Welcome to the <%= @project %> suite of cucumber-chef tests Your general workflow will be to write cucumber features that describe the intended behaviour of '<%= @project %>'. You will then write failing tests by writing steps to test the b$ You will then want to create a '<%= @project %>' cookbook, and write recipes that make your tests pass. Upload your cookbook to the Opscode Platform, and then push your cucumber-ch$ cucumber-chef upload <%= @project %> Then run your tests with: cucumber-chef test <%= @project %> For an example feature, take a look at ./<%= @project %>/features/example.feature For an example step definition, look at ./<%= @project %>/features/example.feature To get started, you'll need to configure cucumber-chef to use your own Opscode Chef platform credentials, and AWS EC2 keys. You can generate a sample config with: cucumber-chef genconfig This will drop a .cucumber-chef config file in the home directory of the user with which you ran the cucumber-chef command. You'll need to edit the file in order to carry out setup, upload or test functionality. One you've got a configuration in place, run: cucumber-chef setup This will create what we call a 'test lab' in EC2 in which tests will be run.