require 'wash_out' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys' require 'active_support/concern' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety' require 'active_support/ordered_options' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/starts_ends_with' Gem.find_files('washout_builder/**/*.rb').each { |path| require path } ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper.class_eval do alias_method :original_wash_out, :wash_out # Adds the routes for a SOAP endpoint at +controller+. def wash_out(controller_name, options={}) env_checker = if env_checker.available_for_env?(Rails.env) options = options.symbolize_keys if options.is_a?(Hash) if @scope scope_frame = @scope.respond_to?(:frame) ? @scope.frame : @scope # needed for backward compatibility with old version when this module name was camelized options[:module] = options[:module].to_s.underscore if options[:module].present? options.each { |key, value| scope_frame[key] = value } controller_class_name = [scope_frame[:module], controller_name].compact.join("/").underscore else controller_class_name = controller_name.to_s.underscore end match "#{controller_name}/soap_doc" => WashoutBuilder::Engine, via: :get, defaults: { name: "#{controller_class_name}" }, format: false, as: "#{controller_class_name}_soap_doc" end original_wash_out(controller_name, options) end end # finds all the exception class and extends them by including the ExceptionModel module in order to be # able to generate documentation for exceptions WashoutBuilder::Type.all_fault_classes.each do |exception_class| exception_class.class_eval do extend WashoutBuilder::Document::ExceptionModel end end # finds all the classes that have defined the "soap_action" method and overrides it so that # it parses the definition properly for generating documentation WashoutBuilder::Type.all_controller_classes.each do |controller| controller.class_eval do alias_method :original_soap_action, :soap_action include WashoutBuilder::SOAP end end # find the class that is used for parsing definition of soap actions and add method for parsing definition # and also includes the ComplexType module that is used for generating documentation base_param_class = WashoutBuilder::Type.base_param_class if base_param_class.present? base_param_class.class_eval do extend WashoutBuilder::Param include WashoutBuilder::Document::ComplexType end end # finds all the soap config classes that have the methods "config" and "keys" and overrides them in order to add the "description"key to the allowed keys # this will allow webservices to specify a description besides the namespace and endpoint WashoutBuilder::Type.all_soap_config_classes.each do |controller| controller.class_eval do singleton_class.send(:alias_method, :original_config, :config) singleton_class.send(:alias_method, :original_keys, :keys) def self.keys @keys = config.keys end def self.config original_config.merge(description: nil) end end controller.soap_accessor(:description) end