# Copyright, 2012, by Samuel G. D. Williams. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. require_relative 'middleware' require_relative 'localization' require 'time' require 'digest/sha1' require 'mime/types' module Utopia # Serve static files and include recursive name resolution using @rel@ directory entries. class Static MIME_TYPES = { :xiph => { "ogx" => "application/ogg", "ogv" => "video/ogg", "oga" => "audio/ogg", "ogg" => "audio/ogg", "spx" => "audio/ogg", "flac" => "audio/flac", "anx" => "application/annodex", "axa" => "audio/annodex", "xspf" => "application/xspf+xml", }, :media => [ :xiph, "mp3", "mp4", "wav", "aiff", ["aac", "audio/x-aac"], "mov", "avi", "wmv", "mpg" ], :text => [ "html", "css", "js", ["map", "application/json"], "txt", "rtf", "xml", "pdf" ], :fonts => [ "otf", ["eot", "application/vnd.ms-fontobject"], "ttf", "woff" ], :archive => [ "zip", "tar", "tgz", "tar.gz", "tar.bz2", ["dmg", "application/x-apple-diskimage"], ["torrent", "application/x-bittorrent"] ], :images => [ "png", "gif", "jpeg", "tiff", "svg" ], :default => [ :media, :text, :archive, :images, :fonts ] } private class LocalFile def initialize(root, path) @root = root @path = path @etag = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{File.size(full_path)}#{mtime_date}") @range = nil end attr :root attr :path attr :etag attr :range # Fit in with Rack::Sendfile def to_path full_path end def full_path File.join(@root, @path.components) end def mtime_date File.mtime(full_path).httpdate end def size File.size(full_path) end def each File.open(full_path, "rb") do |file| file.seek(@range.begin) remaining = @range.end - @range.begin+1 while remaining > 0 break unless part = file.read([8192, remaining].min) remaining -= part.length yield part end end end def modified?(env) if modified_since = env['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] return false if File.mtime(full_path) <= Time.parse(modified_since) end if etags = env['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] etags = etags.split(/\s*,\s*/) return false if etags.include?(etag) || etags.include?('*') end return true end def serve(env, response_headers) ranges = Rack::Utils.byte_ranges(env, size) response = [200, response_headers, self] # LOG.info("Requesting ranges: #{ranges.inspect} (#{size})") if ranges == nil or ranges.size != 1 # No ranges, or multiple ranges (which we don't support). # TODO: Support multiple byte-ranges, for now just send entire file: response[0] = 200 response[1]["Content-Length"] = size.to_s @range = 0..size-1 else # Partial content: @range = ranges[0] response[0] = 206 response[1]["Content-Range"] = "bytes #{@range.begin}-#{@range.end}/#{size}" response[1]["Content-Length"] = (@range.end - @range.begin+1).to_s size = @range.end - @range.begin + 1 end # LOG.debug {"Serving file #{full_path.inspect}, range #{@range.inspect}"} return response end end def load_mime_types(types) result = {} extract_extensions = lambda do |mime_type| # LOG.info "Extracting #{mime_type.inspect}" mime_type.extensions.each{|ext| result["." + ext] = mime_type.content_type} end types.each do |type| current_count = result.size # LOG.info "Processing #{type.inspect}" begin case type when Symbol result = load_mime_types(MIME_TYPES[type]).merge(result) when Array result["." + type[0]] = type[1] when String mt = MIME::Types.of(type).select{|mt| !mt.obsolete?}.each do |mt| extract_extensions.call(mt) end when Regexp MIME::Types[type].select{|mt| !mt.obsolete?}.each do |mt| extract_extensions.call(mt) end when MIME::Type extract_extensions.call(type) end rescue LOG.error "#{self.class.name}: Error while processing #{type.inspect}!" raise $! end if result.size == current_count LOG.warn "#{self.class.name}: Could not find any mime type for #{type.inspect}" end end return result end public def initialize(app, options = {}) @app = app @root = options[:root] || Utopia::default_root if options[:types] @extensions = load_mime_types(options[:types]) else @extensions = load_mime_types(MIME_TYPES[:default]) end @cache_control = options[:cache_control] || "public, max-age=3600" end def fetch_file(path) # We need file_path to be an absolute path for X-Sendfile to work correctly. file_path = File.join(@root, path.components) if File.exist?(file_path) return LocalFile.new(@root, path) else return nil end end attr :extensions def call(env) path_info = env['PATH_INFO'] extension = File.extname(path_info) if @extensions.key? extension.downcase path = Path[path_info].simplify if locale = env[Localization::CURRENT_LOCALE_KEY] path.last.insert(path.last.rindex('.') || -1, ".#{locale}") end if file = fetch_file(path) response_headers = { "Last-Modified" => file.mtime_date, "Content-Type" => @extensions[extension], "Cache-Control" => @cache_control, "ETag" => file.etag, "Accept-Ranges" => "bytes" } if file.modified?(env) return file.serve(env, response_headers) else return [304, response_headers, []] end end end # else if no file was found: return @app.call(env) end end end