require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe YARD::Tags::DefaultFactory do before { @f = } describe "#parse_tag" do it "does not have trailing whitespace on a regular freeform tag" do expect(@f.parse_tag('api', 'private ').text).to eq "private" end end describe "#extract_types_and_name_from_text" do def parse_types(types) @f.send(:extract_types_and_name_from_text, types) end it "handles one type" do expect(parse_types('[A]')).to eq [nil, ['A'], ""] end it "handles a list of types" do expect(parse_types('[A, B, C]')).to eq [nil, ['A', 'B', 'C'], ""] end it "handles ducktypes" do expect(parse_types('[#foo]')).to eq [nil, ['#foo'], ''] end %w(#foo= #<< #<=> #>> #== #=== Array<#<=>> Array<#==>).each do |meth| it "handles ducktypes with special method name #{meth}" do expect(parse_types("[#{meth}]")).to eq [nil, [meth], ''] end end it "only parses #ducktypes inside brackets" do expect(parse_types("#ducktype")).to eq [nil, nil, '#ducktype'] end it "returns the text before and after the type list" do expect(parse_types(' b description')).to eq ['b', ['String'], 'description'] expect(parse_types('b c description (test)')).to eq [nil, nil, 'b c description (test)'] end it "does not allow types to start after a newline" do v = parse_types(" \n [X]") expect(v).to eq [nil, nil, "[X]"] end it "handles a complex list of types" do v = parse_types(' [Test, Array, String]') expect(v).to include(["Test", "Array", "String"]) end it "handles any of the following start/end delimiting chars: (), <>, {}, []" do a = parse_types('[a,b,c]') b = parse_types('') c = parse_types('(a,b,c)') d = parse_types('{a,b,c}') expect(a).to eq b expect(b).to eq c expect(c).to eq d expect(a).to include(['a','b','c']) end it "returns the text before the type list as the last element" do expect(parse_types('b[x, y, z]')).to eq ['b', ['x', 'y', 'z'], ''] expect(parse_types(' ! ')).to eq ["!", ['x'], ''] end it "returns text unparsed if there is no type list" do expect(parse_types('')).to eq [nil, nil, ''] expect(parse_types('[]')).to eq [nil, nil, '[]'] end it "allows A => B syntax" do v = parse_types(' [Test, Array {B => C}}, C>, String]') expect(v).to include(["Test", "Array {B => C}}, C>", "String"]) end it "handles quoted values" do v = parse_types(' ["foo, bar", \'baz, qux\', in"them,iddle"]') expect(v).to include(["\"foo, bar\"", "'baz, qux'", 'in"them,iddle"']) end end describe "#parse_tag_with_types" do def parse_types(text) @f.send(:parse_tag_with_types, 'test', text) end it "parses given types and description" do expect(YARD::Tags::Tag).to receive(:new).with("test", "description", ["x", "y", "z"]) parse_types(' [x, y, z] description') end it "parses given types only" do expect(YARD::Tags::Tag).to receive(:new).with("test", "", ["x", "y", "z"]) parse_types(' [x, y, z] ') end it "allows type list to be omitted" do expect(YARD::Tags::Tag).to receive(:new).with('test', 'description', nil) parse_types(' description ') end it "raises an error if a name is specified before type list" do expect { parse_types('b desc') }.to raise_error(YARD::Tags::TagFormatError, 'cannot specify a name before type list for \'@test\'') end end describe "#parse_tag_with_types_name_and_default" do def parse_types(text) @f.send(:parse_tag_with_types_name_and_default, 'test', text) end it "parses a standard type list with name before types (no default)" do expect(YARD::Tags::DefaultTag).to receive(:new).with("test", "description", ["x", "y", "z"], 'NAME', nil) parse_types('NAME [x, y, z] description') end it "parses a standard type list with name after types (no default)" do expect(YARD::Tags::DefaultTag).to receive(:new).with("test", "description", ["x", "y", "z"], 'NAME', nil) parse_types(' [x, y, z] NAME description') end it "parses a tag definition with name, typelist and default" do expect(YARD::Tags::DefaultTag).to receive(:new).with("test", "description", ["x", "y", "z"], 'NAME', ['default', 'values']) parse_types(' [x, y, z] NAME (default, values) description') end it "parses a tag definition with name, typelist and default when name is before type list" do expect(YARD::Tags::DefaultTag).to receive(:new).with("test", "description", ["x", "y", "z"], 'NAME', ['default', 'values']) parse_types(' NAME [x, y, z] (default, values) description') end it "allows typelist to be omitted" do expect(YARD::Tags::DefaultTag).to receive(:new).with("test", "description", nil, 'NAME', ['default', 'values']) parse_types(' NAME (default, values) description') end end describe "#parse_tag_with_options" do def parse_options(text) @f.parse_tag_with_options('option', text) end it "has a name before tag info" do t = parse_options("xyz key [Types] (default) description") expect(t.tag_name).to eq 'option' expect( eq 'xyz' end it "parses the rest of the tag like DefaultTag" do t = parse_options("xyz key [Types] (default) description") expect(t.pair).to be_instance_of(Tags::DefaultTag) expect(t.pair.types).to eq ["Types"] expect( eq "key" expect(t.pair.defaults).to eq ["default"] expect(t.pair.text).to eq "description" end end end