module Spree module Admin class ProductsController < ResourceController helper 'spree/products' before_filter :check_json_authenticity, :only => :index before_filter :load_data, :except => :index create.before :create_before update.before :update_before def show redirect_to( :action => :edit ) end def index respond_with(@collection) do |format| format.html format.json { render :json => json_data } end end # override the destory method to set deleted_at value # instead of actually deleting the product. def destroy @product = Product.find_by_permalink!(params[:id]) @product.update_column(:deleted_at, @product.variants_including_master.update_all(:deleted_at => flash.notice = I18n.t('notice_messages.product_deleted') respond_with(@product) do |format| format.html { redirect_to collection_url } format.js { render_js_for_destroy } end end def clone @new = @product.duplicate if flash.notice = I18n.t('notice_messages.product_cloned') else flash.notice = I18n.t('notice_messages.product_not_cloned') end respond_with(@new) { |format| format.html { redirect_to edit_admin_product_url(@new) } } end protected def find_resource Product.find_by_permalink!(params[:id]) end def location_after_save edit_admin_product_url(@product) end # Allow different formats of json data to suit different ajax calls def json_data json_format = params[:json_format] or 'default' case json_format when 'basic' {|p| {'id' =>, 'name' =>}}.to_json else collection.to_json(:include => {:variants => {:include => {:option_values => {:include => :option_type}, :images => {:only => [:id], :methods => :mini_url}}}, :images => {:only => [:id], :methods => :mini_url}, :master => {}}) end end def load_data @taxons = Taxon.order(:name) @option_types = OptionType.order(:name) @tax_categories = TaxCategory.order(:name) @shipping_categories = ShippingCategory.order(:name) end def collection return @collection if @collection.present? unless request.xhr? params[:q] ||= {} params[:q][:deleted_at_null] ||= "1" params[:q][:s] ||= "name asc" @search = super.ransack(params[:q]) @collection = @search.result. group_by_products_id. includes([:master, {:variants => [:images, :option_values]}]). page(params[:page]). per(Spree::Config[:admin_products_per_page]) if params[:q][:s].include?("master_price") # By applying the group in the main query we get an undefined method gsub for Arel::Nodes::Descending # It seems to only work when the price is actually being sorted in the query # To be investigated later. @collection ="spree_variants.price") end else includes = [{:variants => [:images, {:option_values => :option_type}]}, {:master => :images}] @collection = super.where(["name #{LIKE} ?", "%#{params[:q]}%"]) @collection = @collection.includes(includes).limit(params[:limit] || 10) tmp = super.where(["#{Variant.table_name}.sku #{LIKE} ?", "%#{params[:q]}%"]) tmp = tmp.includes(:variants_including_master).limit(params[:limit] || 10) @collection.concat(tmp) end @collection end def create_before return if params[:product][:prototype_id].blank? @prototype = Spree::Prototype.find(params[:product][:prototype_id]) end def update_before # note: we only reset the product properties if we're receiving a post from the form on that tab return unless params[:clear_product_properties] params[:product] ||= {} end end end end