module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class AirwallexGateway < Gateway self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' # per, cards are accepted in all EU countries self.supported_countries = %w[AT AU BE BG CY CZ DE DK EE GR ES FI FR GB HK HR HU IE IT LT LU LV MT NL PL PT RO SE SG SI SK] self.default_currency = 'AUD' self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Airwallex' ENDPOINTS = { login: '/authentication/login', setup: '/pa/payment_intents/create', sale: '/pa/payment_intents/%{id}/confirm', capture: '/pa/payment_intents/%{id}/capture', refund: '/pa/refunds/create', void: '/pa/payment_intents/%{id}/cancel' } def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :client_id, :client_api_key) @client_id = options[:client_id] @client_api_key = options[:client_api_key] super @access_token = setup_access_token end def purchase(money, card, options = {}) requires!(options, :return_url) payment_intent_id = create_payment_intent(money, options) post = { 'request_id' => request_id(options), 'merchant_order_id' => merchant_order_id(options), 'return_url' => options[:return_url] } add_card(post, card, options) add_descriptor(post, options) add_stored_credential(post, options) post['payment_method_options'] = { 'card' => { 'auto_capture' => false } } if authorization_only?(options) add_three_ds(post, options) commit(:sale, post, payment_intent_id) end def authorize(money, payment, options = {}) # authorize is just a purchase w/o an auto capture purchase(money, payment, options.merge({ auto_capture: false })) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, 'An authorization value must be provided.' if authorization.blank? post = { 'request_id' => request_id(options), 'merchant_order_id' => merchant_order_id(options), 'amount' => amount(money) } add_descriptor(post, options) commit(:capture, post, authorization) end def refund(money, authorization, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, 'An authorization value must be provided.' if authorization.blank? post = {} post[:amount] = amount(money) post[:payment_intent_id] = authorization post[:request_id] = request_id(options) post[:merchant_order_id] = merchant_order_id(options) commit(:refund, post) end def void(authorization, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, 'An authorization value must be provided.' if authorization.blank? post = {} post[:request_id] = request_id(options) post[:merchant_order_id] = merchant_order_id(options) add_descriptor(post, options) commit(:void, post, authorization) end def verify(credit_card, options = {}) do |r| r.process { authorize(100, credit_card, options) } r.process(:ignore_result) { void(r.authorization, options) } end end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(/(\\\"number\\\":\\\")\d+/, '\1[REDACTED]'). gsub(/(\\\"cvc\\\":\\\")\d+/, '\1[REDACTED]') end private def request_id(options) options[:request_id] || generate_timestamp end def merchant_order_id(options) options[:merchant_order_id] || options[:order_id] || generate_timestamp end def generate_timestamp ( * 100).to_i.to_s end def setup_access_token token_headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'x-client-id' => @client_id, 'x-api-key' => @client_api_key } response = ssl_post(build_request_url(:login), nil, token_headers) JSON.parse(response)['token'] end def build_request_url(action, id = nil) base_url = (test? ? test_url : live_url) base_url + ENDPOINTS[action].to_s % { id: id } end def create_payment_intent(money, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, money, options) add_order(post, options) post[:request_id] = "#{request_id(options)}_setup" post[:merchant_order_id] = "#{merchant_order_id(options)}_setup" add_descriptor(post, options) response = commit(:setup, post) raise unless response.success? response.params['id'] end def add_billing(post, card, options = {}) return unless has_name_info?(card) billing = post['payment_method']['card']['billing'] || {} billing['email'] = options[:email] if options[:email] billing['phone'] = options[:phone] if options[:phone] billing['first_name'] = card.first_name billing['last_name'] = card.last_name billing_address = options[:billing_address] billing['address'] = build_address(billing_address) if has_required_address_info?(billing_address) post['payment_method']['card']['billing'] = billing end def has_name_info?(card) # These fields are required if billing data is sent. card.first_name && card.last_name end def has_required_address_info?