##1.3.4 (July 26th, 2013) Changes: - support for sidekiq queues ## (June 23th, 2013) Fixes: - injected logical operators must be upper case in order to support Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN_ANY_CASE set to false ##1.3.3 (June 23th, 2013) Changes: - xapian query parser flags are now configurable (see README) Breaking Changes: - enable_phrase_search config option is no longer supported (use config.enable_query_flag Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE instead) ##1.3.2 (April 10th, 2013) Changes: - new no_split option for attributes and indexes; useful if you use a global term_splitter_count but want to disable splitting for a certain attribute ##1.3.1 (February 25th, 2013) Fixes: - json codec handles nil values gracefully ##1.3 (February 19th, 2013) Breaking Changes: - changed the internal serialization format for attributes; the new default is string, new codecs were added. YAML is not supported anymore, although you could implement a YAML-Codec on your own if you need it (see examples/custom_serialization.rb) Changes: - New option to enable / disable phrase search support - term splitter option to boost "live queries" (see README) ##1.2.5 (January 4th, 2013) Changes: - Define the min length a term must have to make it into the index (see README) - define if a method should be indexed with its method name so you can do field searches (e.g. name:kogler); defaults to true Fixes: - query result creation optimized (lower memory footprint, better performance) ## (December 17th, 2012) Fixes: - database reset removed since it has concurrency problems ## (Decmber 17th, 2012) Changes: - progressbar gem replaced by ruby-progressbar - XapianDb.rebuild_xapian_index resets the database to remove any stale index data ## (July 19th, 2012) Fixes: - Fixes requiring the environment when calling rake. Prevented eg creation of the database using rake db:create ## (May 30h, 2012) Fixes: - do not add attributes with null values to a document ## (May 1st, 2012) Fixes: - handle null values on date and datetime attributes correctly ## (May 1st, 2012) Changes: - access the attributes of a xapian document as a hash table (like active record) ## (April 5th, 2012) Fixes: - better indexing for attributes containing arrays (index rebuild recommended) ##1.2.4 (March 6th, 2012) Features: - Codec for DateTime objects added - autoindex option for blueprints added Fixes: - the ActiveRecord after_commit hook must not reindex the object if it is a destroy action ##1.2.3 (December 12th, 2011) Changes: - avoid eager loading of model classes in a rails app. The blueprint configuration file (xapian_blueprints.rb) caused all referenced classes to get loaded and parsed on every request. While not a problem in production environments, it could be a huge performance hit in development (especially when using the asset pipleline with many assets). The solution is based on the proof of concept by [Yves Senn](http://github.com/senny). Simply use symbols or strings instead of the classes in your xapian_blueprints.rb and wrap base_queries inside a block. See the README for updated informations on how to configure blueprints. - added a rails example app using datamapper - added a rake task to rebuild the index - internal refactorings / optimizations ## (November 29th, 2011) Changes: - removed dependency to xapian-ruby to allow custom installs of the xapian binaries (see chapter Installing xapian binaries in the README) ## (November 22th, 2011) Fixes: - always use the correct table name for order clauses when indexing - allow nil values for attributes declared :as => :date - lazy load queue writers (beanstalk_writer, resque_writer) when needed ##1.2.2 (November 15th, 2011) Features: - resultset accepts limit and paging options as strings - added natural sort order option for blueprints (see README for details) IMPORTANT: FULL INDEX REBUILD REQUIRED FOR THIS RELEASE! ## (November 10th, 2011) Fixes: - resque writer wasn't loaded when beanstalk wasn't installed (thanks, javierv) ##1.2.1 (November 9th, 2011) Fixes: - removed explicit dependency on resque ##1.2.0 (November 8th, 2011) Fixes: - find_similar_to supports the :limit option Features: - new index worker / writer for resque (thanks, Michael) - support for namespaced models (thanks, Albert) ##1.1.4 (October 25th, 2011) Fixes: - removed loading of the deprecated rake task from the railtie ##1.1.3 (October 24th, 2011) Fixes: - weight option for attributes and indexed values was not correctly applied ##1.1.2 (September 10th, 2011) Fixes: - beanstalk_work flushes log messages (reinstall the worker script: rails generate xapian_db:install) Features: - massive performance optimization in rebuild_xapian_index ##1.1.1 (September 9th, 2011) Fixes: - fixed a bug in XapianDb.rebuild_xapian_index that did not index all records of a klass; it ist highly recommended to run Xapian.rebuild_xapian_index after installing this version Features: - base query option for blueprints; may speed up reindexing signifiantly if you index associations ##1.1 (September 7th, 2011) Fixes: - better handling of the beanstalk-client dependency - recreate the xapian index database if the configured path exists but does not contain a valid xapian index - support for non-integer primary keys (removed unneccesary to_i conversion) Features: - rails sample app upgraded to 3.1 - support for value range queries (strings, dates, numbers) - sorting now works on a global query, too (XapianDb.search...) - global factes queries have now the same options like class scoped facet queries - Support for custom serialization into xapian documents; overwrite the serialization implementation in type_codec.rb or implement your own serialization for specific types (see examples/custom_serialization.rb) - support to reindex a single object while evaluation an ignore_if block (if present) IMPORTANT: YOU MUST REBUILD YOUR XAPIAN INDEX DATABASE SINCE THE INDEX STRUCTURE HAS CHANGED! ##1.0 (August 17th, 2011) Features: - find similar documents based on one or more reference documents ##0.5.15 (July 8th, 2011) Features: - faster install if the new, dependent gem containig xapian (xapian-ruby) is already installed ##0.5.14 (July 7th, 2011) Fixes: - fixed an issue in the beanstalk worker (delete task could not retrieve the xapian id from an already deleted object) ##0.5.13 (June 20th, 2011) Fixes: - handle attribute objects that return nil from to_s Features: - updated the xapian source to 1.2.6 - xapian source and build artefacts are removed after successful install - added support for namespaced classes ##0.5.12 (April 28th, 2011) Fixes: - avoid stale blueprint setups when an indexed class is reloaded ##0.5.11 (April 21st, 2011) Features: - XapianDb.search accepts all options supported by XapianDb::Database.search - Rails log entries include query execution time - small changes to the beanstalk worker error handling ##0.5.10 (April 6th, 2011) Features: - the beanstalk worker is now implemented as a daemon script (execute 'rails generate xapian_db:install' to install it) - execute a block with auto indexing disabled (see 'Bulk inserts / updates / deletes' in teh README) - updated the xapian source to version 1.2.5 ##0.5.9 (March 25th, 2011) Fixes: - indexing was broken in 0.5.8 ##0.5.8 (March 22th, 2011) Fixes: - automatic reindexing of a changed object now works when using beanstalk and the worker rake task Features: - support for transactions (see the README for details) ##0.5.7 (March 7th, 2011) Fixes: - limit_value on the resultset is calculated again when the resultset is empty (thanks, Javi) - added an order by id for rebuild_xapian_index to ensure that limit and offset work as expected Features: - option to specify a specific adapter for a blueprint overriding the global configuration ##0.5.6 (February 28th, 2011) Features: - documents returned by a query have the new score property that reflects the match relevance in percent (1-100%) - added compatibility to the kaminari pagination gem (thanks, Javi) - added support for phrase searches (XapianDb.search('"this exact sentence"')) ##0.5.5 (February 25th, 2011) Fixes: - ":memory:" as a configuration option for a database works again (was broken in 0.5.4) - forcing utf-8 encoding on a spelling suggestion returned by the xapian query parser Features: - configure only those environments in xapian_db.yml where you want to override the defaults - XapianDb.rebuild_xapian_index rebuilds the index for all blueprints ##0.5.4 (February 22nd, 2011) Fixes: - relative database paths in the config file are resolved correctly when the Rails server is started as a daemon (-d) Breaking Changes: - the spelling suggestion of a query is now nil instead of an empty string if no suggestions were returned from xapian - the resultset class (what you get back from a query) has been refactored for easier handling. See the README ("Process the results") for details ##0.5.3 (February 15th, 2011) Fixes: - index blueprints can now handle inheritance. If a class does not have its