require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe "Shell" do before { reset_ripl } def shell(options={}) end describe "#loop" do before { mock(shell).before_loop; mock(shell).after_loop } it "exits with exit" do mock(shell).get_input { 'exit' } dont_allow(shell).eval_input shell.loop end it "exits with quit" do mock(shell).get_input { 'quit' } dont_allow(shell).eval_input shell.loop end it "exits with Control-D" do mock(shell).get_input { nil } dont_allow(shell).eval_input shell.loop end end describe "#loop_once" do it "handles Control-C" do mock(shell).get_input { raise Interrupt } dont_allow(shell).eval_input capture_stdout { shell.loop_once }.should == "\n" end it "prints result" do mock(shell).get_input { '"m" * 2' } capture_stdout { shell.loop_once }.should == %[=> "mm"\n] end it "prints error from a failed result" do mock(shell).get_input { "obj =; def obj.inspect; raise 'BOOM'; end; obj" } capture_stderr { shell.loop_once }. should =~ /ripl: Error while printing result.*BOOM/m end it "prints error from eval" do mock(shell).get_input { "raise 'blah'" } capture_stderr { capture_stdout { shell.loop_once }.should == "" }.should =~ /RuntimeError/ end end describe "#prompt" do it "from a string" do shell(:prompt=>'> ').prompt.should == '> ' end it "from a lambda" do shell(:prompt=>lambda { "#{10 + 10}> " }).prompt.should == '20> ' end it "rescues from a failed lambda" do capture_stderr { shell(:prompt=>lambda { wtf }).prompt.should == Shell::OPTIONS[:prompt] }.should =~ /ripl: Error while creating.*NameError.*`wtf'/m end end describe "#before_loop" do before_all { Ripl::Commands.send(:define_method, :ping) { 'pong' } } before { reset_config } it "adds commands to main from Commands" do stub(Ripl::Runner).load_rc"ping").should == 'pong' end it "adds commands to fixnum from Commands" do stub(Ripl::Runner).load_rc = 1.send(:binding)"ping").should == 'pong' end end describe "#eval_input" do before { @line = shell.line; shell.eval_input("10 ** 2") } describe "normally" do it "sets result" do shell.result.should == 100 end it "sets _" do shell.eval_input('_') shell.result.should == 100 end it "increments line" do shell.line.should == @line + 1 end end describe "with error" do before { @line = shell.line @stderr = capture_stderr { shell.eval_input('{') } } it "prints it" do @stderr.should =~ /^SyntaxError:/ end it "sets @error_raised" do shell.instance_variable_get("@error_raised").should == true end it "increments line" do shell.line.should == @line + 1 end end end describe "API" do Shell::API.instance_methods.delete_if {|e| e[/=$/]}.each do |meth| it "##{meth} is accessible to plugins" do mod = Object.const_set "Ping_#{meth}", mod.send(:define_method, meth) { "pong_#{meth}" } Shell.send :include, mod shell.send(meth).should == "pong_#{meth}" end end it "Shell::MESSAGES only calls #[]" do str ='/../lib/ripl/shell.rb') str.scan(/MESSAGES\S+/).all? {|e| e[/MESSAGES\[/] }.should == true end end end