# =========================================================================== # Project: Abbot - SproutCore Build Tools # Copyright: ©2009 Apple Inc. # portions copyright @2006-2011 Strobe Inc. # and contributors # =========================================================================== require 'thor' module SC # The tools module contain the classes that make up the command line tools # available from SproutCore. In general, each command line tool has a peer # class hosted in this module that implements the primary user interface. # # Internally SproutCore tools that chain together subtools (such as # sc-build) will actually call these classes directly instead of taking the # time to instantiate a whole new process. # # Each Tool class is implemented as a Thor subclass. You can override # methods in these classes in your own ruby code if you want to make a # change to how these tools execute. Any ruby you place in your Buildfile # to modify one of these classes will actually be picked up by the # tool itself when it runs. # class Tools < ::Thor check_unknown_options! def self.invoke(task_name) start([task_name.to_s] + ARGV) end # All sproutcore tools can take some standard options. These are # processed automatically when the tool is loaded class_option "project", :type => :string class_option "mode", :type => :string class_option "logfile", :type => :string class_option "build", :type => :string class_option "build-targets",:type => :string class_option "yui-minification", :type => :boolean class_option "dont-minify", :type => :boolean class_option "verbose", :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-v" class_option "very-verbose", :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-V" class_option "library", :type => :string #deprecated class_option "environment", :type => :string #deprecated # This is the core entry method used to run every tool. Extend this # method with any standard preprocessing you want all tools to do before # they do their specific thing. def initialize(*) super prepare_logger! prepare_mode! yui_minification! dont_minify! prepare_app! prepare_build_numbers! end no_tasks do ################################################ ## EXCEPTIONS ## # Raise this type of exception when a fatal error occurs because the # user did not pass the correct options. This will be caught and # displayed at the top level before exiting. Note that if you raise # an exception of some other type, then a backtrace may be displayed as # well (Which is not preferred) class FatalException < Exception end # Helper method. Call this when an acception occurs that is fatal due # to a problem with the user. def fatal!(description) raise FatalException, description end # Helper method. Call this when you want to log an info message. Logs # to the standard logger. def info(description) SC.logger.info(description) end # Helper method. Call this when you want to log a debug message. def debug(description) SC.logger.debug(description) end # Log this when you need to issue a warning. def warn(description) SC.logger.warn(description) end ################################################ ## GLOBAL OPTIONS ## # Make the options hash a HashStruct so that we can access each variable # as a method def options; @tool_options ||= HashStruct.new(super); end # Configure the expected log level and log target. Handles the # --verbose, --very-verbose and --logfile options def prepare_logger! SC.env[:log_level] = options[:'very-verbose'] ? :debug : (options[:verbose] ? :info : :warn) SC.env[:logfile] = File.expand_path(options[:logfile]) if options[:logfile] end # Configure the current build mode. Handles the --mode and # --environment options. (--environment is provided for backwards # compatibility) def prepare_mode!(preferred_mode = 'production') build_mode = (options[:mode] || options[:environment] || preferred_mode).to_s.downcase.to_sym SC.build_mode = build_mode end def prepare_app! if options[:'build-targets'] SC.env[:build_targets] = options[:'build-targets'].split(',') else SC.env[:build_targets] = '' end end def yui_minification! SC.env[:yui_minification] = options[:'yui-minification'] end def dont_minify! SC.env[:dont_minify] = options[:'dont-minify'] end # Configure the current build numbers. Handles the --build option. def prepare_build_numbers! return unless (numbers = options[:build]) numbers = numbers.split(',').map { |n| n.split(':') } if numbers.size==1 && numbers.first.size==1 SC.env.build_number = numbers.first.first else hash = {} numbers.each do |pair| key = pair[0] key = "/#{key}" if !(key =~ /^\//) hash[key.to_sym] = pair[1] end end end ################################################ ## HELPER METHODS ## # Set the current project. This is used mostly for unit testing. def project=(a_project) @project = a_project end def set_test_project(a_project) @project = a_project @discovered_project = true end # The current project. This is discovered based on the passed --project # option or based on the current working directory. If no project can # be found, this method will always return null. def project return @project if @discovered_project # cache - @project may be nil @discovered_project = true ret = nil project_path = options[:project] || options[:library] # if no project_path is named explicitly, attempt to autodiscover from # working dir. If none is found, just set project to nil unless project_path debug "No project path specified. Searching for projects in #{Dir.pwd}" ret = SC::Project.load_nearest_project Dir.pwd, :parent => SC.builtin_project # if project path is specified, look there. If no project is found # die with a fatal exception. else debug "Project path specified at #{project_path}" ret = SC::Project.load File.expand_path(project_path), :parent => SC.builtin_project if ret.nil? fatal! "Could not load project at #{project_path}" end end info "Loaded project at: #{ret.project_root}" unless ret.nil? @project = ret end # Attempts to discover the current project. If no project can be found # throws a fatal exception. Use this method at the top of your tool # method if you require a project to run. def requires_project! ret = project if ret.nil? fatal!