require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') describe "OracleEnhancedAdapter establish connection" do it "should connect to database" do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(CONNECTION_PARAMS) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.should_not be_nil ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.should == ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedAdapter end it "should connect to database as SYSDBA" do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(SYS_CONNECTION_PARAMS) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.should_not be_nil ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.should == ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedAdapter end it "should be active after connection to database" do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(CONNECTION_PARAMS) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.should be_active end it "should not be active after disconnection to database" do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(CONNECTION_PARAMS) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect! ActiveRecord::Base.connection.should_not be_active end it "should be active after reconnection to database" do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(CONNECTION_PARAMS) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect! ActiveRecord::Base.connection.should be_active end end describe "OracleEnhancedAdapter" do before(:all) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(CONNECTION_PARAMS) @conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection end describe "database session store" do before(:all) do @conn.execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE sessions ( id NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL, session_id VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT NULL, data CLOB DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATE DEFAULT NULL, updated_at DATE DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID) ) SQL @conn.execute <<-SQL CREATE SEQUENCE sessions_seq MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 10040 CACHE 20 NOORDER NOCYCLE SQL if ENV['RAILS_GEM_VERSION'] >= '2.3' @session_class = ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session else @session_class = CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session end end after(:all) do @conn.execute "DROP TABLE sessions" @conn.execute "DROP SEQUENCE sessions_seq" end it "should create sessions table" do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.grep("sessions").should_not be_empty end it "should save session data" do @session = :session_id => "111111", :data => "something" #, :updated_at =>! @session = @session_class.find_by_session_id("111111") == "something" end it "should change session data when partial updates enabled" do return pending("Not in this ActiveRecord version") unless @session_class.respond_to?(:partial_updates=) @session_class.partial_updates = true @session = :session_id => "222222", :data => "something" #, :updated_at =>! @session = @session_class.find_by_session_id("222222") = "other thing"! # second save should call again blob writing callback! @session = @session_class.find_by_session_id("222222") == "other thing" end it "should have one enhanced_write_lobs callback" do return pending("Not in this ActiveRecord version") unless @session_class.respond_to?(:after_save_callback_chain){|cb| cb.method == :enhanced_write_lobs}.should have(1).record end it "should not set sessions table session_id column type as integer if emulate_integers_by_column_name is true" do ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedAdapter.emulate_integers_by_column_name = true columns = @conn.columns('sessions') column = columns.detect{|c| == "session_id"} column.type.should == :string end end describe "ignore specified table columns" do before(:all) do @conn.execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE test_employees ( id NUMBER, first_name VARCHAR2(20), last_name VARCHAR2(25), email VARCHAR2(25), phone_number VARCHAR2(20), hire_date DATE, job_id NUMBER, salary NUMBER, commission_pct NUMBER(2,2), manager_id NUMBER(6), department_id NUMBER(4,0), created_at DATE ) SQL @conn.execute <<-SQL CREATE SEQUENCE test_employees_seq MINVALUE 1 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 CACHE 20 NOORDER NOCYCLE SQL end after(:all) do @conn.execute "DROP TABLE test_employees" @conn.execute "DROP SEQUENCE test_employees_seq" end after(:each) do Object.send(:remove_const, "TestEmployee") ActiveRecord::Base.connection.clear_ignored_table_columns end it "should ignore specified table columns" do class ::TestEmployee < ActiveRecord::Base ignore_table_columns :phone_number, :hire_date end TestEmployee.connection.columns('test_employees').select{|c| ['phone_number','hire_date'].include?( }.should be_empty end it "should ignore specified table columns specified in several lines" do class ::TestEmployee < ActiveRecord::Base ignore_table_columns :phone_number ignore_table_columns :hire_date end TestEmployee.connection.columns('test_employees').select{|c| ['phone_number','hire_date'].include?