require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS = {:pool_timeout=>5, :pool_sleep_time=>0.001, :max_connections=>4} context "An empty ConnectionPool" do before do @cpool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS){} end specify "should have no available connections" do @cpool.available_connections.should == [] end specify "should have no allocated connections" do @cpool.allocated.should == {} end specify "should have a created_count of zero" do @cpool.created_count.should == 0 end end context "ConnectionPool options" do specify "should support string option values" do cpool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool({:max_connections=>'5', :pool_timeout=>'3', :pool_sleep_time=>'0.01'}){} cpool.max_size.should == 5 cpool.instance_variable_get(:@timeout).should == 3 cpool.instance_variable_get(:@sleep_time).should == 0.01 end specify "should raise an error unless size is positive" do lambda{Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:max_connections=>0)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) lambda{Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:max_connections=>-10)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) lambda{Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:max_connections=>'-10')}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) lambda{Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:max_connections=>'0')}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end context "A connection pool handling connections" do before do @max_size = 2 @cpool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS.merge(:disconnection_proc=>proc{|c| @max_size=3}, :max_connections=>@max_size)) {:got_connection} end specify "#hold should increment #created_count" do @cpool.hold do @cpool.created_count.should == 1 @cpool.hold {@cpool.hold {@cpool.created_count.should == 1}}{@cpool.hold {@cpool.created_count.should == 2}}.join end end specify "#hold should add the connection to the #allocated array" do @cpool.hold do @cpool.allocated.size.should == 1 @cpool.allocated.should == {Thread.current=>:got_connection} end end specify "#hold should yield a new connection" do @cpool.hold {|conn| conn.should == :got_connection} end specify "a connection should be de-allocated after it has been used in #hold" do @cpool.hold {} @cpool.allocated.size.should == 0 end specify "#hold should return the value of its block" do @cpool.hold {:block_return}.should == :block_return end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0' and (!defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) or RUBY_ENGINE != 'jruby') specify "#hold should remove dead threads from the pool if it reaches its max_size" do{@cpool.hold{Thread.current.exit!}}.join{|t| t.alive?}.should == [false]{@cpool.hold{Thread.current.exit!}}.join{|t| t.alive?}.should == [false, false]{@cpool.hold{}}.join @cpool.allocated.should == {} end end specify "#make_new should not make more than max_size connections" do 50.times{{@cpool.hold{sleep 0.001}}} @cpool.created_count.should <= @max_size end specify ":disconnection_proc option should set the disconnection proc to use" do @max_size.should == 2 proc{@cpool.hold{raise Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) @max_size.should == 3 end specify "#hold should remove the connection if a DatabaseDisconnectError is raised" do @cpool.created_count.should == 0 @cpool.hold{{@cpool.hold{}}; sleep 0.01} @cpool.created_count.should == 2 proc{@cpool.hold{raise Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) @cpool.created_count.should == 1 proc{@cpool.hold{raise Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) @cpool.created_count.should == 0 proc{@cpool.hold{raise Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) @cpool.created_count.should == 0 end end context "A connection pool handling connection errors" do specify "#hold should raise a Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError if an exception is raised by the connection_proc" do cpool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS){raise Interrupt} proc{cpool.hold{:block_return}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError) cpool.created_count.should == 0 end specify "#hold should raise a Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError if nil is returned by the connection_proc" do cpool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS){nil} proc{cpool.hold{:block_return}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError) cpool.created_count.should == 0 end end class DummyConnection @@value = 0 def initialize @@value += 1 end def value @@value end end context "ConnectionPool#hold" do before do @pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS) {} end