When /^the client cd's to "(.*?)"$/ do |path| capture_error do step %Q(the client successfully cd's to "#{path}") end end # As of Ruby 1.9.3-p125, Net::FTP#chdir('..') will send a CDUP. # However, that could conceivably change: The use of CDUP not # required by the FTP protocol. Therefore we use this step to # ensure that CDUP is sent and therefore tested. When /^the client successfully cd's up$/ do @client.raw 'CDUP' end When /^the client successfully cd's to "(.*?)"$/ do |path| @client.chdir path end Then /^the current directory should be "(.*?)"$/ do |path| @client.pwd.should == path end Then /^the XPWD directory should be "(.*?)"$/ do |path| @client.xpwd.should == path end