# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'xml/mapping_extensions'
module Datacite
module Mapping
# Controlled vocabulary of description types.
class DescriptionType < TypesafeEnum::Base
# @!parse ABSTRACT = Abstract
new :ABSTRACT, 'Abstract'
# @!parse METHODS = Methods
new :METHODS, 'Methods'
# @!parse SERIES_INFORMATION = SeriesInformation
new :SERIES_INFORMATION, 'SeriesInformation'
# @!parse TABLE_OF_CONTENTS = TableOfContents
new :TABLE_OF_CONTENTS, 'TableOfContents'
# @!parse TECHNICAL_INFO = TechnicalInfo
new :TECHNICAL_INFO, 'TechnicalInfo'
# @!parse OTHER = Other
new :OTHER, 'Other'
# XML mapping class preserving `
` tags in description values
class BreakPreservingValueNode < XML::Mapping::SingleAttributeNode
# Collapses a sequence of text nodes and `
` tags into a single string value.
# Implements `SingleAttributeNode#xml_to_obj`.
# @param obj [Description] the object being created
# @param xml [REXML::Element] the XML being read
def xml_to_obj(obj, xml)
value_str = xml.children.map { |c| c.respond_to?(:value) ? c.value : c.to_s }.join
obj.value = value_str.strip
# Converts a string value to a sequence of text nodes and `
` tags.
# Implements `SingleAttributeNode#obj_to_xml`.
# @param obj [Description] the object being serialized
# @param xml [REXML::Element] the XML being written
def obj_to_xml(obj, xml)
value_str = obj.value || ''
values = value_str.split(%r{
values.each_with_index do |v, i|
xml.add_element('br') unless i + 1 >= values.size
XML::Mapping.add_node_class BreakPreservingValueNode
# A additional information that does not fit in the other more specific {Resource}
# attributes.
# Note: In accordance with the DataCite spec, description text can be separated by
# HTML `
` tags. The {Description} class will preserve these, but at the expense
# of converting escaped `
` in text values to actual `
` tags. For example,
# when reading the following tag:
# Line 1
Line 2 containing escaped <br/> tag
Line 3
# the value will be returned as the string
# "Line 1
Line 2 containing escaped
Line 3"
# in which it is impossible to distinguish the escaped an un-escaped `
`s. The
# value would thus be written back to XML as:
# Line 1
Line 2 containing escaped
Line 3
# Other escaped HTML or XML tags will still be escaped when written back, and other
# un-escaped HTML and XML tags are of course not allowed.
class Description
include XML::Mapping
# Initializes a new {Description}
# @param language [String, nil] an IETF BCP 47, ISO 639-1 language code identifying the language.
# @param type [DescriptionType] the description type.
# @param value [String] the description itself. See {Description} for notes on special
# handling of `
` tags.
def initialize(language: nil, type:, value:)
self.language = language
self.type = type
self.value = value
def language=(value)
@language = value&.strip
def value=(a_value)
new_value = a_value&.strip
raise ArgumentError, 'Value cannot be empty or nil' unless new_value && !new_value.empty?
@value = new_value
# @!attribute [rw] language
# @return [String] an IETF BCP 47, ISO 639-1 language code identifying the language.
text_node :language, '@xml:lang', default_value: nil
# @!attribute [rw] type
# @return [DescriptionType] the description type.
typesafe_enum_node :type, '@descriptionType', class: DescriptionType
# @!attribute [rw] value
# @return [String] the description itself. See {Description} for notes on special
# handling of `
` tags.
break_preserving_value_node :value, 'node()'
fallback_mapping :datacite_3, :_default