specify "should pass the result of the connection maker proc to the supplied block" do res = nil @pool.hold {|c| res = c} res.should be_a_kind_of(DummyConnection) res.value.should == 1 @pool.hold {|c| res = c} res.should be_a_kind_of(DummyConnection) res.value.should == 1 # the connection maker is invoked only once end specify "should be re-entrant by the same thread" do cc = nil @pool.hold {|c| @pool.hold {|c| @pool.hold {|c| cc = c}}} cc.should be_a_kind_of(DummyConnection) end specify "should catch exceptions and reraise them" do proc {@pool.hold {|c| c.foobar}}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end context "A connection pool with a max size of 1" do before do @invoked_count = 0 @pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS.merge(:max_connections=>1)) {@invoked_count += 1; 'herro'} end specify "should let only one thread access the connection at any time" do cc,c1, c2 = nil t1 = {@pool.hold {|c| cc = c; c1 = c.dup; while c == 'herro';sleep 0.01;end}} sleep 0.02 cc.should == 'herro' c1.should == 'herro' t2 = {@pool.hold {|c| c2 = c.dup; while c == 'hello';sleep 0.01;end}} sleep 0.02 # connection held by t1 t1.should be_alive t2.should be_alive cc.should == 'herro' c1.should == 'herro' c2.should be_nil @pool.available_connections.should be_empty @pool.allocated.should == {t1=>cc} cc.gsub!('rr', 'll') sleep 0.05 # connection held by t2 t1.should_not be_alive t2.should be_alive c2.should == 'hello' @pool.available_connections.should be_empty @pool.allocated.should == {t2=>cc} cc.gsub!('ll', 'rr') sleep 0.05 #connection released t2.should_not be_alive cc.should == 'herro' @invoked_count.should == 1 @pool.size.should == 1 @pool.available_connections.should == [cc] @pool.allocated.should be_empty end specify "should let the same thread reenter #hold" do c1, c2, c3 = nil @pool.hold do |c| c1 = c @pool.hold do |c| c2 = c @pool.hold do |c| c3 = c end end end c1.should == 'herro' c2.should == 'herro' c3.should == 'herro' @invoked_count.should == 1 @pool.size.should == 1 @pool.available_connections.size.should == 1 @pool.allocated.should be_empty end end shared_examples_for "A threaded connection pool" do specify "should let five threads simultaneously access separate connections" do cc = {} threads = [] stop = nil 5.times {|i| threads << {@pool.hold {|c| cc[i] = c; while !stop;sleep 0.01;end}}; sleep 0.01} sleep 0.02 threads.each {|t| t.should be_alive} cc.size.should == 5 @invoked_count.should == 5 @pool.size.should == 5 @pool.available_connections.should be_empty i = 0 h = {} threads.each{|t| h[t] = (i+=1)} @pool.allocated.should == h threads[0].raise "your'e dead" sleep 0.01 threads[3].raise "your'e dead too" sleep 0.01 @pool.available_connections.should == [1, 4] @pool.allocated.should == {threads[1]=>2, threads[2]=>3, threads[4]=>5} stop = true sleep 0.02 @pool.available_connections.size.should == 5 @pool.allocated.should be_empty end specify "should block threads until a connection becomes available" do cc = {} threads = [] stop = nil 5.times {|i| threads << {@pool.hold {|c| cc[i] = c; while !stop;sleep 0.01;end}}; sleep 0.01} sleep 0.02 threads.each {|t| t.should be_alive} @pool.available_connections.should be_empty 3.times {|i| threads << {@pool.hold {|c| cc[i + 5] = c}}} sleep 0.02 threads[5].should be_alive threads[6].should be_alive threads[7].should be_alive cc.size.should == 5 cc[5].should be_nil cc[6].should be_nil cc[7].should be_nil stop = true sleep 0.05 threads.each {|t| t.should_not be_alive} @pool.size.should == 5 @invoked_count.should == 5 @pool.available_connections.size.should == 5 @pool.allocated.should be_empty end end context "Threaded Unsharded Connection Pool" do before do @invoked_count = 0 @pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS.merge(:max_connections=>5)) {@invoked_count += 1} end it_should_behave_like "A threaded connection pool" end context "Threaded Sharded Connection Pool" do before do @invoked_count = 0 @pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS.merge(:max_connections=>5, :servers=>{})) {@invoked_count += 1} end it_should_behave_like "A threaded connection pool" end context "ConnectionPool#disconnect" do before do @count = 0 @pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS.merge(:max_connections=>5, :servers=>{})) {{:id => @count += 1}} end specify "should invoke the given block for each available connection" do threads = [] stop = nil 5.times {|i| threads << {@pool.hold {|c| while !stop;sleep 0.01;end}}; sleep 0.01} while @pool.size < 5 sleep 0.02 end stop = true sleep 0.1 threads.each {|t| t.join} @pool.size.should == 5 @pool.available_connections.size.should == 5 @pool.available_connections.each {|c| c[:id].should_not