### # wxRuby3 sampler editor # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands ### require 'wx' if Wx.has_feature?(:USE_STC) require_relative './stc_editor' else require_relative './txt_editor' end module WxRuby module ID EDT_MIN_ID = Wx::ID_HIGHEST + 1000 end class UpdateEditorUIEvent < Wx::CommandEvent # Create a new unique constant identifier, associate this class # with events of that identifier, and create a shortcut 'evt_update_editor_ui' # method for setting up this handler. EVT_UPDATE_EDITOR_UI = Wx::EvtHandler.register_class(self, nil, 'evt_update_editor_ui', 0) def initialize(editor_id=0) # The constant id is the arg to super super(EVT_UPDATE_EDITOR_UI) # simply use instance variables to store custom event associated data @editor_id = editor_id end attr_reader :editor_id end class SampleEditPanel def initialize(frame, parent, sample) @frame = frame @sample = sample @splitter = Wx::SplitterWindow.new(parent, Wx::ID_ANY) # Create a Notebook with editors @edt_book = Wx::Notebook.new(@splitter, :style => Wx::CLIP_CHILDREN) @editors = [] # main source file add_editor_page(@sample.file, 0) # additional files @sample.files.each_with_index { |filename, ix| add_editor_page(filename, ix+1) } # create a (console) log window @log_panel = Wx::Panel.new(@splitter, Wx::ID_ANY) log_sizer = Wx::VBoxSizer.new lbl_sizer = Wx::HBoxSizer.new lbl_sizer.add(Wx::StaticText.new(@log_panel, Wx::ID_ANY, 'Log'), 0, Wx::RIGHT, 5) lbl_sizer.add(Wx::StaticLine.new(@log_panel, Wx::ID_ANY, [2,2], style: Wx::LI_HORIZONTAL|Wx::SIMPLE_BORDER), 1, Wx::ALIGN_CENTER, 0) log_sizer.add(lbl_sizer, 0, Wx::EXPAND|Wx::ALL, 3) @log = Wx::TextCtrl.new(@log_panel, style: Wx::TE_MULTILINE | Wx::TE_READONLY | Wx::TE_NOHIDESEL | Wx::HSCROLL | Wx::VSCROLL) @log.set_max_length(0) unless Wx::PLATFORM == 'WXGTK' log_sizer.add(@log, 1, Wx::EXPAND|Wx::ALL, 2) log_sizer.fit(@log_panel) @log_panel.sizer = log_sizer @log_panel.hide @splitter.init(@edt_book) @edt_book.evt_notebook_page_changed(@edt_book.id) { |evt| on_page_changed(evt) } @edt_book.set_selection(0) end attr_reader :splitter def add_editor_page(filename, pgnr) panel = Wx::Panel.new(@edt_book, Wx::ID_ANY) edt_sizer = Wx::HBoxSizer.new @editors << (editor = SampleEditorCtrl.new(self, panel, ID::EDT_MIN_ID+pgnr)) editor.load_file filename edt_sizer.add(editor, 1, Wx::EXPAND) edt_sizer.fit(panel) panel.sizer = edt_sizer @edt_book.add_page(panel, File.basename(filename)) end private :add_editor_page def split @log_panel.show @splitter.split_horizontally(@edt_book, @log_panel, (0.75 * @frame.get_client_size.height).to_i) @splitter.set_sash_gravity(0.75) @splitter.set_minimum_pane_size(0) @frame.update end def unsplit @log_panel.hide @splitter.init(@edt_book) @splitter.update_size @frame.update end def add_log(txt) unless @splitter.split? split end @log.write_text(txt) end def clear_log @log.clear end def update_page_modify(pg, f) pgtxt = if pg == 0 File.basename(@sample.file) else File.basename(@sample.files[pg-1]) end @edt_book.set_page_text(pg, "#{pgtxt}#{f ? '*' : ''}") end def save(sample) @sample = sample @editors[0].save_file(@sample.file) if @editors[0].modified? update_page_modify(0, false) @sample.files.each_with_index do |f, i| @editors[i+1].save_file(f) if @editors[i+1].modified? update_page_modify(i+1, false) end @frame.update_modify(@editors.any? { |e| e.modified? }) end def self.stc_editor? !