( }.should be_empty end it "should not ignore unspecified table columns" do class ::TestEmployee < ActiveRecord::Base ignore_table_columns :phone_number, :hire_date end TestEmployee.connection.columns('test_employees').select{|c| == 'email' }.should_not be_empty end it "should ignore specified table columns in other connection" do class ::TestEmployee < ActiveRecord::Base ignore_table_columns :phone_number, :hire_date end # establish other connection other_conn = ActiveRecord::Base.oracle_enhanced_connection(CONNECTION_PARAMS) other_conn.columns('test_employees').select{|c| ['phone_number','hire_date'].include?( }.should be_empty end end describe "without composite_primary_keys" do before(:all) do Object.send(:remove_const, 'CompositePrimaryKeys') if defined?(CompositePrimaryKeys) class ::Employee < ActiveRecord::Base set_primary_key :employee_id end end it "should tell ActiveRecord that count distinct is supported" do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_count_distinct?.should be_true end it "should execute correct SQL COUNT DISTINCT statement" do lambda { Employee.count(:employee_id, :distinct => true) }.should_not raise_error end end describe "column quoting" do def create_test_reserved_words_table ActiveRecord::Schema.define do suppress_messages do create_table :test_reserved_words do |t| t.string :varchar2 t.integer :integer end end end end after(:each) do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do suppress_messages do drop_table :test_reserved_words end end Object.send(:remove_const, "TestReservedWord") ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = nil end it "should allow creation of a table with oracle reserved words as column names" do create_test_reserved_words_table class ::TestReservedWord < ActiveRecord::Base; end [:varchar2, :integer].each do |attr| TestReservedWord.columns_hash[attr.to_s].name.should == attr.to_s end end end describe "valid table names" do before(:all) do @adapter = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedAdapter end it "should be valid with letters and digits" do @adapter.valid_table_name?("abc_123").should be_true end it "should be valid with schema name" do @adapter.valid_table_name?("abc_123.def_456").should be_true end it "should be valid with $ in name" do @adapter.valid_table_name?("sys.v$session").should be_true end it "should not be valid with two dots in name" do @adapter.valid_table_name?("abc_123.def_456.ghi_789").should be_false end it "should not be valid with invalid characters" do @adapter.valid_table_name?("warehouse-things").should be_false end end describe "table quoting" do def create_warehouse_things_table ActiveRecord::Schema.define do suppress_messages do create_table "warehouse-things" do |t| t.string :name t.integer :foo end end end end def create_camel_case_table ActiveRecord::Schema.define do suppress_messages do create_table "CamelCase" do |t| t.string :name t.integer :foo end end end end after(:each) do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do suppress_messages do drop_table "warehouse-things" rescue nil drop_table "CamelCase" rescue nil end end Object.send(:remove_const, "WarehouseThing") rescue nil Object.send(:remove_const, "CamelCase") rescue nil end it "should allow creation of a table with non alphanumeric characters" do create_warehouse_things_table class ::WarehouseThing < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "warehouse-things" end wh = WarehouseThing.create!(:name => "Foo", :foo => 2) be_nil @conn.tables.should include("warehouse-things") end it "should allow creation of a table with CamelCase name" do create_camel_case_table class ::CamelCase < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "CamelCase" end cc = CamelCase.create!(:name => "Foo", :foo => 2) be_nil @conn.tables.should include("CamelCase") end end describe "access table over database link" do before(:all) do @db_link = "db_link" @sys_conn = ActiveRecord::Base.oracle_enhanced_connection(SYSTEM_CONNECTION_PARAMS) @sys_conn.drop_table :test_posts rescue nil @sys_conn.create_table :test_posts do |t| t.string :title # cannot update LOBs over database link t.string :body t.timestamps end @db_link_username = SYSTEM_CONNECTION_PARAMS[:username] @db_link_password = SYSTEM_CONNECTION_PARAMS[:password] @db_link_database = SYSTEM_CONNECTION_PARAMS[:database] @conn.execute "DROP DATABASE LINK #{@db_link}" rescue nil @conn.execute "CREATE DATABASE LINK #{@db_link} CONNECT TO #{@db_link_username} IDENTIFIED BY #{@db_link_password} USING '#{@db_link_database}'" @conn.execute "CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM test_posts FOR test_posts@#{@db_link}" @conn.execute "CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM test_posts_seq FOR test_posts_seq@#{@db_link}" class ::TestPost < ActiveRecord::Base end TestPost.set_table_name "test_posts" end after(:all) do @conn.execute "DROP SYNONYM test_posts" @conn.execute "DROP SYNONYM test_posts_seq" @conn.execute "DROP DATABASE LINK #{@db_link}" rescue nil @sys_conn.drop_table :test_posts rescue nil Object.send(:remove_const, "TestPost") rescue nil end it "should verify database link" do @conn.select_value("select * from dual@#{@db_link}") == 'X' end it "should get column names" do TestPost.column_names.should == ["id", "title", "body", "created_at", "updated_at"] end it "should create record" do p = TestPost.create(:title => "Title", :body => "Body") be_nil TestPost.find( be_nil end end end