be_nil} conns = [] @pool.disconnect {|c| conns << c} conns.size.should == 5 end specify "should remove all available connections" do threads = [] stop = nil 5.times {|i| threads << {@pool.hold {|c| while !stop;sleep 0.01;end}}; sleep 0.01} while @pool.size < 5 sleep 0.02 end stop = true sleep 0.1 threads.each {|t| t.join} @pool.size.should == 5 @pool.disconnect @pool.size.should == 0 end specify "should disconnect connections in use as soon as they are no longer in use" do threads = [] stop = nil 5.times {|i| threads << {@pool.hold {|c| while !stop;sleep 0.01;end}}; sleep 0.01} while @pool.size < 5 sleep 0.02 end stop = true sleep 0.1 threads.each {|t| t.join} @pool.size.should == 5 @pool.hold do |conn| @pool.available_connections.size.should == 4 @pool.available_connections.each {|c| c.should_not be(conn)} conns = [] @pool.disconnect {|c| conns << c} conns.size.should == 4 @pool.size.should == 1 end @pool.size.should == 0 end end context "A connection pool with multiple servers" do before do @invoked_counts = @pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS.merge(:servers=>{:read_only=>{}})){|server| "#{server}#{@invoked_counts[server] += 1}"} end specify "#servers should return symbols for all servers" do @pool.servers.sort_by{|s| s.to_s}.should == [:default, :read_only] end specify "should use the :default server by default" do @pool.size.should == 0 @pool.hold do |c| c.should == "default1" @pool.allocated.should == {Thread.current=>"default1"} end @pool.available_connections.should == ["default1"] @pool.size.should == 1 @invoked_counts.should == {:default=>1} end specify "should use the :default server an invalid server is used" do @pool.hold do |c1| c1.should == "default1" @pool.hold(:blah) do |c2| c2.should == c1 @pool.hold(:blah2) do |c3| c2.should == c3 end end end end specify "should use the requested server if server is given" do @pool.size(:read_only).should == 0 @pool.hold(:read_only) do |c| c.should == "read_only1" @pool.allocated(:read_only).should == {Thread.current=>"read_only1"} end @pool.available_connections(:read_only).should == ["read_only1"] @pool.size(:read_only).should == 1 @invoked_counts.should == {:read_only=>1} end specify "#hold should only yield connections for the server requested" do @pool.hold(:read_only) do |c| c.should == "read_only1" @pool.allocated(:read_only).should == {Thread.current=>"read_only1"} @pool.hold do |d| d.should == "default1" @pool.hold do |e| e.should == d @pool.hold(:read_only){|b| b.should == c} end @pool.allocated.should == {Thread.current=>"default1"} end end @invoked_counts.should == {:read_only=>1, :default=>1} end specify "#disconnect should disconnect from all servers" do @pool.hold(:read_only){} @pool.hold{} conns = [] @pool.size.should == 1 @pool.size(:read_only).should == 1 @pool.disconnect{|c| conns << c} conns.sort.should == %w'default1 read_only1' @pool.size.should == 0 @pool.size(:read_only).should == 0 @pool.hold(:read_only){|c| c.should == 'read_only2'} @pool.hold{|c| c.should == 'default2'} end specify "#add_servers should add new servers to the pool" do pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:servers=>{:server1=>{}}){|s| s} pool.hold{} pool.hold(:server2){} pool.hold(:server3){} pool.hold(:server1) do pool.allocated.length.should == 0 pool.allocated(:server1).length.should == 1 pool.allocated(:server2).should == nil pool.allocated(:server3).should == nil pool.available_connections.length.should == 1 pool.available_connections(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.available_connections(:server2).should == nil pool.available_connections(:server3).should == nil pool.add_servers([:server2, :server3]) pool.hold(:server2){} pool.hold(:server3) do pool.allocated.length.should == 0 pool.allocated(:server1).length.should == 1 pool.allocated(:server2).length.should == 0 pool.allocated(:server3).length.should == 1 pool.available_connections.length.should == 1 pool.available_connections(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.available_connections(:server2).length.should == 1 pool.available_connections(:server3).length.should == 0 end end end specify "#add_servers should ignore existing keys" do pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:servers=>{:server1=>{}}){|s| s} pool.allocated.length.should == 0 pool.allocated(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.available_connections.length.should == 0 pool.available_connections(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.hold do |c1| c1.should == :default pool.allocated.length.should == 1 pool.allocated(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.available_connections.length.should == 0 