Feature: Multiline description names In order to accurately document feature elements As a cucumberist I want to have multiline names Scenario: multiline scenario When I run cucumber features/multiline_name.feature --no-snippets Then it should pass with """ Feature: multiline Background: I'm a multiline name # features/multiline_name.feature:3 which goes on and on and on for three lines yawn Given passing without a table # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:12 Scenario: I'm a multiline name # features/multiline_name.feature:8 which goes on and on and on for three lines yawn Given passing without a table # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:12 Scenario Outline: I'm a multiline name # features/multiline_name.feature:13 which goes on and on and on for three lines yawn Given without a table # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:12 Examples: | state | | passing | Scenario Outline: name # features/multiline_name.feature:21 Given without a table # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:12 Examples: I'm a multiline name which goes on and on and on for three lines yawn | state | | passing | 3 scenarios (3 passed) 6 steps (6 passed) """