(address) # These fields are required if address data is sent. return unless address address[:address1] && address[:country] end def build_address(address) return unless address address_data = {} # names r hard address_data[:country_code] = address[:country] address_data[:street] = address[:address1] address_data[:city] = address[:city] if address[:city] # required per doc, not in practice address_data[:postcode] = address[:zip] if address[:zip] address_data[:state] = address[:state] if address[:state] address_data end def add_invoice(post, money, options) post[:amount] = amount(money) post[:currency] = (options[:currency] || currency(money)) end def add_card(post, card, options = {}) post['payment_method'] = { 'type' => 'card', 'card' => { 'expiry_month' => format(card.month, :two_digits), 'expiry_year' => card.year.to_s, 'number' => card.number.to_s, 'name' =>, 'cvc' => card.verification_value } } add_billing(post, card, options) end def add_order(post, options) return unless shipping_address = options[:shipping_address] physical_address = build_shipping_address(shipping_address) first_name, last_name = split_names(shipping_address[:name]) shipping = {} shipping[:first_name] = first_name if first_name shipping[:last_name] = last_name if last_name shipping[:phone_number] = shipping_address[:phone_number] if shipping_address[:phone_number] shipping[:address] = physical_address post[:order] = { shipping: shipping } end def build_shipping_address(shipping_address) address = {} address[:city] = shipping_address[:city] address[:country_code] = shipping_address[:country] address[:postcode] = shipping_address[:zip] address[:state] = shipping_address[:state] address[:street] = shipping_address[:address1] address end def add_stored_credential(post, options) return unless stored_credential = options[:stored_credential] external_recurring_data = post[:external_recurring_data] = {} case stored_credential.dig(:reason_type) when 'recurring', 'installment' external_recurring_data[:merchant_trigger_reason] = 'scheduled' when 'unscheduled' external_recurring_data[:merchant_trigger_reason] = 'unscheduled' end external_recurring_data[:original_transaction_id] = stored_credential.dig(:network_transaction_id) external_recurring_data[:triggered_by] = stored_credential.dig(:initiator) == 'cardholder' ? 'customer' : 'merchant' end def add_three_ds(post, options) return unless three_d_secure = options[:three_d_secure] pm_options = post.dig('payment_method_options', 'card') external_three_ds = { 'version': format_three_ds_version(three_d_secure), 'eci': three_d_secure[:eci] }.merge(three_ds_version_specific_fields(three_d_secure)) pm_options ? pm_options.merge!('external_three_ds': external_three_ds) : post['payment_method_options'] = { 'card': { 'external_three_ds': external_three_ds } } end def format_three_ds_version(three_d_secure) version = three_d_secure[:version].split('.') version.push('0') until version.length == 3 version.join('.') end def three_ds_version_specific_fields(three_d_secure) if three_d_secure[:version].to_f >= 2 { 'authentication_value': three_d_secure[:cavv], 'ds_transaction_id': three_d_secure[:ds_transaction_id], 'three_ds_server_transaction_id': three_d_secure[:three_ds_server_trans_id] } else { 'cavv': three_d_secure[:cavv], 'xid': three_d_secure[:xid] } end end def authorization_only?(options = {}) options.include?(:auto_capture) && options[:auto_capture] == false end def add_descriptor(post, options) post[:descriptor] = options[:description] if options[:description] end def parse(body) JSON.parse(body) end def commit(action, post, id = nil) url = build_request_url(action, id) post_headers = { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{@access_token}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } response = parse(ssl_post(url, post_data(post), post_headers)) success_from(response), message_from(response), response, authorization: authorization_from(response), avs_result: response.dig('latest_payment_attempt', 'authentication_data', 'avs_result')), cvv_result:'latest_payment_attempt', 'authentication_data', 'cvc_code')), test: test?, error_code: error_code_from(response) ) end def handle_response(response) case response.code.to_i when 200...300, 400, 404 response.body else raise end end def post_data(post) post.to_json end def success_from(response) %w(REQUIRES_PAYMENT_METHOD SUCCEEDED RECEIVED REQUIRES_CAPTURE CANCELLED).include?(response['status']) end def message_from(response) response.dig('latest_payment_attempt', 'status') || response['status'] || response['message'] end def authorization_from(response) response.dig('latest_payment_attempt', 'payment_intent_id') end def error_code_from(response) response['provider_original_response_code'] || response['code'] unless success_from(response) end end end end