import ApiFetcher from "src/decidim/decidim_awesome/awesome_map/api/api_fetcher"; export default class Fetcher { constructor(controller) { this.controller = controller; this.config = { length: controller.awesomeMap.config.length || 255 }; this.onFinished = () => {}; this.onNode = () => {}; this.onCollection = () => {}; this.hashtags = []; this.collection = this.controller.component.type; // override in specific components: this.query = `query ($id: ID!, $after: String!) { component(id: $id) { id __typename } }`; } fetch(after = "") { const variables = { "id":, "after": after }; const api = new ApiFetcher(this.query, variables); api.fetchAll((result) => { if (result) { const collection = result.component[this.collection]; // console.log("collection", collection) collection.edges.forEach((element) => { let node = element.node; if (!node) { return; } if (node.coordinates && node.coordinates.latitude && node.coordinates.longitude) { this.decorateNode(node); this.onNode(node) } }); this.onCollection(collection); if (collection.pageInfo.hasNextPage) { this.fetch(collection.pageInfo.endCursor); } else { this.onFinished(); } } }); } decorateNode(node) { const body = this.findTranslation(node.body.translations) const title = this.findTranslation(node.title.translations); node.hashtags = this.collectHashtags(title); node.hashtags = node.hashtags.concat(this.collectHashtags(body)); // hashtags in the title look ugly, lets replace the gid:... structure with the tag #name node.title.translation = this.replaceHashtags(title, node.hashtags); node.body.translation = this.appendHtmlHashtags(this.truncate(this.removeHashtags(body)), node.hashtags); // console.log("decorateNode", node.title.translation, "BODY", body, "translation", node.body.translation, node.hashtags) = `${this.controller.component.url}/${}`; } findTranslation(translations) { let lang = document.querySelector("html").getAttribute("lang"), text = ""; translations.forEach((txt) => { if (txt.text) { if (!text || txt.locale === lang) { text = txt.text } } }); return text; } collectHashtags(text) { let tags = []; if (text) { const gids = text.match(/gid:\/\/[^\s<&,;]+/g) if (gids) { tags = gids.filter((gid) => gid.indexOf("/Decidim::Hashtag/") !== -1).map((gid) => { const parts = gid.split("/"); const fromSelector = parts[5].charAt(0) === "_"; const tag = fromSelector ? parts[5].substr(1) : parts[5]; // eslint-disable-line no-ternary, multiline-ternary const name = `#${tag}`; const html = `${name}`; const hashtag = { color: getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue("--secondary"), gid: gid, id: parseInt(parts[4], 10), fromSelector: fromSelector, tag: tag, name: name, html: html } this.hashtags.push(hashtag) return hashtag; }); } } return tags; } replaceHashtags(txt, hashtags) { let text = txt; hashtags.forEach((tag) => { text = text.replace(tag.gid, }); return text; } removeHashtags(text) { return text.replace(/gid:\/\/[^\s<&,;]+/g, ""); } appendHtmlHashtags(txt, tags) { let string = tags.reduce((accumulator, tag) => (accumulator ? `${accumulator} ${tag.html}` : tag.html), ""); if (string) { return `${txt}
`; } return txt; } truncate(html) { return $.truncate(html, this.config); } formatDateRange(startDate, endDate) { // Check if either startDate or endDate is blank if (!startDate || !endDate) { return ""; } // Convert startDate and endDate to JavaScript Date objects const start = new Date(startDate); const end = new Date(endDate); const date = Intl.DateTimeFormat(window.DecidimAwesome.currentLocale, { // eslint-disable-line new-cap year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric" }); return date.formatRange(start, end); } }