secure_compare(signature, signature_for(body)) end def generate_hmac(content) OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha1'.freeze), Bobot.config.app_secret, content) end def signature_for(string) format('sha1=%s'.freeze, generate_hmac(string)) end def signature request.headers['HTTP_X_HUB_SIGNATURE'.freeze].to_s end def check_integrity signature =~ /\Asha1=([0-9a-z]{40})\z/ hub_signature = Regexp.last_match(1) unless hub_signature Rails.logger.error(X_HUB_SIGNATURE_MISSING_WARNING) raise"Error getting integrity signature".freeze) end unless valid_signature? raise"Error checking message integrity".freeze) end end def trigger(events) events['entry'.freeze].to_a.each do |entry| entry['messaging'.freeze].to_a.each do |messaging| Bobot::Commander.receive(messaging) end end end end end