require "simple_form" module PlutoniumUi class FormBuilder < SimpleForm::FormBuilder def input(attribute_name, options = {}, &) label_class = options.dig(:label_html, :class) if object&.errors&.[](attribute_name).present? # Don't show the hint options.delete(:hint) # Apply error class if there are errors label_class = [label_class, "text-red-700 dark:text-red-500"].compact.join(" ") elsif object&.persisted? || !object&.errors&.empty? # Apply success class if the object is persisted, has been validated (errors are not empty), and the field has no errors label_class = [label_class, "block mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-green-700 dark:text-green-500"].compact.join(" ") else label_class = [label_class, "text-gray-700 dark:text-white"].compact.join(" ") end options[:label_html] ||= {} options[:label_html][:class] = label_class super end def hint(...) return if object.errors[attribute_name].present? super end def return_to(url) @template.tag(:input, type: "hidden", name: "return_to", value: url, hidden: true) end def error_notification(options = {}) # Overriding this because we want an unstyled error notification translate_error_notification = lambda { lookups = [] lookups << :"#{object_name}" lookups << :default_message lookups << "Please review the problems below" I18n.t(lookups.shift, scope: :"plutonium.error_notification", default: lookups) } (options.delete(:message) || end def submit_default_value object = convert_to_model(@object) key = if object object.persisted? ? :update : :create else :submit end model = if object.respond_to?(:model_name) object.model_name.human else @object_name.to_s.humanize end defaults = [] # Object is a model and it is not overwritten by as and scope option. defaults << if object.respond_to?(:model_name) && object_name.to_s == model.downcase :"helpers.submit.#{object.model_name.i18n_key}.#{key}" else :"helpers.submit.#{object_name}.#{key}" end defaults << :"helpers.submit.#{key}" defaults << "#{key.to_s.humanize} #{model}" I18n.t(defaults.shift, model: model, default: defaults) end end end