module Octopress module Ink module Commands class New def self.process_command(p) p.command(:new) do |c| c.syntax "new [options]" c.description "Create a new Octopress Ink plugin with Ruby gem scaffolding." c.option "theme", "--theme", "Create a new theme." c.option "path", "--path PATH", "Create a plugin at a specified path (defaults to current directory)." c.action do |args, options| if args.empty? raise "Please provide a plugin name, e.g. my_awesome_plugin." else @options = options @options['name'] = args[0] new_plugin end end end end def self.new_plugin path = @options['path'] ||= Dir.pwd gem_name = @options['name'] path_to_gem = File.join(path, gem_name) if !Dir.exist?(path) raise "Directory not found: #{File.expand_path(path)}." end if !Dir["#{path_to_gem}/*"].empty? raise "Directory not empty: #{File.expand_path(path_to_gem)}." end path do create_gem(gem_name) @settings = gem_settings(path_to_gem) @settings[:type] = @options['theme'] ? 'theme' : 'plugin' add_dependency add_plugin add_assets add_demo_files end end # Create a new gem with Bundle's gem command # def self.create_gem(name) begin require 'bundler/cli' bundler = rescue LoadError raise "To use this feautre you'll need to install the bundler gem with `gem install bundler`." end bundler.gem(name) end # Add Octopress Ink dependency to Gemspec # def self.add_dependency pos = @settings[:gemspec].rindex("end") @settings[:gemspec] = insert_before(@settings[:gemspec], pos, indent(dependencies))[:gemspec_path], 'w+') {|f| f.write(@settings[:gemspec]) } end # Returns lines which need to be added as a dependency # # spec_var - variable used to assign gemspec attributes, # e.g. "spec" as in = "gem name" # def self.dependencies minor_version = VERSION.scan(/\d\.\d/)[0] d = "#{@settings[:spec_var]}.add_development_dependency \"octopress\"\n\n" d += "#{@settings[:spec_var]}.add_runtime_dependency \"octopress-ink\", \"~> #{minor_version}\", \">= #{VERSION}\"\n" end # Add Octopress Ink plugin to core module file # def self.add_plugin # Grab the module directory from the version.rb require. # If a gem is created with dashes e.g. "some-gem", Bundler puts the module file at lib/some/gem.rb file = File.join(@settings[:path], @settings[:module_path]) mod = mod = add_simple_plugin mod, 'w+') {|f| f.write(mod) } end def self.add_assets dirs = %w{docs images fonts pages files layouts includes stylesheets javascripts}.map do |asset| File.join(@settings[:path], 'assets', asset) end create_empty_dirs dirs # Add empty configuration file FileUtils.touch File.join(@settings[:path], 'assets', 'config.yml') end # New plugin uses a simple configuration hash # def self.add_simple_plugin(mod) mod = "#{@settings[:require_version]}\n" mod += "require 'octopress-ink'\n" mod += "\nOctopress::Ink.add_plugin({\n#{indent(plugin_config)}\n})" end # Return an Ink Plugin configuration hash desinged for this gem # def self.plugin_config depth = @settings[:module_path].count('/') assets_path = ("../" * depth) + 'assets' config = <<-HERE name: "#{@settings[:module_name]}", slug: "#{@settings[:name]}", assets_path: File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "#{assets_path}")), type: "#{@settings[:type]}", version: #{@settings[:version]}, description: "", website: "" HERE config.rstrip end # Creates a blank Jekyll site for testing out a new plugin # def self.add_demo_files demo_dir = File.join(@settings[:path], 'demo') dirs = %w{_layouts _posts}.map! do |d| File.join(demo_dir, d) end create_empty_dirs dirs index = File.join(demo_dir, 'index.html') action = File.exist?(index) ? "exists".rjust(12).blue.bold : "create".rjust(12).green.bold FileUtils.touch index puts "#{action} #{index}" gemfile_path = File.join(demo_dir, 'Gemfile') gemfile_content = <<-HERE source '' group :octopress do gem 'octopress' gem '#{@settings[:name]}', path: '../' end HERE write(gemfile_path, gemfile_content) config_path = File.join(demo_dir, '_config.yml') config_content = "exclude:\n - Gemfile*" write(config_path, config_content) end def self.write(path, contents) action = File.exist?(path) ? "written".rjust(12).blue.bold : "create".rjust(12).green.bold, 'w+') do |f| f.write(contents) end puts "#{action} #{path}" end def self.create_empty_dirs(dirs) dirs.each do |d| dir = File.join(d) action = Dir.exist?(dir) ? "exists".rjust(12).blue.bold : "create".rjust(12).green.bold FileUtils.mkdir_p dir puts "#{action} #{dir}/" end end # Read gem settings from the gemspec # def self.gem_settings(gem_path) gemspec_path = Dir.glob(File.join(gem_path, "/*.gemspec")).first if gemspec_path.nil? raise "No gemspec file found at #{gem_path}/. To create a new plugin use `octopress ink new `" end gemspec = require_version = gemspec.scan(/require.+version.+$/)[0] module_subpath = require_version.scan(/['"](.+)\/version/).flatten[0] version = gemspec.scan(/version.+=\s+(.+)$/).flatten[0] module_name = format_name(version.split('::')[-2]) { path: gem_path, gemspec: gemspec, gemspec_path: gemspec_path, spec_var: gemspec.scan(/(\w+)\.name/).flatten[0], version: gemspec.scan(/version.+=\s+(.+)$/).flatten[0], name: gemspec.scan(/name.+['"](.+)['"]/).flatten[0], version: version, require_version: require_version, module_path: File.join('lib', module_subpath + '.rb'), module_name: module_name } end # Add spaces between capital letters # def self.format_name(name) name.scan(/.*?[a-z](?=[A-Z]|$)/).join(' ') end # Indent each line of a string # def self.indent(input, level=1) input.gsub(/^/, ' ' * level) end # Insert a string before a position # def self.insert_before(str, pos, input) if pos str[0..(pos - 1)] + input + str[pos..-1] else str end end end end end end