require 'spec_helper' # TODO: For some reason rspec does not recognize this as controller # spec even though it is in spec/controllers? describe Qbrick::Cms::PagesController, type: :controller do subject { described_class } describe 'mirroring' do around(:each) do |example| I18n.with_locale :de do end end let(:page) { FactoryGirl.create(:page, url_de: 'de', url_en: 'en') } let!(:brick) do FactoryGirl.create(:text_brick, brick_list_id:, brick_list_type: 'Qbrick::Page', text: 'DEUTSCH') end let!(:en_brick) do FactoryGirl.create(:text_brick, brick_list_id:, brick_list_type: 'Qbrick::Page', locale: 'en', text: 'ENGLISH') end before do admin = double('admin') allow_message_expectations_on_nil allow(request.env['warden']).to receive(:authenticate!) { admin } allow(controller).to receive(:current_admin) { admin } end context 'with no bricks on target locale' do it 'clones the existing bricks' do xhr :get, :mirror, use_route: :qbrick, target_locale: :en, page_id: I18n.with_locale :en do expect(page.bricks.count).to eq(1) end end end context 'with bricks on target locale' do it 'does not clone anything without the required parameter' do xhr :get, :mirror, use_route: :qbrick, target_locale: :en, page_id: expect(page.bricks.unscoped.where(locale: :en, brick_list_id: eq('ENGLISH') end it 'clones the bricks when required parameter is set' do expect(page.bricks).to be_any xhr :get, :mirror, use_route: :qbrick, target_locale: :en, page_id:, rutheless: 'true' I18n.with_locale :en do expect(Qbrick::Page.find( eq('DEUTSCH') end end end end end