("You do not appear to be inside of a project. Try changing to your project directory or make sure your project as a Buildfile or sc-config") end return ret end # Find one or more targets with the passed target names in the current # project. Requires a project to function. def find_targets(*targets) debug "finding targets with names: '#{targets * "','"}'" requires_project! # Filter out any empty target names. Sometimes this happens when # processing arguments. targets.reject! { |x| x.nil? || x.size == 0} # If targets are specified, find the targets project or parents... if targets.size > 0 targets = targets.map do |target_name| begin ret = project.target_for(target_name) rescue Exception => e SC.logger.fatal("Exception when searching for target #{target_name}. Perhaps your Buildfile is configured wrong?") raise e end if ret.nil? fatal! "No target named #{target_name} could be found in PROJECT:#{project.project_root}" else debug "Found target '#{target_name}' at PROJECT:#{ret.source_root.sub(/^#{project.project_root}\//,'')}" end ret end # IF no targets are specified, then just get all targets in project. # If --all option was specified, include those that do not autobuild else targets = project.targets.values unless options.all? targets.reject! { |t| !t.config.autobuild? } end end appnames = SC.env[:build_targets] # if it has the appname argument only build the target with the appname if appnames.size > 0 tar = [] targets.each do |target| appnames.each do |appname| if target.target_name.to_s.eql? '/'+appname tar << target end end end targets = tar end # If include required was specified, merge in all required bundles as # well. Note that we do this whether --build-targets is specified or not. if options[:'include-required'] tar = targets.clone targets.each do |target| required = target.expand_required_targets :theme => true, :debug => target.config.load_debug, :tests => target.config.load_tests required.each {|t| t.config[:minify_javascript] = false if not targets.include? t } tar += required end targets = tar.flatten.uniq.compact end targets end # Wraps around find_targets but raises an exception if no target is # specified. def requires_targets!(*target_names) if target_names.size == 0 fatal! "You must specify a target with this command" end targets = find_targets(*target_names) if targets.size == 0 fatal! "No targets matching #{target_names * ","} were found." end targets end # Requires exactly one target. def requires_target!(*targets) requires_targets!(*targets).first end # Discovers the languages requested by the user for a build. Uses the # --languages command line option or disovers in targets. def find_languages(*targets) # Use passed languages. If none are specified, merge installed # languages for all app targets. unless (languages = options.languages) languages = targets.map { |t| t.installed_languages } else languages = languages.split(',').map { |l| l.to_sym } end languages.flatten.uniq.compact end # Discovers build numbers requested for the build and sets them in the # in the env if needed. def find_build_numbers(*targets) if options['build-numbers'] numbers = {} options['build-numbers'].split(',').each do |pair| pair = pair.split(':') if pair.length < 2 fatal! "Could not parse build numbers! #{options['build-numbers']}" end numbers["/#{pair[0]}"] = pair[1] end SC.env.build_numbers = numbers SC.logger.info "Using build numbers: #{numbers.map { |k,v| "#{k}: #{v}" }.join(',')}" end end # Core method to process command line options and then build a manifest. # Shared by sc-manifest, sc-build and sc-docs commands. def build_manifests(*targets) # setup build numbers find_build_numbers(*targets) requires_project! # get project targets = find_targets(*targets) # get targets languages = find_languages(*targets) # get languages # log output SC.logger.info "Building targets: #{targets.map { |t| t.target_name } * ","}" SC.logger.info "Building languages: #{ languages * "," }" # Now fetch the manifests to build. One per target/language manifests = targets.map do |target| languages.map { |l| target.manifest_for :language => l } end manifests.flatten! # Build'em manifests.each do |manifest| SC.logger.info "Building manifest for: #{manifest.target.target_name}:#{manifest.language}" manifest.build! end return manifests end # Logs the contents of the passed file path to the logger def log_file(path) if !File.exists?(path) warn "Could not display #{File.basename(path)} at #{File.dirname(path)} because it does not exist." end file_text = File.read(path) SC.logger << file_text SC.logger << "\n" end ################################################ ## MAIN ENTRYPOINT ## # Fix start so that it treats command-name like command_name def self.start(args = ARGV) # manually check for verbose in case we don't get far enough in # regular processing to actually set the verbose mode. is_verbose = %w(-v -V --verbose --very-verbose).any? { |x| args.include?(x) } begin super(args) rescue Exception => e SC.logger.fatal(e) if is_verbose && !e.kind_of?(FatalException) SC.logger.fatal("BACKTRACE:\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}\n") end exit(1) end end end # no_tasks end end require "sproutcore/tools/build" require "sproutcore/tools/build_number" require "sproutcore/tools/docs" require "sproutcore/tools/gen" require "sproutcore/tools/init" require "sproutcore/tools/manifest" require "sproutcore/tools/server"