$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'rubygems' require 'smsified' require 'yaml' config = YAML.load(File.open('examples/config.yml')) smsified = Smsified::OneAPI.new :username => config['smsified']['username'], :password => config['smsified']['password'] # Send an SMS to one address result = smsified.send_sms :message => 'Hello there!', :address => '14157044517', :notify_url => config['postbin'], :sender_address => '17177455076' puts result.data.inspect puts result.http.inspect # Send an SMS to multiple addresses result = smsified.send_sms :message => 'Hello there!', :address => ['14157044517', '14153675082'], :notify_url => config['postbin'], :sender_address => '17177455076' puts result.data.inspect puts result.http.inspect # Create in inbound subscription result = smsified.create_inbound_subscription '17177455076', :notify_url => config['postbin'] puts result.data.inspect puts result.http.inspect # Get some of your sent SMS details result = smsified.search_sms 'startDate=2011-02-14&endDate=2011-02-15' puts result.data.inspect puts result.data.inspect