# consumer.rb # N.B. To be used in conjunction with publisher.rb - RUN THIS BEFORE simple_publisher.rb # Assumes that target message broker/server has a user called 'guest' with a password 'guest' # and that it is running on 'localhost'. # If this is not the case, please change the 'Bunny.new' call below to include # the relevant arguments e.g. b = Bunny.new(:user => 'john', :pass => 'doe', :host => 'foobar') $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib' require 'bunny' b = Bunny.new(:logging => true) # start a communication session with the amqp server b.start # create/get queue q = b.queue('po_box') # create/get exchange exch = b.exchange('sorting_room') # bind queue to exchange q.bind(exch, :key => 'fred') # subscribe to queue msg = q.subscribe(:consumer_tag => 'testtag1') # output received message puts msg # close the connection b.stop