require 'cgi' require 'uri' require 'httparty' require 'hashie' Hash.send :include, Hashie::Extensions libdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(libdir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(libdir) require 'emaildirect/version' require 'emaildirect/mailer' require 'emaildirect/campaign' require 'emaildirect/creative' require 'emaildirect/creative_folder' require 'emaildirect/database' require 'emaildirect/filter' require 'emaildirect/image_folder' require 'emaildirect/image_file' require 'emaildirect/import' require 'emaildirect/list' require 'emaildirect/relay_send' require 'emaildirect/short_url' require 'emaildirect/publication' require 'emaildirect/order' require 'emaildirect/order_item' require 'emaildirect/source' require 'emaildirect/subscriber' require 'emaildirect/suppression_list' require 'emaildirect/workflow' module EmailDirect class << self # Just allows callers to do EmailDirect.api_key = "..." rather than EmailDirect::EmailDirect.api_key "..." etc def api_key=(api_key) EmailDirect.api_key = api_key end def base_uri=(uri) EmailDirect.base_uri uri end # Allows the initializer to turn off actually communicating to the REST service for certain environments # Requires fakeweb gem to be installed def disable FakeWeb.register_uri(:any, %r|#{Regexp.escape(EmailDirect.base_uri)}|, :body => '{"Disabled":true}', :content_type => 'application/json; charset=utf-8') end end # Represents a EmailDirect API error and contains specific data about the error. class EmailDirectError < StandardError attr_reader :data def initialize(data) @data = super "The EmailDirect API responded with the following error - #{data}" end end class ClientError < StandardError; end class ServerError < StandardError; end class BadRequest < EmailDirectError; end class Unauthorized < StandardError; end class NotFound < ClientError; end class Unavailable < StandardError; end class EmailDirect include HTTParty @@base_uri = "" @@api_key = "" headers({ 'User-Agent' => "emaildirect-rest-#{VERSION}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate', 'ApiKey' => @@api_key }) base_uri @@base_uri class << self # Sets the API key which will be used to make calls to the EmailDirect API. def api_key=(api_key) return @@api_key unless api_key @@api_key = api_key headers 'ApiKey' => @@api_key end def base_uri; @@base_uri end def get(*args); handle_response super end def post(*args); handle_response super end def put(*args); handle_response super end def delete(*args); handle_response super end def handle_response(response) # :nodoc: case response.code when 400 raise response.parsed_response when 401 raise when 404 raise when 400...500 raise response.parsed_response when 500...600 raise else response end end end # This call returns an object reflecting the current permissions allowed for the provided API Key def ping response = EmailDirect.get('/Ping') end end end