class Muck::RecommendationsController < ApplicationController unloadable def index # if a uri isn't specified in params, we assume that they are requesting from the page doing the requesting @uri = params[:u] || request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] if @uri.blank? || !allowed_uri(@uri) render :text => '' return end # we trim eduCommons urls back to the course so all pages in the course get the same recommendations if params[:educommons] @uri = @uri[%r=http://.*?/.*?/[^/]+=] || @uri params[:title] = true params[:more_link] = true end @details = (params[:details] == 'true') @limit = params[:limit] ? params[:limit].to_i : 5 @limit = 25 if @limit > 25 @omit_feeds = params[:omit_feeds] @order = params[:order] == 'relevance' ? 'relevance desc' : (params[:order] || "rank asc, relevance desc") Entry.track_time_on_page(session, @uri) @entry = Entry.recommender_entry(@uri) @recommendations =, @limit, @omit_feeds, @order) @app = request.protocol + request.host_with_port respond_to do |format| format.html do if ! redirect_to resource_path(@entry) + "?limit=#{@limit}&order=#{@order}&details=#{@details}" else render(:text => t('', :uri => params[:uri]), :layout => true) end end format.xml { render('recommendations/index.xml.builder', :layout => false) } format.pjs { render('recommendations/index.pjs.erb', :layout => false) } format.rss { render('recommendations/index.rss.builder', :layout => false) } format.js { render('recommendations/index.js.erb', :layout => false) } end end def get_button @uri = params[:u] render 'recommendations/get_button', :layout => false end def greasemonkey_script render :template => '/recommendations/greasemonkey.user.js.erb', :layout => false end def real_time respond_to do |format| format.html do @uri = params[:u] @cache_key = "recommendations/real_time?u=#{CGI.escape(@uri)}" if !fragment_exist?(@cache_key) @recommendations = Entry.real_time_recommendations(@uri, I18n.locale.to_s, 5) end render 'recommendations/real_time', :layout => false end end end protected def allowed_uri(uri) return false if uri.blank? uri.match(/^(10\.|192\.168|172\.|127\.)/) == nil && uri.include?('localhost') == false end end