require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','..','test_helper')) require "new_relic/agent/beacon_configuration" class NewRelic::Agent::BeaconConfigurationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_initialize_basic connect_data = {} bc = assert_equal true, bc.rum_enabled assert_equal '', bc.browser_timing_header %w[application_id browser_monitoring_key beacon].each do |method| value = bc.send(method.to_sym) assert_equal nil, value, "Expected #{method} to be nil, but was #{value.inspect}" end end def test_initialize_with_real_data connect_data = {'browser_key' => 'a browser monitoring key', 'application_id' => 'an application id', 'beacon' => 'a beacon', 'rum_enabled' => true} bc = assert_equal(true, bc.rum_enabled) assert_equal('a browser monitoring key', bc.browser_monitoring_key) assert_equal('an application id', bc.application_id) assert_equal('a beacon', bc.beacon) assert_equal(109, bc.browser_timing_header.size, "should output the javascript with all the data available") end def test_license_bytes_nil connect_data = {} NewRelic::Control.instance.expects(:license_key).returns('a' * 40).once bc = assert_equal([97] * 40, bc.license_bytes, 'should return the bytes of the license key') end def test_license_bytes_existing_bytes connect_data = {} bc = bc.instance_eval { @license_bytes = [97] * 40 } NewRelic::Control.instance.expects(:license_key).never assert_equal([97] * 40, bc.license_bytes, "should return the cached value if it exists") end def test_license_bytes_should_set_instance_cache connect_data = {} bc = NewRelic::Control.instance.expects(:license_key).returns('a' * 40) bc.instance_eval { @license_bytes = nil } bc.license_bytes assert_equal([97] * 40, bc.instance_variable_get('@license_bytes'), "should cache the license bytes for later") end def test_build_browser_timing_header_disabled connect_data = {} bc = bc.instance_eval { @rum_enabled = false } assert_equal '', bc.build_browser_timing_header, "should not return a header when rum enabled is false" end def test_build_browser_timing_header_enabled_but_no_key connect_data = {} bc = bc.instance_eval { @rum_enabled = true; @browser_monitoring_key = nil } assert_equal '', bc.build_browser_timing_header, "should not return a header when browser_monitoring_key is nil" end def test_build_browser_timing_header_enabled_with_key connect_data = {} bc = bc.instance_eval { @browser_monitoring_key = 'a browser monitoring key' } assert(bc.build_browser_timing_header.include?('NREUMQ'), "header should be generated when rum is enabled and browser monitoring key is set") end def test_build_browser_timing_header_should_html_safe_header mock_javascript = mock('javascript') connect_data = {'browser_key' => 'a' * 40} bc = assert_equal('a' * 40, bc.instance_variable_get('@browser_monitoring_key'), "should save the key from the config") bc.expects(:javascript_header).returns(mock_javascript) mock_javascript.expects(:respond_to?).with(:html_safe).returns(true) mock_javascript.expects(:html_safe) bc.build_browser_timing_header end def test_build_load_file_js_load_episodes_file_false connect_data = {'rum.load_episodes_file' => false} bc = assert_equal '', bc.build_load_file_js(connect_data), "should be empty when load episodes file is false" end def test_build_load_file_js_load_episodes_file_missing connect_data = {} bc = assert_equal(304, bc.build_load_file_js(connect_data).size, "should output the javascript when there is no configuration") end def test_build_load_file_js_load_episodes_file_present connect_data = {'rum.load_episodes_file' => true} bc = assert_equal(304, bc.build_load_file_js(connect_data).size, "should output the javascript when rum.load_episodes_file is true") end def test_build_load_file_js_load_episodes_file_with_episodes_url connect_data = {'episodes_url' => 'an episodes url'} bc = assert(bc.build_load_file_js(connect_data).include?('an episodes url'), "should include the episodes url by default") end end