(SampleEditorCtrl < Wx::TextCtrl) end def display_dark(f = true) @editors.each { |e| e.display_dark(f) } end def show_whitespace(f = true) @editors.each { |e| e.show_whitespace(f) } end def show_eol(f = true) @editors.each { |e| e.show_eol(f) } end def undo @editors[@edt_book.selection].undo end def redo @editors[@edt_book.selection].redo_ end def copy @editors[@edt_book.selection].copy @frame.update_paste(true) end def cut @editors[@edt_book.selection].cut @frame.update_paste(true) end def paste @editors[@edt_book.selection].paste end def find(txt, forward, whole_word, match_case) @editors[@edt_book.selection].find(txt, forward, whole_word, match_case) end def replace(from, to, forward, whole_word, match_case, all=false) @editors[@edt_book.selection].replace(from, to, forward, whole_word, match_case, all) end def find_close @editors.each { |e| e.find_close } end def goto res = Wx.get_number_from_user('Enter line number to go to.', 'Line:', 'Goto Line', @editors[@edt_book.selection].current_line+1, 1, @editors[@edt_book.selection].line_count, @frame) if res >= 1 @editors[@edt_book.selection].goto_line(res-1) end end def page_from_id(id) if id >= ID::EDT_MIN_ID && id < (ID::EDT_MIN_ID+@edt_book.page_count) id - ID::EDT_MIN_ID else nil end end private :page_from_id def active_editor?(id) @edt_book.selection == page_from_id(id) end def editor(id) if (pgnr = page_from_id(id)) return @editors[pgnr] end nil end def update_ui(id) @frame.queue_event(UpdateEditorUIEvent.new(id)) end def update_modify(id, modify) if (pgnr = page_from_id(id)) update_page_modify(pgnr, modify) @frame.update_modify(@editors.any? { |e| e.modified? }) end end def on_page_changed(evt) find_close update_ui(@editors[evt.selection].id) end end class SampleEditor < Wx::Frame module ID QUIT = Wx::ID_EXIT ABOUT = Wx::ID_ABOUT SAVE = Wx::ID_SAVE UNDO = Wx::ID_UNDO REDO = Wx::ID_REDO COPY = Wx::ID_COPY CUT = Wx::ID_CUT PASTE = Wx::ID_PASTE FIND = Wx::ID_FIND FIND_NEXT = Wx::ID_FORWARD FIND_PREV = Wx::ID_BACKWARD REPLACE = Wx::ID_REPLACE GOTO = Wx::ID_JUMP_TO %i[ RUN TOGGLE_THEME TOGGLE_WS TOGGLE_EOL TOGGLE_LOG CLEAR_LOG ].each_with_index { |ids, idx| self.const_set(ids, Wx::ID_HIGHEST+1+idx) } end def initialize(sampler, sample, pos: Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION , style: Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) frameSize = Wx::Size.new((Wx::SystemSettings.get_metric(Wx::SYS_SCREEN_X) / 5) * 2, (Wx::SystemSettings.get_metric(Wx::SYS_SCREEN_Y) / 3) * 2) super(nil, Wx::ID_ANY, sample.summary, pos: pos,size: frameSize, style: style) self.icon = sampler.icon @sampler = sampler @sample = sample @modified = false menuFile = Wx::Menu.new menuFile.append(ID::SAVE, "&Save\tCtrl-S", 'Save the sample to a local folder') menuFile.append(ID::RUN, "&Run\tCtrl-G", 'Run the (changed) sample') menuFile.append_separator menuFile.append(ID::QUIT, "&Close\tCtrl-Q", "Close the sample editor") menuEdit = Wx::Menu.new @m_undo = menuEdit.append(ID::UNDO, "Undo\tCtrl-Z", 'Undo last change') @m_redo = menuEdit.append(ID::REDO, "Redo\tShift-Ctrl-Z", 'Redo last undone change') menuEdit.append_separator menuEdit.append(ID::COPY, "Copy selection\tCtrl-C", 'Copy selection') menuEdit.append(ID::CUT, "Cut selection\tCtrl-X", 'Cut selection') @m_paste = menuEdit.append(ID::PASTE, "Paste selection\tCtrl-V", 'Paste selection') menuEdit.append_separator menuEdit.append(ID::FIND, "Find...\tCtrl-F", 'Show Find Dialog') menuEdit.append(ID::FIND_NEXT, "Find Next\tF3", 'Find next occurrence of the search phrase') menuEdit.append(ID::FIND_PREV, "Find Previous\tShift-F3", 'Find previous occurrence of the search phrase') menuEdit.append(ID::REPLACE, "Replace...\tCtrl-R", 'Show Replace Dialog') menuEdit.append_separator menuEdit.append(ID::GOTO, "Got to line...