own index blueprint, xapian_db uses the index blueprint from its super class (if defined) - Added an ignore option to the blueprint definition to filter out objects that should not go into the index ##0.5.2 (January 11th, 2011) Features: - xapian-core and xapian-ruby-bindings sources are now included and will be compiled and installed with the gem ##0.5.1 (December 22th, 2010) Features: - simple facet support for indexed classes. Any attribute can be used in a facet search Fixes: - attribute names that match a Xapian::Document method are not allowed ##0.5.0 (December 19th, 2010) Features: - beanstalk based index writer for production environments (multiple app instances, e.g. mongrel clusters, passenger...) ##0.4.2 (December 17th, 2010) Features: - added a sample rails application to the repo - added the id attribute for documents based on ActiveRecord and Datamapper objects Changes: - removed the language_method option from the blueprint configuration since it gives unpredictable results Bugfixes: - fixed the initialization error in a Rails app if there is no xapian_db.yml config file - fixed the fallback to the global language when a model has an unsupported language and a language method is configured in the blueprint - fixed an issue with yaml deserialization of ActiveRecord objects (only the attributes hash should be serialized) ##0.4.1 (December 16th, 2010) Bugfixes: - fixed the handling of invalid page arguments in resultset.paginate. Invalid page arguments return an empty result set - searches with an empty search expression do not raise an exception anymore and return an empty resultset ##0.4.0 (December 15th, 2010) Features: - Simple facets implementation. The only facet supported is the class name of the indexed objects - Support for sorting (only for class searches, not for global searches) - The result of a search can be used with will_paginate Bugfixes: - removed the class scope expression from the spelling suggestion when searching on a class - keys of the attributes and index hashes are now sorted to be compatible with ruby 1.8 (which does not preserve the order of the keys in a hash) - Fixed the problem that blueprint configurations got lost after the first request in the development env (Rails only). You should put your blueprints either into a class that is loaded by Rails or into the file config/xapian_blueprints.rb wich is loaded automatically by XapianDb **Since the internal structure of the index has changed, you must reindex your objects if you come from an earlier version of XapianDb!** ##0.3.4 (December 14th, 2010) Features: - perform searches on indexed classes to scope the search to objects of a specific class - specify multiple blueprint attributes and index methods in one statement (without specifying options) - use blocks for complex attribute or index specifications Changes: - changed the implementation of Resultset.size to get more accurate estimations - changed the indexing of active_record or datamapper models when declared as attributes or indexes in a blueprint (indexes now all attributes of the object instead of using to_s) ##0.3.3 (December 13th, 2010) Features: - Support for multi language stop words. The implementation was inspired by John Leachs xapian-fu gem - Support for query spelling correction (similar to Google's 'did you mean...'). This feature is only available for persistent databases (due to a limitation of Xapian) Changes: - Languages must be configured by the iso language code (:en, :de, ...). No more support for the english language names (:english, :german, ...) - Reduced the memory footprint when reindexing large tables ##0.3.2 (December 10th, 2010) Features: - Moved the per_page option from Resultset.paginate to Database.search - Added support for language settings (global and dynamic per object) - Added support for xapian stemmers - Removed the dependency to progressbar (but it is still used if available) - Made the rebuild_xapian_index method silent by default (use :verbose => true to get status info) ##0.3.1 (December 6th, 2010) Bugfixes: - Fixed the gemspec ##0.3.0 (December 4th, 2010) Features: - Rails integration with configuration file (config/xapian_db.yml) and automatic setup ##0.2.0 (December 1st, 2010) Features: - Blueprint configuration extended - Adapter for Datamapper - Search by attribute names - Search with wildcards - Document attributes can carry anything that is serializable by YAML ##0.1.0 (November 23th, 2010) Proof of concept, not really useful for real world usage