.head = step(@runseq.form_step, @xvars['total_form_steps']) %p - user = current_ma_user || User.new - form_class = 'formtastic' - next_step = 'end_form' - if @help %div(data-role="collapsible" data-theme="e" data-content-theme="c" data-mini="true") %h3 ตำแนะนำ %p= markdown(@help) = form_tag({ :action => next_step } , {:multipart => true, :onSubmit=>'return validate()', :class=>form_class, "data-ajax"=>"#{ajax?(@ui)}"}) do = hidden_field_tag 'xmain_id', @xmain.id = hidden_field_tag 'ajax', ajax?(@ui) = hidden_field_tag 'runseq_id', @runseq.id = hidden_field_tag 'step', @xvars[:current_step] %div(data-role="fieldcontain") = render :inline=> @ui %p = submit_tag NEXT %p :javascript $(function() { $('.required').append(' *'); $('.refresh').append(" "); $("input").keypress(function (evt) { //Deterime where our character code is coming from within the event var charCode = evt.charCode || evt.keyCode; if (charCode == 13) { //Enter key's keycode alert("Please click the button"); return false; } }); }); $( document ).one( "pagechange", function(){ $('input[type="file"]').textinput({theme: 'c'}); });