require "goon_model_gen" require "erb" require "yaml" require "goon_model_gen/source/context" require "goon_model_gen/source/file" module GoonModelGen module Source class Loader # @param filepaths [Array] # @return [Context] def process(filepaths) context = filepaths.each do |filepath| load_source_yaml(context, filepath) end return context end # @param context [Context] # @param path [string] def load_source_yaml(context, path) erb =, nil, "-") erb.filename = path txt = erb.result raw = YAML.load(txt) f = do |f| f.context = context context.files.push(f) end (raw['types'] || {}).each do |name, t| source_type = if t['fields'].is_a?(Hash) load_struct(f, name, t).tap do |s| if g = t['goon'] s.id_name = g['id_name'] s.id_type = g['id_type'] end end elsif t['enum_map'].is_a?(Hash) && t['base'] f.new_enum(name, t['base'], t['enum_map'].map{|k,v| {k => v}}) elsif t['enum'].is_a?(Array) && t['base'] f.new_enum(name, t['base'], t['enum']) elsif t['slice_of'].is_a?(String) f.new_named_slice(name, t['slice_of']) else raise "Unsupported type definition named '#{name}': #{t.inspect}" end source_type.generators = case t['generates'] when false then{}) # Return empty Hash not to generate any file when nil, true then # Fulfill by default methods when Hash then t['generates'].each_with_object({}) do |(k,v), d| d[k] = case v when false then {} when nil, true then nil when Array then v.each_with_object({}){|i,d| d[i] = true} when Hash then v else raise "Invalid generates value in #{k.inspect}: #{v.inspect}" end end when Array then t['generates'].each_with_object({}){|i,d| d[i] = true} else raise "Invalid generates: #{t['generates'].inspect}" end end end # @param f [File] # @param name [String] # @param t [Hash|Hash] definition of struct from YAML # @return [Struct] def load_struct(f, name, t) f.new_struct(name).tap do |s| s.ref_name = t['ref_name'] t['fields'].each do |field_name, attrs| attrs = {'type' => attrs} unless attrs.is_a?(Hash) s.new_field(field_name, attrs) end end end end end end