pool.available_connections(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.hold(:server1) do |c2| c2.should == :server1 pool.allocated.length.should == 1 pool.allocated(:server1).length.should == 1 pool.available_connections.length.should == 0 pool.available_connections(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.add_servers([:default, :server1]) pool.allocated.length.should == 1 pool.allocated(:server1).length.should == 1 pool.available_connections.length.should == 0 pool.available_connections(:server1).length.should == 0 end pool.allocated.length.should == 1 pool.allocated(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.available_connections.length.should == 0 pool.available_connections(:server1).length.should == 1 pool.add_servers([:default, :server1]) pool.allocated.length.should == 1 pool.allocated(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.available_connections.length.should == 0 pool.available_connections(:server1).length.should == 1 end pool.allocated.length.should == 0 pool.allocated(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.available_connections.length.should == 1 pool.available_connections(:server1).length.should == 1 pool.add_servers([:default, :server1]) pool.allocated.length.should == 0 pool.allocated(:server1).length.should == 0 pool.available_connections.length.should == 1 pool.available_connections(:server1).length.should == 1 end specify "#remove_servers should disconnect available connections immediately" do pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:max_connections=>5, :servers=>{:server1=>{}}){|s| s} threads = [] stop = nil 5.times {|i| threads <<{pool.hold(:server1){|c| sleep 0.05}}} sleep 0.1 threads.each {|t| t.join} pool.size(:server1).should == 5 pool.remove_servers([:server1]) pool.size(:server1).should == 0 end specify "#remove_servers should disconnect connections in use as soon as they are returned to the pool" do dc = [] pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:servers=>{:server1=>{}}, :disconnection_proc=>proc{|c| dc << c}){|s| s} c1 = nil pool.hold(:server1) do |c| pool.size(:server1).should == 1 dc.should == [] pool.remove_servers([:server1]) pool.size(:server1).should == 0 dc.should == [] c1 = c end pool.size(:server1).should == 0 dc.should == [c1] end specify "#remove_servers should remove server related data structures immediately" do pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:servers=>{:server1=>{}}){|s| s} pool.available_connections(:server1).should == [] pool.allocated(:server1).should == {} pool.remove_servers([:server1]) pool.available_connections(:server1).should == nil pool.allocated(:server1).should == nil end specify "#remove_servers should not allow the removal of the default server" do pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:servers=>{:server1=>{}}){|s| s} proc{pool.remove_servers([:server1])}.should_not raise_error proc{pool.remove_servers([:default])}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "#remove_servers should ignore servers that have already been removed" do dc = [] pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(:servers=>{:server1=>{}}, :disconnection_proc=>proc{|c| dc << c}){|s| s} c1 = nil pool.hold(:server1) do |c| pool.size(:server1).should == 1 dc.should == [] pool.remove_servers([:server1]) pool.remove_servers([:server1]) pool.size(:server1).should == 0 dc.should == [] c1 = c end pool.size(:server1).should == 0 dc.should == [c1] end end ST_CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS = CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS.merge(:single_threaded=>true) context "SingleConnectionPool" do before do @pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(ST_CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS){1234} end specify "should provide a #hold method" do conn = nil @pool.hold{|c| conn = c} conn.should == 1234 end specify "should provide a #disconnect method" do conn = nil x = nil pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(ST_CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS.merge(:disconnection_proc=>proc{|c| conn = c})){1234} pool.hold{|c| x = c} x.should == 1234 pool.disconnect conn.should == 1234 end end context "A single threaded pool with multiple servers" do before do @max_size=2 @pool = Sequel::ConnectionPool.get_pool(ST_CONNECTION_POOL_DEFAULTS.merge(:disconnection_proc=>proc{|c| @max_size=3}, :servers=>{:read_only=>{}})){|server| server} end specify "#servers should return symbols for all servers" do @pool.servers.sort_by{|s| s.to_s}.should == [:default, :read_only] end specify "#add_servers should add new servers to the pool" do @pool.hold(:blah){|c| c.should == :default} @pool.add_servers([:blah]) @pool.hold(:blah){|c| c.should == :blah} end specify "#add_servers should ignore keys already existing" do @pool.hold{|c| c.should == :default} @pool.hold(:read_only){|c| c.should == :read_only} @pool.add_servers([:default, :read_only]) @pool.conn.should == :default @pool.conn(:read_only).should == :read_only end specify "#remove_servers should remove servers from the pool" do @pool.hold(:read_only){|c| c.should == :read_only} @pool.remove_servers([:read_only]) @pool.hold(:read_only){|c| c.should == :default} end specify "#remove_servers should not allow the removal of the default server" do proc{@pool.remove_servers([:default])}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "#remove_servers should disconnect connection immediately" do @pool.hold(:read_only){|c| c.should == :read_only} @pool.conn(:read_only).should == :read_only @pool.remove_servers([:read_only]) @pool.conn(:read_only).should == nil @pool.hold{} @pool.conn(:read_only).should == :default end specify "#remove_servers should ignore keys that do not exist" do proc{@pool.remove_servers([:blah])}.should_not raise_error end specify "should use the :default server by default" do @pool.hold{|c| c.should == :default} @pool.conn.should == :default end specify "should use the :default server an invalid server is used" do @pool.hold do |c1| c1.should == :default @pool.hold(:blah) do |c2| c2.should == c1 @pool.hold(:blah2) do |c3| c2.should == c3 end end end end specify "should use the requested server if server is given" do @pool.hold(:read_only){|c| c.should == :read_only} @pool.conn(:read_only).should == :read_only end specify "#hold should only yield connections for the server requested" do @pool.hold(:read_only) do |c| c.should == :read_only @pool.hold do |d| d.should == :default @pool.hold do |e| e.should == d @pool.hold(:read_only){|b| b.should == c} end end end @pool.conn.should == :default @pool.conn(:read_only).should == :read_only end specify "#disconnect should disconnect from all servers" do @pool.hold(:read_only){} @pool.hold{} conns = [] @pool.conn.should == :default @pool.conn(:read_only).should == :read_only @pool.disconnect{|c| conns << c} conns.sort_by{|x| x.to_s}.should == [:default, :read_only] @pool.conn.should == nil @pool.conn(:read_only).should == nil end specify ":disconnection_proc option should set the disconnection proc to use" do @max_size.should == 2 proc{@pool.hold{raise Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) @max_size.should == 3 end specify "#hold should remove the connection if a DatabaseDisconnectError is raised" do @pool.instance_variable_get(:@conns).length.should == 0 @pool.hold{} @pool.instance_variable_get(:@conns).length.should == 1 proc{@pool.hold{raise Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) @pool.instance_variable_get(:@conns).length.should == 0 end end shared_examples_for "All connection pools classes" do specify "should yield a connection created by the initialize block to hold" do x = nil{}){123}.hold{|c| x = c} x.should == 123 end specify "should have the initialize block accept a shard/server argument" do x = nil{}){|c| [c, c]}.hold{|c| x = c} x.should == [:default, :default] end specify "should raise a DatabaseConnectionError if the connection raises an exception" do proc{{}){|c| raise Exception}.hold{}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError) end specify "should raise a DatabaseConnectionError if the initialize block returns nil" do proc{{}){}.hold{}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError) end specify "should call the disconnection_proc option if the hold block raises a DatabaseDisconnectError" do x = nil proc{>proc{|c| x = c}){123}.hold{raise Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) x.should == 123 end specify "should have a disconnect method that calls the :disconnection_proc option with the connection" do x = nil c =>proc{|c| x = c}){123} c.hold{} x.should == nil c.disconnect x.should == 123 end specify "should have a disconnect method that calls the given block with the connection" do x = nil y = nil c =>proc{|c| x = c}){123} c.hold{} c.disconnect{|c| y = c} x.should == nil y.should == 123 end specify "should have a servers method that returns an array of shard/server symbols" do{}){123}.servers.should == [:default] end specify "should have a servers method that returns an array of shard/server symbols" do c ={}){123} c.size.should == 0 c.hold{} c.size.should == 1 end end Sequel::ConnectionPool::CONNECTION_POOL_MAP.keys.each do |k, v| opts = {:single_threaded=>k, :servers=>(v ? {} : nil)} describe "Connection pool with #{opts.inspect}" do before do @class = Sequel::ConnectionPool.send(:connection_pool_class, opts) end it_should_behave_like "All connection pools classes" end end