# KashflowApi KashflowApi provides an Active Record like interface to the Kashflow API. # Usage At the beginning of your program, or in an rails initializer call the configure block like so: KashflowApi.configure do |c| c.username = "Username" c.password = "Password" c.loggers = false end I recommend settings loggers to false so that you don't get all the soap exchanges echoed out. You can now call methods on the models e.g. KashflowApi::Customer.all # Unimplemented Methods Some of the methods in the Kashflow API have not been implemented in this gem (yet) ## Customers * GetCustomersModifiedSince * GetCustomerSources * GetCustomerVATNumber * SetCustomerVATNumber * GetCustomerCurrency * SetCustomerCurrency * GetCustomerAdvancePayments ## Quotes