require 'optparse' require 'oauth' module OAuth class CLI SUPPORTED_COMMANDS = { "authorize" => "Obtain an access token and secret for a user", "debug" => "Verbosely generate an OAuth signature", "sign" => "Generate an OAuth signature" } attr_reader :command attr_reader :options attr_reader :stdout, :stdin def self.execute(stdout, stdin, stderr, arguments = []), stdin, stderr, arguments) end def initialize @options = {} # don't dump a backtrace on a ^C trap(:INT) { exit } end def execute(stdout, stdin, stderr, arguments = []) @stdout = stdout @stdin = stdin @stderr = stderr extract_command_and_parse_options(arguments) if sufficient_options? && valid_command? if command == "debug" @command = "sign" @options[:verbose] = true end case command # TODO move command logic elsewhere when "authorize" # Y! token authority requires when headers are in use # TODO remove :scheme when that's been fixed # TODO determine endpoints w/ X-RDS-Simple consumer = \ options[:oauth_consumer_key], options[:oauth_consumer_secret], :access_token_url => options[:access_token_url], :authorize_url => options[:authorize_url], :request_token_url => options[:request_token_url], :scheme => :query_string # get a request token request_token = consumer.get_request_token stdout.puts "Please visit this url to authorize:" stdout.puts request_token.authorize_url stdout.puts "Press return to continue..." stdin.gets begin # get an access token access_token = request_token.get_access_token stdout.puts "Response:" access_token.params.each do |k,v| stdout.puts " #{k}: #{v}" end rescue OAuth::Unauthorized => e stderr.puts "A problem occurred while attempting to obtain an access token:" stderr.puts e end when "sign" parameters = prepare_parameters request = OAuth::RequestProxy.proxy \ "method" => options[:method], "uri" => options[:uri], "parameters" => parameters if verbose? stdout.puts "OAuth parameters:" request.oauth_parameters.each do |k,v| stdout.puts " " + [k, v] * ": " end stdout.puts if request.non_oauth_parameters.any? stdout.puts "Parameters:" request.non_oauth_parameters.each do |k,v| stdout.puts " " + [k, v] * ": " end stdout.puts end end request.sign! \ :consumer_secret => options[:oauth_consumer_secret], :token_secret => options[:oauth_token_secret] if verbose? stdout.puts "Method: #{request.method}" stdout.puts "URI: #{request.uri}" stdout.puts "Normalized params: #{request.normalized_parameters}" unless options[:xmpp] stdout.puts "Signature base string: #{request.signature_base_string}" if options[:xmpp] stdout.puts stdout.puts "XMPP Stanza:" stdout.puts <<-EOS #{request.oauth_consumer_key} #{request.oauth_token} #{request.oauth_signature_method} #{request.oauth_signature} #{request.oauth_timestamp} #{request.oauth_nonce} #{request.oauth_version} EOS stdout.puts stdout.puts "Note: You may want to use bare JIDs in your URI." stdout.puts else stdout.puts "OAuth Request URI: #{request.signed_uri}" stdout.puts "Request URI: #{request.signed_uri(false)}" stdout.puts "Authorization header: #{request.oauth_header(:realm => options[:realm])}" end stdout.puts "Signature: #{request.oauth_signature}" stdout.puts "Escaped signature: #{OAuth::Helper.escape(request.oauth_signature)}" else stdout.puts request.oauth_signature end end else usage end end protected def extract_command_and_parse_options(arguments) @command = arguments[-1] parse_options(arguments[0..-1]) end def option_parser option_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options] " # defaults options[:oauth_nonce] = OAuth::Helper.generate_key options[:oauth_signature_method] = "HMAC-SHA1" options[:oauth_timestamp] = OAuth::Helper.generate_timestamp options[:oauth_version] = "1.0" options[:params] = [] ## Common Options opts.on("--consumer-key KEY", "Specifies the consumer key to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_consumer_key] = v end opts.on("--consumer-secret SECRET", "Specifies the consumer secret to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_consumer_secret] = v end ## Options for signing opts.on("--method METHOD", "Specifies the method (e.g. GET) to use when signing.") do |v| options[:method] = v end opts.on("--nonce NONCE", "Specifies the none to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_nonce] = v end opts.on("--parameters PARAMS", "Specifies the parameters to use when signing.") do |v| options[:params] << v end opts.on("--signature-method METHOD", "Specifies the signature method to use; defaults to HMAC-SHA1.") do |v| options[:oauth_signature_method] = v end opts.on("--secret SECRET", "Specifies the token secret to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_token_secret] = v end opts.on("--timestamp TIMESTAMP", "Specifies the timestamp to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_timestamp] = v end opts.on("--token TOKEN", "Specifies the token to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_token] = v end opts.on("--realm REALM", "Specifies the realm to use.") do |v| options[:realm] = v end opts.on("--uri URI", "Specifies the URI to use when signing.") do |v| options[:uri] = v end opts.on("--version VERSION", "Specifies the OAuth version to use.") do |v| options[:oauth_version] = v end opts.on("--no-version", "Omit oauth_version.") do options[:oauth_version] = nil end opts.on("--xmpp", "Generate XMPP stanzas.") do options[:xmpp] = true options[:method] ||= "iq" end opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "Be verbose.") do options[:verbose] = true end ## Options for authorization opts.on("--access-token-url URL", "Specifies the access token URL.") do |v| options[:access_token_url] = v end opts.on("--authorize-url URL", "Specifies the authorization URL.") do |v| options[:authorize_url] = v end opts.on("--request-token-url URL", "Specifies the request token URL.") do |v| options[:request_token_url] = v end end end def parse_options(arguments) option_parser.parse!(arguments) end def prepare_parameters escaped_pairs = options[:params].collect do |pair| if pair =~ /:/ Hash[*pair.split(":", 2)].collect do |k,v| [CGI.escape(k.strip), CGI.escape(v.strip)] * "=" end else pair end end querystring = escaped_pairs * "&" cli_params = CGI.parse(querystring) { "oauth_consumer_key" => options[:oauth_consumer_key], "oauth_nonce" => options[:oauth_nonce], "oauth_timestamp" => options[:oauth_timestamp], "oauth_token" => options[:oauth_token], "oauth_signature_method" => options[:oauth_signature_method], "oauth_version" => options[:oauth_version] }.reject { |k,v| v.nil? || v == "" }.merge(cli_params) end def sufficient_options? case command # TODO move command logic elsewhere when "authorize" options[:oauth_consumer_key] && options[:oauth_consumer_secret] && options[:access_token_url] && options[:authorize_url] && options[:request_token_url] else options[:oauth_consumer_key] && options[:oauth_consumer_secret] && options[:method] && options[:uri] end end def usage stdout.puts stdout.puts stdout.puts "Available commands:" SUPPORTED_COMMANDS.each do |command, desc| puts " #{command.ljust(15)}#{desc}" end end def valid_command? SUPPORTED_COMMANDS.keys.include?(command) end def verbose? options[:verbose] end end end