\tCtrl-G", 'Move to line number') menuView = Wx::Menu.new menuView.append(ID::TOGGLE_THEME, 'Display dark theme', 'Display dark theme', Wx::ITEM_CHECK) if SampleEditPanel.stc_editor? menuView.append(ID::TOGGLE_WS, "Show &Whitespace\tF6", "Show Whitespace", Wx::ITEM_CHECK) menuView.append(ID::TOGGLE_EOL, "Show &End of Line\tF7", "Show End of Line characters", Wx::ITEM_CHECK) end menuView.append_separator @m_log = menuView.append(ID::TOGGLE_LOG, 'Show log', 'Show the log panel', Wx::ITEM_CHECK) @m_clr_log = menuView.append(ID::CLEAR_LOG, 'Clear log', 'Clear the log panel') @m_clr_log.enable(false) menuHelp = Wx::Menu.new menuHelp.append(ID::ABOUT, "&About...\tF1", "Show about dialog") menuBar = Wx::MenuBar.new menuBar.append(menuFile, "&File") menuBar.append(menuEdit, "&Edit") menuBar.append(menuView, "&View") menuBar.append(menuHelp, "&Help") set_menu_bar(menuBar) panel = Wx::Panel.new(self) panel_szr = Wx::VBoxSizer.new @tbar = Wx::ToolBar.new(panel, style: Wx::TB_HORIZONTAL | Wx::NO_BORDER | Wx::TB_FLAT) @tbar.tool_bitmap_size = [ 16, 16 ] @tbar.add_tool(ID::SAVE, 'Save', bitmap(:filesave), 'Save the sample to a local folder') @tbar.add_tool(ID::RUN, 'Run', bitmap(:play), 'Run the (changed) sample') @tbar.add_separator @tbar.add_tool(ID::UNDO, 'Undo', bitmap(:undo), 'Undo change') @tbar.add_tool(ID::REDO, 'Redo', bitmap(:redo), 'Redo change') @tbar.add_separator @tbar.add_tool(ID::COPY, 'Copy', bitmap(:copy), 'Copy selection') @tbar.add_tool(ID::CUT, 'Cut', bitmap(:cut), 'Cut selection') @tbar.add_tool(ID::PASTE, 'Paste', bitmap(:paste), 'Paste selection') @tbar.add_separator @tbar.add_tool(ID::FIND, 'Find', bitmap(:find), 'Show Find Dialog') @tbar.add_tool(ID::FIND_NEXT, 'FindNext', bitmap(:forward), 'Find next occurrence of the search phrase') @tbar.add_tool(ID::FIND_PREV, 'FindPrev', bitmap(:back), 'Find previous occurrence of the search phrase') @tbar.add_tool(ID::REPLACE, 'Replace', bitmap(:findrepl), 'Show Replace Dialog') @tbar.realize panel_szr.add(@tbar) # Create the editor panel @editors = SampleEditPanel.new(self, panel, @sample) panel_szr.add(@editors.splitter, 1, Wx::GROW, 0) panel.set_sizer(panel_szr) create_status_bar(1) set_status_text("Welcome to wxRuby Sample editor.") evt_idle(:on_idle) evt_update_editor_ui(:on_update_editor_ui) evt_menu(ID::RUN, :on_run) evt_menu(ID::SAVE, :on_save) evt_menu(ID::QUIT, :on_quit) evt_menu(ID::ABOUT, :on_about) evt_menu(ID::TOGGLE_THEME, :on_toggle_theme) if SampleEditPanel.stc_editor? evt_menu(ID::TOGGLE_WS, :on_toggle_ws) evt_menu(ID::TOGGLE_EOL, :on_toggle_eol) end evt_menu(ID::TOGGLE_LOG, :on_toggle_log) evt_menu(ID::CLEAR_LOG, :on_clear_log) evt_menu(ID::UNDO) { @editors.undo } evt_menu(ID::REDO) { @editors.redo } evt_menu(ID::COPY) { @editors.copy } evt_menu(ID::CUT) { @editors.cut } evt_menu(ID::PASTE) { @editors.paste } @find_dialog = nil @find_data = Wx::FindReplaceData.new evt_menu(ID::FIND, :on_show_find) evt_menu(ID::REPLACE, :on_show_replace) evt_find_close(Wx::ID_ANY, :on_find_close) evt_find(Wx::ID_ANY, :on_find) evt_find_next(Wx::ID_ANY, :on_find) evt_find_replace(Wx::ID_ANY, :on_replace) evt_find_replace_all(Wx::ID_ANY, :on_replace_all) evt_menu(ID::FIND_NEXT, :on_find_next) evt_menu(ID::FIND_PREV, :on_find_prev) evt_menu(ID::GOTO, :on_goto) layout end def bitmap(name) Wx::Bitmap.new(File.join(__dir__, "#{name}.xpm")) end def update_undo_redo(f_undo, f_redo) @m_undo.enable(f_undo) @m_redo.enable(f_redo) @tbar.enable_tool(ID::UNDO, f_undo) @tbar.enable_tool(ID::REDO, f_redo) set_status_text('') end private :update_undo_redo def update_paste(f_paste) @m_paste.enable(f_paste) @tbar.enable_tool(ID::PASTE, f_paste) set_status_text('') end def update_modify(modify) @modified = modify set_status_text('') end def on_update_editor_ui(evt) if @editors.active_editor?(evt.editor_id) edt = @editors.editor(evt.editor_id) update_undo_redo(edt.can_undo, edt.can_redo) update_paste(edt.can_paste) end end def on_run if @modified on_save end return if @modified @sampler.run_sample(@sample) end def on_idle(evt) if @sample.running? output = @sample.read if @sample.active? evt.request_more(true) else output << @sample.close end unless output.empty? @m_log.check(true) @editors.add_log(output) end @m_clr_log.enable(@m_log.checked?) end end def on_save unless WxRuby::Sample::SampleEntry::Copy === @sample Wx::DirDialog(self, 'Select a folder to save the sample in', Wx.get_home_dir) do |dialog| if dialog.show_modal == Wx::ID_OK if Wx::YES == Wx.message_box( "Are you sure you want to save the sample to\n#{dialog.path}?\n"\ "Any existing files will be overwritten.", 'Confirm', Wx::YES_NO | Wx::CANCEL || Wx::ICON_QUESTION) begin @sample = @sample.copy_to(dialog.get_path) rescue Exception Wx.message_box("Failed to save the sample:\n#{$!.message}", 'Error', Wx::OK | Wx::ICON_ERROR) return end self.title = "#{@sample.summary} [#{@sample.path}]" end end end end begin @editors.save(@sample) rescue Exception Wx.message_box("Failed to save the sample:\n#{$!.message}", 'Error', Wx::OK | Wx::ICON_ERROR) return end set_status_text('Successfully saved sample.') end def on_quit @find_dialog.destroy if @find_dialog close(true) end def on_about Wx.message_box('This is the About dialog of the wxRuby Sample Editor.', 'About', Wx::OK | Wx::ICON_INFORMATION, self) end def on_toggle_theme @dark_theme = !@dark_theme @editors.display_dark(@dark_theme) end def on_toggle_ws @ws_visible = !@ws_visible @editors.show_whitespace(@ws_visible) end def on_toggle_eol @eol_visible = !@eol_visible @editors.show_eol(@eol_visible) end def on_toggle_log(evt) if evt.checked? @m_clr_log.enable(true) @editors.split else @m_clr_log.enable(false) @editors.unsplit end end def on_clear_log @editors.clear_log end def on_show_find(_evt) unless @find_dialog && @find_dialog.title != 'Find' @find_dialog.destroy if @find_dialog @find_dialog = Wx::FindReplaceDialog.new(self, @find_data, 'Find') @find_dialog.show end end def on_show_replace(_evt) unless @find_dialog && @find_dialog.title != 'Find and Replace' @find_dialog.destroy if @find_dialog @find_dialog = Wx::FindReplaceDialog.new(self, @find_data, 'Find and Replace', style: Wx::FR_REPLACEDIALOG) @find_dialog.show end end def do_find(txt, flags) if @editors.find(txt, (flags&Wx::FR_DOWN) == Wx::FR_DOWN, (flags&Wx::FR_WHOLEWORD) == Wx::FR_WHOLEWORD, (flags&Wx::FR_MATCHCASE) == Wx::FR_MATCHCASE) set_status_text('') else set_status_text(%Q{No occurrence of "#{txt}" found}) end end private :do_find def on_find(evt) do_find(evt.find_string, evt.flags) end def do_replace(from, to, flags, all=false) if (count = @editors.replace(from, to, (flags & Wx::FR_DOWN) == Wx::FR_DOWN, (flags & Wx::FR_WHOLEWORD) == Wx::FR_WHOLEWORD, (flags & Wx::FR_MATCHCASE) == Wx::FR_MATCHCASE, all)) > 0 set_status_text(%Q{Replaced #{count} occurrences of "#{from}" to "#{to}"}) else set_status_text(%Q{No occurrence of "#{from}" found to replace}) end end def on_replace(evt) do_replace(evt.find_string, evt.replace_string, evt.flags) end def on_replace_all(evt) do_replace(evt.find_string, evt.replace_string, evt.flags, true) end def on_find_next(_evt) flags = @find_data.flags | Wx::FR_DOWN do_find(@find_data.find_string, flags) end def on_find_prev(_evt) flags = @find_data.flags & (~Wx::FR_DOWN) do_find(@find_data.find_string, flags) end def on_find_close(_evt) @find_dialog.destroy if @find_dialog @find_dialog = nil @editors.find_close set_status_text('') end def on_goto(_evt) @editors.goto end end end